"Well, my mom asked her to take care of me for two weeks since she'll have some business trips." Vin plainly said. They all looked at me and seems like they're waiting for me to say something.
"What?" I asked them and they gave me the 'care-to-explain-more' look.
"Mrs. Shin asked me to take care of her since she was with me before she had her sudden trip." These girls are seriously good at interrogating.
"Enough of the questions! Let's eat." I spoke and stuffed some food in my mouth. They did the same. We ate silently and eventually went back to our respective rooms after eating.
Our last class is pretty boring. I tried my best not to fall asleep even though I didn't understand a single thing.
"This sucks!" Nayeon-unni whispered. I chuckled and looked at the letters written on the board.
"Here's a seat work! Finish it up and I'll let you go after we check it." The man in front said.
I quickly opened my notebook and my blue pen to start answering. Nayeon-unni was doing the same.
"This sucks but I am now regretting that I chose the business strand when I was in my Seniors rather than choosing this engineering strand." She said and slightly slapped her forehead.
"We only had business math and some stuff that needs calculator." She continued.
"You love Math that much, I see." I replied as I write my solutions.
"This strand gives nice Math lessons." She said referring to our special subjects such as Calculus, and Trigonometry.
"That's why I chose this." I retorted.
"You also have some nice Science class." Our Chemistry, and BioChemistry teachers really took teaching to the next level. They use holograms and Virtual Reality to teach us.
"Engineering strand took teaching to the next level." I said coolly after finishing the seat work.
"I'll be back in a few minutes. Be sure to finish it up." Our teacher left after saying those words.
"Why did I even choose business strand before? Why?" Nayeon-unni dramatically said.
"Because you're the youngest and you'll manage your family business?" I answered her cluelessly.
"Actually, I chose that strand hoping that my crush will notice me back then. But meh, he chose the girl from the humanities strand." I laughed a little at her reason.
"Seriously? Giving up your favorite Math, and Science subjects for a boy?"
"What? I didn't know. I was so stupid that time." She said looking so embarrassed.
"Why don't you take an engineering program for college?" I looked at her.
"I don't even know If I'll go to college. My schedule will be packed soon." She shrugged as she spoke. "And if I ever take classes, I'll surely won't understand anything because I'll rarely show-up in class." She continued.
"That's why I don't accept working under labels." I said almost whispering.
"You make more money though. You wrote songs with Shawn Mendes, Lauv, and some international artists. You even worked with some famous artists here." She played with her pen while speaking.
"Well as a songwriter, I don't need any specific label to hold my name. I'll just build my own name." I said not realizing that my friends were listening.
"Wait! You wrote songs with those artists?!" Me and Nayeon-unni's attention turned to Cleo.
"Uh, yes. I have worked with Nayeon-unni too. Her last two albums was co-written by me." I smiled at them.
"Wow! This day surely revealed a lot of things."
"Never minding that, I'm still a girl with a dream of having that 'Eng.' title before my name." I said dreamily.
"But seriously speaking, why is Im Nayeon on a break?" Je asked.
"I'm working on a new album." Nayeon-unni whispered. The girls' mouths gaped.
"Yuri will be the head songwriter, so basically she'll write almost all of my songs." She whispered again.
"I thought you aren't allowed to reveal these things." Nayeon-unni looked at me and shush-ed me.
"You'll still be paid for like thousands of dollars for those songs even if I reveal these things." She said and poked my cheek.
"Let's check your papers." Our teacher suddenly spoke which made us jolt from our seats. He started to answer what's written on the board.
"That's it. Class dismissed." He said and left. We stood up and left the classroom to walk. Nayeon-unni wore her sunglasses again.
"Where's Vin?" Nayeon-unni asked.
"She'll be out in an hour." I said and glanced on the time.
"Let's wait for her at the field, shall we?" Nayeon-unni nodded and we made our way to the field.
"You still play table tennis?" She asked me when a group of people with their paddle passed by.
"Yeah, but I left the team." I said and watched the group play.
"I focused on taekwondo more since I started to play table tennis ever since I was in 3rd grade. I wanted to explore. Besides I enjoy taekwondo more." I answered her question.
"You have a table in your home?" I nodded at her.
"At the basement." It's been a long time since I played actually.
"Let's play on Saturday." I nodded at her.
"I miss going to school." We watched the students walk around the field.
"Enroll next semester, Nayeon-unni."
"I want to go back in High School." She said and sighed.
"You can sit-in in my class." I offered.
"But for a week only. I miss going to school everyday and going to detention office for tricking the teachers." She sighed once again.
"Oh, I heard about that from Aunt Yoona." She giggled after I said those words.
"Mom was always attending meetings with our principal because of me."
"Yeah, and she said that you being an artist now is a big help." Nayeon-unni looked at me, puzzled.
"She told me that you learnt to manage your time well and you matures in a very good way." She smiled with what I said.
"I miss Mom all of a sudden. I haven't seen her for like a month or two." She sighed and looked down.
"Aunt Yoona is busy with her business, I think."
"Yeah, Dad left a lot of work for Mom." I can sense sadness in Nayeon-unni's voice. Her father passed away when she was just starting her career two years ago.
"I know Uncle is very proud of you and I have a strong feeling that Aunt Yoona will visit you soon." I patted her back and smiled at her.
"I hope so. Anyways, I haven't heard anything from JB-oppa lately. You have any news?" She said referring to her older brother.
"I heard he's doing well with his business. But he rarely visit us, so I haven't seen him in a while." Nayeon-unni just nodded from what I have said.
"I miss him too." Nayeon-unni pouted.
We talked like that for an hour. I somehow pity Nayeon-unni, all of them became busy when Uncle died. They rarely see each other in a year. Nayeon-unni live alone, same as her mom and her brother. She misses them and is hoping to see them again. But I can sense that she misses her dad too, she's a daddy's girl and I witnessed her cry her heart out when she learnt about Uncle's sudden death. That's the worst kind of sadness for me. It's when you miss someone and you cannot do anything about it.
Hello again! Here's an update for today! Let me ask you a question.
Who do you miss the most at the moment?

The One That Got Away-s.rj x c.js
Teen FictionYuri is here to find The One That Got Away "What are you doing here, Vin?" "Yuri..." Is she the one? ~a ryujisu/jinlia fanfic Shin Ryujin x Choi Lia (ITZY) Choi Jisu/Lia as Yuri Shin Ryujin as Vin 06042020-07082020