chapter fifteen- c.g.

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// She looks at me with her mouth wide open. In a surprised manner. " So you made the first move?" She asks, excitedly and her eyebrows rising. I'm in the courtyard with Octavia, studying.

" I don't exactly know your brother so well yet, but I know he wanted to hold my hand just as much as I wanted to hold his." I say casually.

She smiles and flips her hair," Okay, so then what? You got breakfast and shopped around. Have you two kissed yet?"

" No!" I laugh.

" Oh come on! If you two don't start dating in the next week, I'll have to give him a little nudge."

I laugh and open my notes. If we can just get some work done today, I'd feel a little more relaxed with going to class tomorrow.

But there's still Bellamy in the back of my mind, making me periodically smile and blush.

Octavia says," So, you want to come over later and watch a movie or something?"

" I can't-"

"-If you're blowing me off for my brother then this might be a problem."

I laugh," No, no, I think I have a roomate moving in."

" Really? It's been like a month and a half already!"

" Yeah, she's a transfer from Seattle I heard."

" Wow, could you imagine transferring so early in the year?"

" Yeah, I know. I want to be there to welcome her and make sure my things are still in there place."

She nods," Maybe we can have a movie in your dorm."

" That's not a bad idea. I hardly use my tv, I'm always watching TLC or ABC Family all alone."

She laughs," Yeah, I know what you mean."

" Alright, we have to work. Or else I'm so going to fall behind."

" Here's my notes from the second half of class. Can I see all your grammar notes?"

" The novel? Yeah, have fun copying those."

" Maybe I could just copy them on a printer?"

I nod," Good call."


" Hi..." I said unlocking the door of my dorm. A brown haired girl stands at her bed, taking things out of a box.
She spins around and smiles, completely flipping the box over and dumping out all over the floor.

I gasp and rush over. We both kneel down and start picking things up. Picture frames, books, and some candles.
She holds out her hand," Hi, I'm Raven."

" I'm Clarke. Nice to meet you."

She laughs," I swear I'm usually more coordinated than this."

" That's okay, I can be clumsy too."

" I was surpised to get here and it be so clean. I was worried you'd be some slob since you lived alone."

" I can be organized, but I was told by the office that you were coming in, and I cleaned up a little."

She laughs," Yeah, I got here yesterday, but it was really late."

" Oh, did you stay at a hotel or something?" I ask, feeling guilty since I was home.

" I looked around the area, got a late night dinner, and I visited the frat houses."

I laugh," How was that?"

" There was a party, and I was invited right in. I met some cool sorority girls and they let me crash."

" That's good. I'm sorry you couldn't of just come here."

" Oh no, it's totally fine. I didn't want to make an impression like that. I was a little tipsy. And I'm glad I didn't, I met this guy. I mean he wasn't exactly Prince Charming but he was really cute."

" What was his name?"

She laughs," You know, I never got it."

I laugh," Okay, what's your major?"

" Mechanical engineering. But I'm taking an english history course."

" Oh, yeah you might be in my class!"

*** A/N

(Who likes the foreshadowing in this chapter omg)

Can we get 25 votes on this chapter!!??

((Sry this is so late, I literally posted this like 6 hrs ago but it never published??))
ily all xoxo thanks for the sweet feedback, i'm honestly so BLOWN AWAY from amount of reads (even votes) because I never expected this to be a hit but seems to be going along quite nicely (-:
x o



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