Chapter 4 🐾 His Term's

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Winter's pov.

My wolf, she's doing all she can to take me over it's all I can do to just keep her back. I'm, on the other hand, doing all I can to just stay calm. Breathe...I tell myself...just breathe... I'm barely getting any air intake...pain's in my chest..mind fogging me out. One thing I know...I can't break down in front of my pups. They've always seen me as a strong mother and a father to them both...they don't know what I'm experiencing at this moment...this world is not fair or I wouldn't be enduring the pain right now from the bond...because my mate didn't claim me six years ago...I haven't felt the bond in so long almost forgot how much it truly hurts...something then touches my face wiping the tears from my eyes and cheeks.

I look up into the eyes of my son Julious and...I can see he's troubled to see me so upset. His concern touches my heart. "Mommy, why are you crying? It hurts my heart to see you like this." He sounds so sad. I'm a mess right now and don't know how to control it.

Lilly engulfs me in a sweet hug. She says, "Mommy, you's not sick are you?" I, sniffled, drawing back the tears I didn't realize I was shedding.

My mind muddled with troubles...I don't know what to tell I lie." Mommy's fine...mommy hasn't seen her family in a long time is all." I don't know if they buy it but they don't question me...I force a smile on my face to seal the lie...finally...they seem satisfied with the gesture.

"Why don't I have Amber take you two to get some ice cream from the kitchen...what do you say?" Alpha suggests. I nod in agreement. My throat seized up with emotions. He seems to be being nice. He didn't seem to be too shocked about the pups.

"Yes, please." They say in unison. Excited for a treat.

"Thank you, Alpha," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact...eye contact's too personal. I don't want him to see me like this or look into my eyes and be able to read me...I just can't handle it right now, it would be too much. I have to stay calm...I can't lose control over my wolf. I'd look a fool in front of our mate and pups. He doesn't deserve to see how his very presence affects me. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be a mess right now or even be here.

I'm coming close to being done with my paperwork. Hopefully, he won't even mention the pups...a part of me wants him to accept and claim his pups...the other part of me wishes he'd ignore the whole conversation the way he did claiming me as his.

I hear him ask the pups to follow him...he open's the door and informs Amber to take the pups to get some ice cream...when he turns and closes the door behind him we're officially and completely about we go. I immediately develop an unavoidable tremble like I've never had. I don't really feel it's safe to be alone with him.

My wolf and I feel close to the edge of our limits...he's too close...too overbearing...his very scent taking my very breath...feeling suffocating. I feel his wolf...eager...pulling at the bond making the pain intensify...taking small glances of my mate is worse...he's very handsome...he is the epitome of strength and protection...of all I was supposed to have.

This pain is a reminder that he is not mine and he even embarrassed me by not claiming me as his...I know it had something to do with Amy...they were together for so long before I found he was my mate...everyone knew of their love.

According to pack tradition, he should have still ended with her and began with me, his one and only mate...that's how it's always been done...but not for me obviously. He still looks like the man that taunts my dreams...yes, I wonder why I was given a mate I can't have...feelings, I can never mend on my own...why did she even give me his pups? I did it alone... diapers, bottles, manners, potty training, and more, not to mention I gave birth family. Alone is a sucky place to be.

" and the pups should come live with me at my residence." He states confidently. What nerve he has?

"What?" I yelp out. "I..I...can't Alpha. It only hurts being close to you...we should distance our shelves. Have I not suffered enough? How could I bear living in the same house?" My breathing's become loud my pulse in my ears...tears blinding my eyes from the thoughts of enduring this pain daily...making me feel sick. Why offer us that when he has Amy?

"Winter, let's not forget you kept the existence of my pups from me...their father...if word got out I have a heir to my Alpha line...he will be in grave danger you and Lilly as well. There's nowhere else you will all be safe, especially as safe as under my own roof for that matter. Look...I have no intention of ever hurting you..., even now your very pain I feel too... and trust it breaks my own wolf's heart. Winter, you need to hear me...I will mark and...mate you...and complete our mating bond...and those are my pups whom will reside under my roof where they belong, as do you understand? are mine..and I will have all that's mine. Understand this too, before you walked in with my pups you were going to be mine." He states it in a calm voice so unlike my inner emotions right now.

I wasn't expecting him to say THAT! Where does he even get off after everything talking to me as such."Are you mentally insane? Hua? I think I will not be mated to someone banging his mistress. No thank you! By the way, those are MY didn't want me or do you remember? Better yet you didn't even have the kindness to reject me. You walked away from us! Don't talk to me like I owe you! Where were you when we needed you?" I fire off at him. I have years of resentment built up and it's all thanks to him! Not to mention I'm so strung tight right now by just his proximity, it's driving me mad.

"There are individuals in the pack whom know you're my mate...they'll know as I did who's pups they are. You will be my Luna...our pack's Luna as the moon Goddess herself intended...I also intend...this isn't up for discussion, but what how you want to tell our pups...and might I have done an immaculate job of raising our pups all this time by have made me a very proud man today...but don't take my kindness for weakness, you will be mine Winter the fact won't change. I won't be rejecting you or accepting one from you either. This is how it will be. You and I will do this together. I admit I made mistake's I will be rectifying, as for Amy I know you would like to know, she met her mate a few years back now, and, for the best of the pack, she mated him and defused war on our land's...I will give you time Luna but our outcome is still wolf won't wait for forever...that's also why you'll be staying under my roof see or he won't let me sleep. I might have better control over my wolf than you, but only so much more when it comes to our mate...or have you forgotten?" Richard says without hesitation. Makeing me blink stupidly at him so stunned at his declaration.

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