"Coach, please..."

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Aimes Pov.
The Ducks are all standing on a big stage outside of this big boarding school in Minnesota, Eden Hall. Well almost all of us. Jesse ended up moving to be with Terry and his mom. 

My dad was giving a speech about us.

“Thank you. It’s a great honor to be here today. To introduce you to truly a great group of kids. Sure they can be a little rambunctious. They’ve run me ragged and played more than their fair share of pranks. I still haven't forgotten about those eggs” dad looked specifically at me and Charlie, making the OG Ducks scruff up my hair and laugh.

“But I hung in there, and they hung in there for me. We became the Quack Attack, the Flying V, The Royal duo, and the Bash Brothers. I even gained an amazing and wonderful daughter” Dad pulled me into his side, I just hid in his shoulder before hiding back behind Charlie and Adam. I wasn’t keen on crowds really, ever since the bear attack at the Goodwill games 

“I’ve never had a better time” my dad continued “These kids are winners, each and everyone one of them. But more than that these are good people. I hope that they enrich and enliven your school and your lives the way they have mine. Now, I hand you over to the capable hands of my old biology teacher, and current headmaster of Eden hall, Dean Buckley”

Dad finished. We clapped as Dean Buckley walked on the stage.

“Gordon Bombay has a lot to be proud of. We are happy to welcome the Ducks to our great educational institution. So today it gives me great pleasure to award to you these full athletic scholarships to Eden Hall Academy. Where we hope the Ducks will be happy warriors! Lead us on to glory and divisional championships!” Buckley finished, as everyone cheered.

Charlie pulled Adam and I into a side hug and we clapped. I looked out into the crowd in front of us. I saw Dad, Casey, Hans, Elaine. All clapping for us. It wasn’t as good as winning a game, but it still felt nice. I smiled at my dad, he smiled back. I looked up at Adam.

“I’m happy for us” I smiled

“Me to baby” he smiled kissing my forehead.

Eventually they let us off the stage and I hurried off faster then everyone else, everybody laughing when I did. I ran up to my dad and jumped into his arms and he spun me around. Charlie came running up to give his mom a hug, who I hugged after. Charlie leaned on my head using me as an armrest.

“So you guys proud of us” he smirked.

I shoved his arm off, making him stumble over while laughing.

“Am I ever gonna grow! I mean Charlie hit another growth spurt! So did Addy! Even Ken did! I’m still the shortest!” I complain.

“I like you short” Adam smiled coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Yeah cause then we can do this!” Charlie exclaimed.

“No guys!” I whined but it was too late.

Adam picked me up, turning me upside down and running away, Charlie chasing after him. He then literally threw me to Charlie who spun me around like crazy before plopping me down on the grass. I was so dizzy I was seeing three Adams above me, not that I minded.

“Oh boy, it’s a good thing I forgot to eat lunch” I laughed.

I then saw dad walk up and look at me.

“You alright there Aimes?” My dad chuckled.

“Oh yeah just peachy” I sighed sarcastically “I’ve become a human football for my brother and his best friend” I complained making all three boys laugh. 

“Come on up Aimes” dad smiled lifting me up and making sure I was stable “Twins can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Uh Amethyst. I’m gonna go find my dad” Adam smiled before kissing me on the cheek and running off.

“Everything okay coach?” Charlie asked.

I like how he still calls him coach. My dad sighed and looked at his feet.

“Well what do you guys think of the new school?” my dad looked back up at us.

He was stalling.

“Well the school looks stuffy, but well loosen it up coach, right sis?” Charlie smiled pulling me into a side hug. I chuckled. My dad sighed again.

“I’m not gonna be your coach this year Charlie” my dad sighed.

“Yeah very funny” Charlie and I chorused, laughing.

“I just got the official word. The Junior Goodwill Games Committee has named me Director of Player Personnel” my dad sighed. Wait he was serious? “I’m gonna be in charge of their junior hockey program worldwide”

“Well don’t go!” Charlie and I chorused

“Twins I can’t pass up this opportunity” he sighed

“But you can pass us up right?” I scoffed. I couldn’t believe this. He was leaving, again? “I mean you dump us off in some stupid preppy school and now you're-

“I’m not dumping you anywhere” dad interrupted me “Eden Hall is a great chance for you two”

“Dad! I’m a horrible student! I dress like a gang member! This school is a great chance to go to jail finally!” I exclaimed, only being partially sarcastic “I can’t believe you’re abandoning me again!”

Charlie wrapped his other arm around me as I started to cry. He ran his fingers through my hair.

“Aimes I’m not abandoning you. Twins I will always-

“Coach, please...” Charlie stopped him “Don’t go”

“Twins I know it’s hard. I understand what you’re going through- 

“No. No you don’t understand” Charlie cut him off.

“You obviously don’t even have a clue” I sighed, turning to face my dad again, tears in my eyes.

Charlie held me close as the two of us walked away.

 “Can we go find Adam?” I looked up at Charlie.

“Sure Sis” he gave me a soft smile, while tucking the stray hairs behind my ear. 

We ended up in the coffee shop where Casey works with the rest of the Ducks. We told them all what was happening, everyone was upset. Dean stormed off when we told him. Adam pulled me closer to him as a few silent tears fell.

“It’s alright Amethyst. It’s gonna be okay. We’re all here” he whispered, calming me down.

A week later, Dad was gone once again, and the next day was our first day at school. Oh joy.


I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now