chapter 16 🐾 Proud Father

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Richard's pov.

I give him a strong stern look that states don't dare cross me pops. "Let me be clear. When I sent for Miss Winter's..she was to return mine." He nods.

Without another word me and Julious leave. I don't look back my words have to be final. They all needed to understand..yes my pups were a splendid surprise an added bonus and they are mine....but Winter was ordered home to become my Luna.

They will get no ultimatum's or choice's for I am Alpha and I decide. I'm just trying to be nicer by making her love me first because I will love her forever. I don't want doubt's in my loyalty, trust, devotion, and protection before I make her mine. Only because she asked for time will I allow it.

Me and Julious head to the training facility...I decide to start with the basics. "One-day will take my place in the pack as Alpha. On that day you will lead the whole pack. There will be many more of us by that time. will lead them into war as a warrior yourself. You will be responsible for each wolf member of the pack. One task is training your warrior wolves. Keeping your pack strong and ready. We also keep our border patrolled to keep outsiders out. You must stay smarter and stronger than even your own pack warrior's for you will be Alpha. Your training for my position will begin tomorrow. For just today we will have a tour of the facility and get familiar...any question Julious?" He's thinking.

It's a lot to take in for a five-year-old no matter how smart you are. A minute or two goes by I'm not worried..just being around him I sense he's my heir. His dominance and demeanor and courage speak alone he's my son.

When we finally park at the entrance of the facility he finally has a few question's and I'm eager to answer them all. I won't let my son fall in my place unprepared he may have many years of training before he takes my place but what if I die in battle I need him ready at fifteen.

I pray his mother will forgive me when I take our son into war its inevitable as soon as my son gets his wolf at fifteen he will go to battle with me...and he will be ready.

That's what we train for and we love to go to war and show them our skills. No fear.

He asked question's of my age when I became Alpha. He wanted to know what age he'd get his wolf. What his training required. All great question's I'm surprised he didn't already have the answer's too. He didn't know we also do office work we own business's our pack's work at and we have stock's. It requires education. Just brute strength won't take care of a whole pack were also in real estate ownership and having built home's for our members. We have wolve's that do commercial construction for our pack and many other jobs.

We head in the training facility. It's one huge building with its open floor plan but it's big enough some hoverboard to different areas for their training.

Right smack in the middle of the facility is a big mat for competition meets. There's weekly sparring. My warrior's workout here and they're young but our real training's done outside by my beta..our war's aren't fought with weapons then you'd have outside authority's looking in.

No..we fight with our wolves. Julious points to the combative mat in the middle of the room and states. "That's where I'll earn all my respect with blood and sweat." He says confidently. Then add's. "I'm far advanced in my age division I love to take out my competition."

I feel proud that this pup's mine once again. I nod. Then my beta interrupts. "WOW! Like father like son much? I really can't wait to see this man!" He put's out a hand for Julious to shake and he takes it. "Nice to meet you Julious I'm beta Josh of the Tomb family. Me and your father's been friends since diapers. No joke! I'm going to be the one assisting Alpha in your training." Julious nods.

"Nice to meet you beta Josh..I'm ready to get started." I admire my son's eagerness but not today. "Not today okay..let's have a look around. We have a lot to go over and we need to see where to start you off training..and how much you already know."

By the time were buckled up and in the car headed home, I realize my son knows way more than his age class and the two ahead of him.

Now I must come up with a plan to challenge him to move him further along. He's impressive. I haven't seen him in action yet but have no doubt from his confidence he will be immaculate.

Then Julious asks me a question. "Who all do you train?"

I wonder why he asks but I don't ask."You'll be the only one I train unless you have brothers. I give my warrior's advice but that's my beta's job. I have a pack to run. No one else will have your privileges."

He seems happy with that information and we ride home in comfortable silence. When I was his age I'd be trying to go over in my head what I'd learned that day..just in case my father drilled me and he would periodically. Honestly, though I'm thinking about those brownie points I collected......

The moment I and Julious step into the house..were stood frozen at the scene before us.

My beautiful mate comes dashing from the living room chasing a giggling Lilly. Lilly's got her mommas phone. "Lilly!" Winter growls. Which does thing's to me I shall not speak of. "I'm going to catch you and when I do I'm going ta beat you up with kisses!"

Lilly scream giggles. They dash through the kitchen into the dining room. Lilly screaming and giggling the whole time. I know I have the biggest damned smile on my face by just watching this take place but I don't care. I love it.

"You not going to join them?" I ask Julious. He shakes his head with a smile of his own and says's. "No..I enjoy watching"

I tell him. "" They come dashing out the dining room and my mate jumps and in mid-air tackle's Lilly to the kitchen floor. Lilly scream's "help me"..." help me... Winter growl's "Too late now Lilly!" And begins peppering Lilly's face with loud kisses while Lilly beg's and giggle's......

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