Chapter 5- Poppy's 18th Birthday

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Poppy's POV

"8,9,10!" I called. "Ready or not, here I come!" 

I uncovered my eyes and scanned the pod. I didn't see anything right away, which is understandable. I mean, Petal is tiny. I named him the moment he went to bed the day I found him, or rather, he found me. Creek doesn't Know about him, because I'm scared he'll consider him 'from the outside' and kick him out. 

As I glanced around the small room, I mentally checked off all the places he couldn't be. 'Not behind that frying pan, not on me, not in the food pantries,' I listened carefully, hoping to hear him breathing. 

*lubdub, lubdub* I could hear his heart beating quickly. I quietly followed the noise until I ended up near the window. I latched my hair around him and yanked him up.

"Gotcha!" I announced. He squeaked in shock, and I giggled. He looked bored though. "Want to do something else?" I asked, in case he wasn't enjoying himself. He turned out the window and gestured to go outside. "You know we can't go outside without Creek's permission," I reminded him. He nodded glumly. "Come on, we can totally find something fun to do inside!" I ran inside, my hair flying behind me. Whenever I need something to do, singing is always the go-to!

(A/N This is basically When Will my Life Begin, but altered lyrics)

8 AM, the usual morning lineup,

Start with the chores, sweep till the pod's all clean! 

Polish and shine, do laundry, and organize the rooms,  (IDK what I'm doing)

Sweep again, and by then, its like 8:15!

So I'll scrapbook a book,

Or maybe two or three.

I'll add a few new pictures to my gallery!

I'll play ukulele 

And bake and basically,

Just wonder when will my life begin? 

After lunch its puzzles, and more baking.

Ballet and playing Cupcakes & Caverns

Pottery, puppet shows, and candle making.

Then I'll dance, maybe sketch, take a climb, craft a dress!

Then I'l scrapbook books if I have time to spare.

I'll decorate the walls some more,

I'm sure there's room somewhere.

And then I'll brush and brush, and brush and brush my hair,

Stuck in the same place I've always been, 

And I'll keep wonderin', and wanderin'

And wanderin' and wonderin',

When will my life begin?

And tomorrow night, lights will appear.

Just like they do on my birthday, each year.

What is it like? Out there where they glow?

Now that I'm older, Creek might just, let me go.

I turned back to the scrapbook I was making, which held an image of me and Petal on a tree next the lights. 

"Okay Petal, Today's the day!" I said determinedly. He squeaked in agreement. "Now all we have to do is wait for Creek to come back!"

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