Chapter 3 🐾 My Heir To The Throne

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Richard's pov.

"She's going away to college. My winter is for a couple of years. Considering what happened last night, we all think it's for the best. Alpha Richard has given us his blessing and her papers. If you're not here to claim my daughter you can take your leave from my property." He says flatly, going back into his home.

I swallow the lump that's formed in my throat. My face heated with unshed formed tears in embarrassment and shame.

I didn't even get to ask what exactly went down last night. He didn't seem in his mind to tell me much. I still feel ashamed of myself. After all these years, it will forever be ingrained in my memory a father hurting for his daughter. Me, their next Alpha at the time, ashamed to even look him in the eye. Even though it's not uncommon to lose control over your wolf during your mate's heating, most aren't facing my problems. They weren't stupid to go against fate and blessings from the moon Goddess. I AM though, as it turns out. It's taboo in a pack not to claim your's...I just couldn't at that time.

I thought she'd eventually come home on her own. I yearned to see her even when I was with Amy. It's the bonds calling. Thing is, she never returned, even when she graduated from college.

I'm slammed back to the here and now reality when I sense my mate's presence getting closer. Haven't felt this in six years. It's invigorating! Blood's pumping all ready...hand's sweating...wolf scratching. I've been looking forward to's been far too long a wait. Shivers run over my body in nervous anticipation.

Seconds, later a knock sounds off my door. "Yes," I call out. I'm all amped up. Let's get started. I've waited too long for this day and lots had to be prepared beforehand. Amber my assistant, steps at the door. "Alpha, lady Winter Dreams is here to see you on pack residence matters." I can barely retain my instinct to smirk. Less than a handful know Winter is my mate. So not even Amber knows.

Usually, I'd have Amber deal with this kinda stuff but, I need to see my mate. It's been six years now and I yearn for her presence. My wolf incomplete hell I'm not even complete without her. I live with a piece of me missing. Nobody ever told me what it would feel like without your mate. Maybe no one knew?

Everything's different now and she will know that very soon. "Bring her in please," I say to her without glancing up from my desk. "Yes, Alpha." I hear her hurry out. I hold my breath, not even concentrating on my papers in front of me. My everything is tuned to her presence and getting closer.

In my next second, I timed it just right to look up to watch my mate stride in my office confidently but, uneasy. She smell's better than any memory but right behind her are two pups...two.pups. My mate sees where my eyes have landed and now starts to shake and emit fear in the air...lip quivering...more exquisite than I ever could have imagined. She's definitely grown into herself, not the body I remember. Not that she wasn't beautiful then...just yummier now. I cant say I don't like her reactions to being in my presence. It means she's still highly affected and we have a chance.

I clear my brain in a fog or something right now. I.have.a.son...a daughter? Two? Were both locked in silent eye contact. Her eyes huge with fear, waiting for my verdict. They kept this from me? I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel at this moment about that.

"Alpha" Winter states. I clear my throat again to speak. "Em...yes, Miss Dreams, I have all your papers ready to be filled out on the housing and the fourth-grade teacher's position...right here. If you wouldn't mind having a seat and filling these out...I'd highly appreciate it. We are grateful to you for coming and assisting us in our pack's time of need. We thank you." I come off too formal in such a situation. I want to ask all kinds of questions more like demand em right now. She's here for pack reasons or so she thinks and I am nothing if not professional in my duty within our pack. I need to figure out quick how to bring our personal issues into this before she walks out with our pups.

She's still nervous. I bet her wolf and the bond is cracking her like it is me. It's going to always hurt until we complete our bonding. May even intensify.

" And...who might your guy's name's be?" I ask my pups. They're beautiful...I have every instinct to protect them at all costs. My wolf is demanding a whole mess of things my way right now. Twins! A blessing from the goddess herself. He's angry and feeling contempt all at once very confusing. I want nothing more than to talk to them right now and hear their voices. No, I won't ask permission to talk to my pups. This does change some things. No wonder she was nervous. If she were here to be rejected she would know I could never let her walk away with our pups. It's against customs. She must have been terrified. A mother to be ripped from her children is as bad as a rejection. She probably wouldn't live through both but here she is as strong as ever, ready for whatever verdict I will befall upon her. Ain't she something? Not a coward at all she didn't run but came.

I feel that familiar pang in my chest hearts saddened... they're five years old already...I missed it all...everything...they have no clue who I am other than their Alpha. They are so beautiful eyes so alert and and well behaved. She has done well. What a fool I am.

I'm feeling furious with myself and Winter for denying me my right to know... being my son is the heir to my throne...I have an heir. The little guy walk's right up to me offering me a hand to shake...I take it like any normal greet and meet goes...but it means so much more. As soon as our hands connect and we make eye contact, I instantly feel his aura. Strong he is and I can feel he is wise beyond his years of age. He has a look in his eyes like he's waiting to be challenged. A young Alpha in the making he is. Proud doesn't seem the word for the feelings festering within me and my wolf.

"I'm Julious and this here is my sister Lilly, Alpha." He talk's with all the authority of an Alpha. My son. A sense of proudness seeps through me...I look them over head to shoes...I really look at them.

My pups. I'm a tad angered though I denied the moon Goddesse's blessing refused and it has cursed me to be without them to know them! I. Did. This... This was her retaliation for me defying her verdict of what should and will be.

" It's nice to finally meet you Julious and Lilly...I hope you'll enjoy our pack. I see your mother has raised two very outstanding pups in her absence. You two will make wonderful additions to the Mongolian Wolf Pack. I'm Alpha Richard the third. I take care of all the pack's problems and needs, so if you have a problem, I'm your guy. Okay?"

And they even "Okay." Me in unison. The cutest sh*t ever, I swear! "Miss Dreams I'd like to have a moment alone to speak with you when your done filling out your papers...then I'll help get your housing all situated," I say to her without taking my eyes off my pup's. All her emotions are raw in the air. I don't need a deep inhale to immedently since all her unease, but all of this is my doing. I brought her here to right all the wrongs ease all her burdens. She just doesn't know that yet.

It's like I woke from a dream and all the best stands right in front of me. My wolf's clawing at my chest, making it harder to breathe."

Yes, Alpha." She replies so softly. I look upon her and then see it. The silent tears rolling and streaking down her gorgeous face. I know she hurts to be near me. The bond is physical pain when you're near your unmarked mate.

I feel all those things too, but can better contain my bodily emotions...because I'm Alpha...I know not fair to her...she should already be mine completely.

I. Did. That. I hate it! I will reverse all this...somehow...some way...I have lots of mistakes I need mending. I won't be the one letting them down ever again that much, I have no doubt...

I will love them for the rest of my days.

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