chapter seventeen- c.g.

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// I laid down on my stomach and started shuffling through the magazine. Octavia was over at my dorm and we were talking about this new guy she met.

She beamed while talking, and I was so happy for her.

" So, when's the right time to call him?"

" You should let him call you." I answer.

She lays back on the couch and sighs," What if he doesn't call?"

I scoffed," Of course he will, he'd be a fool not to, and he came up to you, remember that?"

" Okay, you're right."

" Of course I am." I laughed. Octavia smiled and threw a pillow at me.

I say," Remember that internship I applied for? And I got a meeting with the man himself, Frederick Montae?"

" The publisher of Etra? No, I don't remember you telling me this..."

I laugh," Okay, maybe it was the other Blake I told."

She laughs," Okay, so what about this internship? Did you get it?!"

I smile proudly," Yes, I got what you can say 'a call back'. His secretary called me yesterday during class and left me a voicemail that I have to come by and sign a contract, and if all goes well, I'll be starting by next week Wednesday!"

Octavia sits up," No freaking way, Clarke! That's amazing!"

" Look at us, we'll both have internships!"

She stands up," Let's go out to eat. A celebratory dinner, on me."

I shake my head," No way, I'm not letting you pay, but I'm starving."

" I won a bet against Bellamy about some silly thing his roomate did and I won fifty bucks. It's technically on him."

I laugh," Fine. But I'll pay the rest." I respond and get up. I grab my jacket and start piling my keys and purse.

" Whatever." Octavia looks at my roomate's bed," So where's Raven been?"

" She's out most of the time. She's a social person. Right now she's at a class though, won't be back till 7ish."

O looks at her watch and shrugs," I would've loved for her to join us. But alright let's go."

We head out the door, meeting Bellamy outside. Octavia laughs," I'll go make the reservations, for three." She walks off down the hall and I smile to Bellamy.

I turn and lock the door, Bell leaning against the wall. " Where were you guys going?"

" Out to dinner. Hungry?"

He nods," Yes, I am."

" Good. I think your sister just invited you."

" Is that alright with you?" He asks quietly.

I nod," Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?"

He shrugs," I don't know."

" You've been distant lately, what's wrong?" I ask.

We start walking towards Octavia down the hall, who's waving us over.

He places his hands in his pockets and looks down at his shoes," Nothing. I'm alright."

" Would you tell me if you weren't?" I asked, still looking at him.

He laughs lightly," I don't think I can lie to you, Clarke."

I smile proud," Good. You shouldn't anyways."

He laughs and looks at me. He shakes his head and asks," So what's the occasion for dinner."

Octavia meets with us and smiles," Your girl here, got a call from Mr. Montae and she signs her internship contract this week."

Bellamy starts walking and his jaw drops," That's fantastic, Clarke." His arms wrap around me and his scent fills the air around me. I hug him back, wrapping my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest. I close my eyes for a split second, feeling completely comfortable in his embrace.

I make eye contact with Octavia and she smiles wide. I roll my eyes and pull away from Bellamy. He says," You'll be working in the city!"

I nod," I can't even believe this, it's insane I was picked out of all the other candidates."

Bellamy shakes his head," I'm positive they don't have the drive Clarke Griffin has."

Octavia nods," Exactly, you're meant to be there, future best-selling author."

Bellamy suggests," Maybe he will read one of your works."

I shake my head," I doubt it."

Bellamy says," I've read your stories and even poems. Clarke, he'd be a fool not to."

" Just like that fool who won't call your sister." I say, changing the subject.

Octavia laughs," Oh, thanks Clarke. You two gaining up on me now?"

Bellamy and I laugh, looking at each other with the same look we always seem to share. His eyes, and his hug, just start feeling more and more like home to me.

*** A/N

The dinner will be in the next chapter, I didn't want to keep you all waiting so I split it up (and a bellamy POV will be too cute)

X O ily all

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