chapter 17 🐾 Jealous Maybe

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Richard's pov. (continued)

"Okay, I'm thirsty now. What you say to a glass of juice?" Winter asks Lilly.

"I'm thirsty too mommy..mommy's too time give Lilly a head start!" Lilly state's breathlessly. Julious and I both laugh out loud. I couldn't help myself. They were just too darn cute. I could sit and watch that shit all day long. That's the good stuff right there. That's what's been missing in my life. A man could get used to this.

"I need juice to mommy." Julious ask's Winter. Winter froze..face flushed. "We didn't know you two were back Alpha." She head's to the fridge. I'll take it she's embarrassed to be caught kidding around...but I can't say I minded at all.

"Daddy! I'm glad your home I missed you very badly." Lilly runs and hug's me I pick her up and set her on the kitchen stool at the island for her juice.

"Daddy missed you too...I thought about you all day. Did you like your flowers.?" I kiss her hair. She giggles nod's and drink's her juice.

"That's quite a tackle you have Luna," I say. I was impressed with that mid-air tackle. Most mothers are too gentle with their pups not understanding our pups are stronger than humans and can be ruff housed with its good pup training.

"We we're just fooling around is all..having pup's young help's me to stay active with them in's good for their social being." She tells me in a low voice.

"Well me and Julious here assure you we enjoyed watching the two of was quite comical." She turned away putting the juice up trying to hide her blushing cheek's. "Forgive me..but may I ask why it is you were training with the other pack warrior wolves?" I ask truly intrigued. It's not common for females to even be allowed to train much less as a warrior wolf. I was stunned when I heard this detail. Silence...

"I called from time to time and inquired about you from Alpha Ryan..he never mentioned the pup's though..odd don't ya think?" I don't wont to aggravate her but there's something's I've been wondering.

"I was weak. Lola said we needed the training to protect our pup's. So I then spoke with Alpha Ryan and he agreed that me not being rejected or claimed by our mate did, in fact, make me their sole protector. He offered us his protection Alpha..and I kindly declined his offer. As for the pup's I do not know why he would not mention the pups...I never knew you called." She head's up the stair's the pup's follow I want to ask more but I could tell it's a touchy subject for her and I can get the answer's from another source for now.

I run my hand's through my hair. Why would Alpha Ryan offer my Luna his protection?

Yea, we offer the pack are protection as a whole but to offer personal protection is something wolves give their mate and pups. Meaning we'll lay our lives down for them. I know I have no right to be mad in this situation. I let her leave. Thank Goddess I have her and the pup's back in Mongolian pack I can't imagine what that Alpha steamed up if he's offering another man's mate his life.

I'm their sole protector. Nobody else has that right to claim. It makes my wolf want to hunt down the bastard and behead him for just the thought of trampling on my territory.

I head to my office I will call my beta and have him get me some detail's I have people inside everywhere.

I need to know how close he was to my Luna. From what he offered I have a feeling he has feeling's for what's not his but mine.

I need to know where all my enemies lurk and always be prepared to strike when necessary. I will kill for my Luna and my pup's and so would my pack.


Winter's pov.

At dinner time I see we have a guest when the pup's and I arrive at the table and take our seats.

It's Luna Ann...Richard's mother. "Winter!" She hurriedly hugs me. "I'm so happy about your return! Your so beautiful look at sweet. Now I must see my grandpup's." I don't even have an opportunity to thank her before she's started in on the pups. "Julious..look at look just like your father when he was that age. I have the picture's to prove it." She giggles. We all laugh. He does look of his father.

"Thank you and are you father's mother?" Julious asks curiously. "I'm your grandma" she smiles brightly. "Lilly..I've not seen such cuteness with all my years..just look at pretty my girl." Luna Ann then says's "Come now..let's eat."

I stole a few glances at Richard and he's set back and observed this whole introduction not saying a word just observing his mother with a love I know from my own mother. He's solemnly happy. She tells us stories of when Richard was a boy. She asks the pups loads of questions for their likes and dislikes.

Richard remain's quiet but highly interested in everyone's answer's as though he's taking mental notes. Also, men don't typically think to ask favorite colors or food off hand.

"When have you decided to announce Luna my dear Winter?" Luna Ann asks.

I almost choke I wasn't expecting to be put on the spot I think my throat's in a vice I suddenly feel I can't speak. I open my mouth to speak but still, nothing comes out. I don't know how to answer her question. I need more time. I'm not ready yet..I'm broken and not sure where my piece's lie.

"Don't worry mother. I'm giving us a little time but she will be Luna." Richard says to her. I nod. I can't believe I nod. Agreeing make's it seem real I am his..we are... I've known it..its still a different wake-up call when you actually admit it.....

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