Chapter 22- Revival

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Poppy's POV

"Ughh..." I groaned, opening my eyes. What just happened?! It was all so fast and my head hurt like crazy. My hair had an orange strand in it too, and it was falling down around me, because it was too weak to stand up.

I glanced up, and my eyes met a glowing stone, but not like the Moonstone. It was in the shape of it, but it was marbled with orange. It was as if both powers merged into one! I wondered if this could revive Branch! I stood up weakly. Petal nudged my shoulder and shook his head, but I knew this couldn't just be left here anyway.

"I've got to do this Petal," I said determinedly. He squealed and hid in my hair.

I reached out to touch the magic, but there was some sort of energy blocking it. It wouldn't let me in! 

"Petal, what do I do?" I asked, thinking hard. Suddenly it struck me. If I wanted healing, I need to sing the healing incantation. The Moonstone just made it more powerful!

"Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse,"

I reached out yet again to touch the magical object, and this time, I got it.

"Bring back what once was mine,

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fate's design,

Save what has been lost,"

I pulled the Stone from its place and held it to my chest, and faced my friend and directed the magic flow to him.

"Bring back what once was mine,

What once was mine,"

Branch's POV

At first I felt nothing, but then I felt my skin tingle, and my hair rustle. My eyes fluttered open, and the first thing I saw was light....and Poppy? But I thought I cut her hair! I watched weakly as magic swirled around her, then it began to fade, as I slowly stood up. Poppy opened her eyes and smiled at me, and Petal buzzed around my head.

"Nice to see you to Petal," I told the glowbug. She squeaked happily. We looked at Poppy again, and the magic was fading, and she was descending. When she reached the floor, she threw her arms around, me, and I staggered backward, hugging back, and Petal nestled herself on my shoulder. When Poppy let go, she smiled at me.

"I'm SO a happy you're okay!" She said, practically bouncing.

"Thank you Poppy," I said, actually smiling.

"Thank me? For what?" Poppy beamed.

"For showing me how to be...happy," I said. Suddenly Poppy gasped.

"I just noticed something," she breathed. "You're blue!!"

"Wait, What?" I asked, glancing at my hands. They were, in fact, teal! I glanced at my hair, which was back to its indigo color ever since it faded. "I'm..I'm blue!" I grinned, and Petal squeaked joyously. I looked at Poppy, and noticed something as well, not only was she holding a bright gem, but her eyes were green, just like the princess!

"You're- you're," I fell to my knees bowing, and I didn't even know why.

Poppy's POV

Branch bowed before my feet, which took me by surprise.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" I asked. He glanced up. 

"Bowing to Princess Poppy?" He said, as if were obvious. I was certainly not used to this!

"Branch!" I groaned, pulling him up. "Don't treat me like a royal, we're just best friends."

Branch's POV

"Friend, friend, friend..." it echoed in my head. 'Of course friend' I told myself, and forced a smile. "I guess you're going home then?" I asked.

"Yeah, where else would I go?" she asked optimistically. "But don't worry! I'll make sure you can live in the castle with all my soon-to-be-friends!" She smiled so hard her eyes practically were crescents. "I can tell the ki- my dad, everything!"

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem! It's the least I can do," she replied. Petal nodded beside her. "But...what are we gonna do with this?" She asked, holding out the gem she had.

"Is that the Moonstone?" I asked in shock. It was the same shape and color, but there were swirls of orange and yellow, and it glowed faintly orange. I ran my teal finger over it. "Whoa..."

"I think we could keep it in the castle," Poppy said. I nodded in agreement. 

"Probably the safest place," I mumbled. I looked at Poppy, who was swaying back and forth on her legs impatiently. "What?"

"Can we go now?" She asked. I chuckled. 

"Sure!" I exclaimed, and she bounded to the window, tying her cut hair like a rope around the hook, and letting it pool downward. 

"You coming?" She asked, zipping down.

"Yeah," I called, looking uneasily at the height, and the hanging hair. I gulped and grabbed it, sliding slowly down, carefully, hugging it like a child on a fire pole. Once I got down, Poppy grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the kingdom. "Hey!" I protested, but she payed no attention.

"Let's go let's go let's go!" She exclaimed, as I continued to be dragged.

A/N Wow. I cannot believe my first book I almost done! I think I've improved a lot in writing. I'm also thinking of making a little short story/ comic series, following the events of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, with a twist 😁

Until then, Byeee!

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