chapter twenty-one- c.g.

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// I unplug my phone from the charger connected to the wall, tossing it into my bag. I rummage through my wallet, making sure I had my card and some loose cash. I looked at Octavia sitting on the couch," Ready?"

She nods," I'm waiting for you!"

I laugh," Alright, alright, let's go." I say, throwing my bag over my shoulder. She stands up and we walk to the door. Opening it, Raven greets us with a shocked look.

She smiles," I forgot my key, thanks. Where you headed?"

Octavia says," There's this community center having an art class, you can paint while drinking some wine."

" Interesting. Have fun!"

" Want to join us?" I ask.

She thinks for a moment," Yeah, let me grab my jacket and my other bag."

" Okay, sweet." I responded.


We enjoyed a lovely time of painting fruits, some models, and many colorful flowers while drinking classy red wine.

We then headed to the mall and went to Bath and Body Works for some candles. Since Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, we wanted to decorate our dorm with some fall scented candles. Ignore the fact that we're late shopping for fall sense it is already November. You get side tracked because of school and studying and keeping up with everything new going on. But it's time to settle in because I have a hang of things now. First time in awhile, Clarke Griffin was off-track of being on-track.

" Raven, how about this one?" I ask, holding up a long brown candle. Facing it towards her as she smells it, she cringes and shakes her head.

" Oh god, no." She says with a laugh.

I shrug," I like it..."

Octavia tugs on my hand and takes a sniff," Clarke, just put that down..."

I laugh," No?"

Octavia shakes her head," Big no. What even is that?"

" It's an apple spice?"

Raven and Octavia smile and shake their heads.

Octavia asks," Clarke, maybe you should buy something for Bellamy's place. To set the mood when you're over there." She winks.

I blush," I was thinking about it..."

Raven says," You'll have to invite him over some time I'm home. I want to meet this guy!"

" You two are always just so busy."

" What are you guys doing later? Any plans?" She asks.

" Not tonight, actually." I answer.

Octavia says," He has tons of work."

I nod," Yeah, Mr. Kennedy has him going through his files or something. Doing research."

Raven says," So what are you guys planning for Thanksgiving?"

" I'm going home to my mom." I answer.

Octavia shrugs," I'll probably stay here."

Raven says," I'm going home too. Too soon to meet the parents Clarke? For Bellamy?"

I shrug," I mean, I thought about it, but it doesn't seem like something he'd want to do."

Octavia says," You should ask him, if that's what you want, he would totally be into it. He really likes you, Clarke."

" We'll see. He's also your only family here, I won't take him away."

Octavia shakes her head," Don't worry about me."

" Maybe we all go. Octavia, you and Bellamy can come home with me. Spend Thanksgiving all together."

Octavia says," Bring it up to Bellamy."

I ask," Hey, what happened to that guy? Octavia?"

" We're still seeing each other, nothing's official yet."

Raven smiles," Ooh, tell us more!"

We keep shopping around, talking about Octavia's new boyfriend/not boyfriend, and talking about the holidays. I think about a big table full of homemade food, Bellamy next to me, shooting me cute glances every now and then, and Octavia talking with my mom about baking.
But in the back of my mind, I want to decide not to invite them both. It might be just too soon for us. I don't want to scare him away with him meeting my family, even just my mom.

*** A/N

Soooo my broadcast, I posted about, I was planning on doing sometime tomorrow, probably around 2ish (eastern time) on younow, but I'll give you more detail on that in an update tomorrow morning (-:

I'm excited ily all X O

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