chapter 19 🐾 One On One

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Richard's pov.

My alarm goes off. I get up to go to my closet to get dressed.

She didn't come to me last night. That's okay though. I like it. Actually never had to pursue a woman before or ask her to come to me and it's enticing. I want to count down the days till she finally caves and submit's herself to me fully. She WILL submit to me. I could demand her submission being Alpha and she'd have no choice...but I was a shit tard. I can't say I mind the chase it only makes us want her all the more. She has no clue what she does to me but she will. This kinda magic leave's you unsatisfied with a hunger growing more fiercer than reckoning with.

I head and brush my teeth tame my shaggy ass hair and start heading toward's the dining room. I noticed my son gets up twenty minutes earlier than me. He's quite self deficient at his young age and I'd like to have the morning's before my girl's get up with my boy. One on one..will help strengthen us a bond of our own.

I get to the dining room Julious is already set at the table devouring his breakfast. I take a seat and grab a plate to fill. "Morning," I say.

"Moring father" Julious mumbles. While chewing a bagel with cream cheese spread up top.

"You sleep well?" I ask.

"Fantastic" He states.

"Ready for school today?" I really want to know.

"Thank about it. My IQ's a lot higher than that of Kindergartners. I only stay with the lower IQ because mommy wants me to stay close to School's boring. My teacher's love me of don't worry you won't be getting any complaints." Julious informs me.

Does he think I'd be easily displeased with him? "Julious look at me." He looks me in the eye as a man. "I'm your father..even if you were not perfect and your teacher didn't like'd still wake every morning my son. I'll always have your back son. Do you understand? Do you understand this father and son thing?"

His face softens a bit..he suddenly looks a five-year-old that needed to hear his father's care wouldn't waver so easily. He needed confirmation I'd still be there for him no matter the circumstances...and I secretly wish he knew without me having to tell him..but he's only had a father one day now and I've only had a son one day. Not doing to bad so far I say. I had a great father to learn from. I'll give him all my father gave me.

He nod's at me. "Okay," He says and goes back to eating his bagel.

After I've had breakfast with my family...I wish them all a great day. Then, of course, I steal a soft kiss from my Luna's cheek. My wolf is somewhat respecting our deal he likes the chase to..we are predators after all.

I head to my office. My instincts say I need to speak to my beta Josh very soon. Alpha Ryan has my wolf Ted on edge...I need this information like my right arm. He's trouble I feel it in my very morrow I just need to know the why.

My pack has some of the best-trained wolves in the country. We train in multiple area's we even have spies.

I get to the office greet Amber a morning and now wait for my beta. I give him order's and he gives his order's down to the person whom will extract my information..and then they will inform him then him me. That's how it's done.

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