Chapter 2 🐾 Love's Binding's

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Richard's pov.

My mate should be here soon...I'm on the very edge of my seat. I haven't seen nor spoken to my Luna in six years. I messed up. I want to beg her forgiveness, grovel at her feet. Treat her like the Luna she's going to be..but first, we have to let the past be bye gones.

I know I don't deserve her after what all happened, her forgiveness, trust...and I want all those things because of the bond, not love...I didn't want to hurt my mate...she was very beautiful infract the moment I knew she was mine I wanted her above all else that instant...but years went by and my whole dug deeper. I never wanted to be the one to break her heart or cause her tears and pain! Never! I hate what I've done. The decisions I had to make and, cowardly didn't make but think Goddess I didn't or I wouldn't be getting a chance at all. Terrifying the thought is.

I was in love with my dad's beta's daughter. Fell in love with her at like fifteen. I truly loved her...mannn I know Winter not ever being in a relationship, a deeply connected relationship, won't come close to understanding this. That's okay too, because I don't expect to be forgiven overnight.

We we're having a pack picnic on a full moon our celebrations for our moon Goddess a week after my eighteenth birthday. I knew I could run into my mate at any time after my birthday...we wolves don't find our mates till then.

In truth, I was still clinging to hope Amy would be my mate even though I had my pull and magic or sh*t... but as soon as we hopped out the truck her scent struck me head-on making me step back a second then the pull to find her set in my bones. My wolf Ted screaming in my head to find her now...I was trying not to panic...or awhere Amy of what was happening. I loved her couldn't hurt her with all the pack around. Everyone knew Amy was mine! My wolf was struggling to take over my very movements, so I started walking to the pack picnic still trying not to be obvious but every cell in my body ached to complete the bond.

As soon as I spot her I know!...she's my mate the one the moon Goddess made for just me and I for her. There's one important problem: I'm in love with Amy. Completely in love, I can't break her heart over the stupid bond with a chick I don't even know! I can't! I shake my head. I can't even bring myself to tell Amy I have found who my mate is...I love Amy! Damn! We've shared our first of many things together were never apart. Never. How do you look in your lover's eyes and tell them their not the one and cut all ties like they never existed?

Winter was only fifteen though...she had no clue I was her mate and wouldn't till she turned eighteen. Three years from then...that would buy me time, I thought stupidly. I was an ignorant fool!

I couldn't mark Amy because she wasn't my mate. I could never have pups with her, but I loved her and at eighteen you don't want pups, and when your in love you take that person, however, the situation comes, with or almost don't even consider the outcome of your decision's. You're driven by love and love will have you make some decisions you wouldn't have.

I knew at that moment I didn't have to break either of their heart's and I was content with just that at that moment... However, I started avoiding most pack gatherings that my dad allowed but he knew my situation with Winter and Amy. I was open to him from the beginning. Confused. I needed his support, I was to become the next Alpha. Would I lose respect from my pack?

He always thought we should make our own mistakes to learn from em...all be better for them. He did say he thought I was being quite foolish and perhaps making decisions like a pup. I think he'd be proud to see the decision I've made now...but I was grateful he didn't push me into anything I wasn't sure of and at that time I was sure of Amy and our love for each other. Three years go by though and then I come to face my own fear...because, of course, it's inevitable not to see her after she turns eighteen. We are of the same pack...she sees me. I see her.

Time stops altogether at that moment just looking into each other's eyes...we both know...but I don't move, I stay rooted by Amy. Keep my arm tightly around her waist...I can't go to her cause how do I explain this? How would I even react so close to her? I can't hurt Amy that I can't do and the whole pack's here!..... I love Amy my wolf want's the bond and it's strong so strong, I want to rip through this whole crowd like the wolf I am and mark her here so everyone knows she's mine! That's my wolf Alpha heart is Amy...Winter sees I'm not leaving Amy's side. I'm not coming for her I see the hurt In her eyes...feel the pang in my chest...The bond crying out loud!

It breaks my damned heart...I feel like the worse mate on the planet..not to claim the gift our mother Goddess gave me! I can't hurt Amy's easier to hurt someone you don't know than the love of your life for seven I sat there and watched her leave. Hardest damn decision I ever would have to make.

I watch her leave until I could no longer see her. Feeling the breaking inside me...either way, I hurt...either way, someone hurts. I didn't know it would get worse from here.

Three weeks later, my wolf goes into a frenzy, one like no other. One I haven't bared before. I can't hold him back. He's tried to take me over multiple times. I don't know what the deal is. Keeping him away from our mate has him using all force to reckon with. I've been exhausted fighting him all day. When I finally doze off, the traitor jolts me awake, taking completely over my body...oh, no...this ain't good. I thought. I can't rain him in now...he's out and on a mission not submitting to my words or commands! This could only end badly if I can't even control him.

He stops right in front of the Dream's mate's...residence...I don't know why he'd come here...and this prick won't answer SHIT!...then I smell it. My mate...she's in heat! Nothing has ever smelt this great! Nothing has ever made me want something the way I want her right now. It's maddening! Then my world went black, my world completely taken over.

I woke up the next morning in my bed by my Amy and I'm terrified. What did I do last night? What did my wolf do? I immediately get dressed and head to the Dream residence. Not even answering my girl to where I was headed before up and leaving. I can at least apologize. For what? I don't know! I need to know though.

When I arrive my mate's father meets me outside on the porch...known as Mr. Juno Dreams he looks pissed, aggravated, but also I sense sadness.

"Mr. Dreams sir, I just came to apologize. My wolf took over, an honest sir, I blacked out right in front of your residence. I came to in my bed this morning and rushed straight over here to try to fix this...I don't know." I told him, panicky. He gives me a strange look I can't read... then turn's around and says over his shoulder before leaving me. "She's going away to college, my Winter is for a couple of years. Considering... what happened last night, we all think it's for the best. Alpha Richard has given us his blessing and her papers.If you're not here to claim my daughter it's best you take you're leave from my property."

I swallow a huge lump in my throat. My face heated with unshed tears. He didn't even tell me what happened.

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