Chapter 38 🐾 The News

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Winters pov.

I lock eyes with Richard and I can feel his urgency to fix me to know what's wrong to protect me from all things big and small.

He won't be able to fix this. I know what's wrong with me. I'm pretty sure anyway.

If I'm right I'm pregnant again after all these years.

If I'm wrong...I'm departing from this world cause I'm sicker than shit right now.

"I think I'm pregnant."

Speechlessly he walks over picking me up from my seat to place me in his lap.

I snuggle my face into his shirt breathing in his scent.

It calms me down and makes me feel less nauseous. He kisses the top of my head while rubbing my back.

"Are you mad?" He asks a bit hesitantly.

I pull back to gaze in his eyes he's so nervous I wonder why. He's a great dad.

"No, I'll be happy."

He nods his head but still looks scared.

"Do you not want a baby?" I ask.

He grabs my head between his hands and gives me a sad look.

"Yes, I want lots of pups but I didn't ask you or talk to you about it while you were in heat and I just got into the twin's lives."

He takes a huge intake of air and huffs it out.

"I just don't want them mad at me or jealous cause I will love them the same even if I didn't change their poopy diapers."

I nod my head in understanding.

"We will tell them together. Okay?"


He kisses my nose and then goes back to rubbing my back.

"I love you," I tell him.

"I love you babe" He states then kisses my head again.

Two knocks sound off the door then it opens for the doc to trout in.

"Luna...Alpha." He gulps loudly.

"You never leave your Luna in a waiting room again you hear me? You won't make that mistake twice."

He growls.

He's only gonna get worse once he knows
I'm with child.

"I'm terribly sorry Alpha we were extremely busy and I had to have your permission to treat her Alpha please accept my sincere apology."

"Get on with it what's wrong with her. Is my mate pregnant or what?"

"Yes Alpha she very mich is with child. It's still early so at eight weeks we will take your first ultrasound, Luna. We will keep once a month appointments until you're second trimester. You only have two being a wolf. Around twelve weeks we can determine the sex of the pup and labor at twenty-two weeks.

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