Chapter 5 🐾 New Beginning's

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Winter's pov.

You know what at least he's not trying to take my pups from me I can deal with whatever else...but not way!

Did he say Amy was mated? So now he wants the bond now she's out the picture? Typical!...I feel so special. I think sarcastically.

He only gave me one tell the kids...what a jerk!... He spoke as an Alpha would...making all his intention's very clear so I'd have no doubts about what he expected.

Well, it's evident my past has finally caught up to me, and running's no longer an option. I must deal...the pups do need their father. "I'll have to take up your offer of giving me some time...Alpha. I can't think clearly when I'm around you like this...when do you suggest telling the pups? I already expected to tell them. I just didn't know. I wasn't entirely sure you would accept or claim them." I swallow the lump in my throat, taking another haggard breath before continuing.

"Our moving truck should arrive at five and I still need to introduce the pups to my family...they don't know of their existence either", I state quite calmly for someone in my distress. Holding eye contact much isn't an option right now. I'm confused about what to do. Should he get to make all the decisions like this? Or he can because he is the Alpha? I don't know what's best. My whole being drawls towards him with wanting for contact. At quick small glances, I see his eyes widen a fraction in maybe disbelief. Some days I can't believe it myself. It has also been something I've yearned for. I would love for my parents to meet their grandpups and watch them grow up and even help in that matter.

"We should inform them now and then, I'll show you your quarters," he says. He grunts loudly startling me a bit. I have lots of worries though about going forward with his idea, so on a shaky exhale I quickly question him.

"Alpha, may I request my own bed to sleep own room for the time being?" He ponders on that for a minute. This way he doesn't see it as me rejecting him by asking. I'm starting to panic a bit. I can't stay in the same room as him. No way! His scent.

His very being is intoxicating and messes me all up... I began to lose a sense of being! My wolf's full of gloating over our mate and his words...but is it wrong of me to be hurt by all that he put me through intentionally or not...doesn't make things right. Truly I've never slept by a man before. I have no relationship experience period! The best option, for now, is to keep as much distance as possible. Even living with him, I will have to keep some distance or the pain would be immensely terrifying. I wasn't expecting him to be so overbearing so soon or at all. Once I get the courage, he will have to answer for all my suffering.

Richard's pov.

I ponder her question...I can smell her wolf wants his Luna in his bed...but she needs time.

I'll give her as much time as I can. I can at least endure the pain for her comfort. Her sent...rose buds and freshwater has me nearly tipping off the edge already...and she's beyond beautiful long wavy shiny brown hair...with those huge hazel eyes...the cherry blush adorning her face has me enticed. She's thin and curvy in all the right places. I can't remember the last time I wanted something so badly. Perspiration forms on my skin, making me itchy. She has me some sorta nervous like I've never been. I can't f*ck this up this time.

I know it's the bond that I don't love her, but I want to love her. I'm determined to love her and raise our pups together. I want to do everything right...have love, respect, and trust in our mating. The whole shebang! The right way.

Once we mate, there's no going back and I have no intentions of ever going back...I know what I the only answer to give my Luna would be..."Yes, Luna, you'll have your own room near the pups. Should I fetch the pups now?" I acquire. She looks so frigate and tiny I want to comfort her in her distress but I must stand down for now. I don't want to push her too far too soon. We must make every advance purposeful and carefully.

"Yes, Alpha." 'Mine!' My wolf says. 'In due time.' I'm happy to tell him. I can't help the excitement that surfaces within us. She is now here and not only her. She brings along my own pups.

My plan is simple. I will win over my Luna's heart as I should have six years ago but lacked the courage an Alpha of my age now possesses. I was young and too nieve to believe the bond was just love and I loved Amy already. I shouldn't have fought the bond with her in the first place. I pick my phone up and press 2 for Amber. "Amber please escort the young Julious and Lilly into my office please," I say. "Yes, Alpha." I hang up.

Seconds later, the two cute pups walk in and immediately look to examine their mother...such love they have for's beautiful..I.want.that.

They have concern's in their eyes as they appraise her being. Julious nods at his mother. She nods back she's fine. Then they turn their little head's and train those observant eyes right on me...waiting.

I'm frozen staring in their eye's feeling the weight of needing their approval. Never had I wanted someone's approval or need for liking as I do as I look at my pups.

I feel proud they're mine, but I'm nervous. I didn't have pups before today. Thank, the moon Goddess Winter being the mother, she is decide's to take the conversation over, wanting to console them, I reckon. "Julious...Lilly...mommy has something I want to tell you." She bend's down to their level grabbing their small little hand's in hers."Alpha my mate...and...your father...I'm very sorry I didn't tell you before but it's complicated you need to trust mommy. Mommy knows what's best. Okay?" They nod their little heads then my son takes time to appraise me with his watchful eyes.

I may have quit breathing altogether at this moment waiting for their response. I feel as though he's judging me...for what? Strength...weakness...sincerity...I don't know. He may be

thinking we look-alike cause we definitely do! He then raises an eyebrow at me.

"Father, why have we not met before? Did you not wish to see us?" He questions. The squint in his eye left no doubt for his underlining anger, indifferent from his tone which was softer. I make sure to keep this eye contact while speaking.

" It's very complicated like your mother said...but we shall always be together a family now." He nods.I feel like someone kicked me in my liver with his next words.

"Okay, but if you ever make Lilly or my mommy cry you will answer to me." He states tone dropping to sound more leathel. Alpha authority in him. I nod. speechless...he's already so protective at such a young age.

What an Alpha he'll be. He will have a strong wolf in him one strong already. No normal five years old here. Clearly, from the way he walks and speaks to the authority in his tone, but how did he get so headstrong with no Alpha to train him? Is he not just a five-year-old?

"Son, it's no longer your job to protect's birthright. I will from now on be taking care of you'll have my protection. I tell him firmly. His gaze that has never lingered from mine turns intense. In a split second his eyes turned to slits trained on my own.

"I will always be looking out for them. I have done so my whole life, father." He states flatly. All I can do is nod at this little tuff guy. I give him a smirk, letting him know that's absolutely fine and the same I shall do as well.

He's right though another wrong for me to right...already he's proving to be a better man than I was at eighteen when I let my Luna leave. A glance in Winter's direction I can imminently tell she's frightened-looking between the two of us. Most Alphas don't like being challenged for too long and most wolves can't hold their Alphas eye contact for too long. It's a submissive trait they're born with. She shouldn't worry though. He is my son, even my wolf wouldn't harm our own flesh unless he was a danger to the pack and he certainly isn't. He will be a blessing to them one day in the future. He will be like their King.

I then tell them, "You'll all be staying with me...your mother tells me your things should arrive this evening. I'd like to take you all and show you your new room's where you can unpack and rest when you guys get done visiting your mother's family."

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