It Was Hans That Taught Us To Fly

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Aimes Pov.
About a week later we were standing outside along with the Ducks, and other family members of Hans. I stood beside Charlie and Guy, luckily no one had argued with Adam. I think we were all too sad to be angry with each other. I was still angry at myself though.

“Our father. Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name” we all recited “Forgive us our tresspasses as we forgieve those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen” we finished.

I hadn’t even noticed my dad walk up until he spoke.

“Excuse me one second” My dad asked the priest. Dad then placed Hans' own Duck jersey on the casket. I’d stopped crying, I was just angry now. Angry at myself, angry at the world. I watched as my dad began to speak 

“Everytime you touch the ice, remember it was Hans that taught us to fly” he was trying not to cry, but his eyes were bloodshot and you could tell he had been. I couldn’t stand there anymore. I quickly wiped away a tear that threatened to fall, placed my flower on the casket and stormed off. Charlie followed me soon after. I stopped by the river and Charlie walked up.

“You angry too?” he sighed, trying not to cry.

I nodded my head. Charlie wrapped an arm around me.

“You wanna talk to him?” Charlie asked, meaning my dad. I just shook my head. Charlie nodded “Let’s go home Aimes”

I sighed as we walked home, without saying anything. We got back and I quickly changed out of the black suit I wore, and climbed into my bed. Charlie came in soon after and did homework for a bit, before he also climbed into his bed.

“Charlie?” I mumbled.

“Yeah sis?” he sniffed.

“Can you come lie with me?”

I heard ruffling behind me before I felt the bed dip and Charlie wrapped his arms around me. I sniffed back a tear as Charlie rubbed my arms.

“It’s alright sis” he comforted.

I fell into a dark, dreamless sleep. I felt empty, and sad, and angry. I wanted to see Adam. I wanted to see my dad. I wanted… to see Hans.


I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now