I Finally Stumped You

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Aimes Pov.
Sadly we were interrupted by the Varsity boys running out from the restaurant laughing and cheering.

“Yo dude, we did !” Cole laughed.

“Hey!” I yelled “What’s going on?” I questioned.

“We just tricked you and your little duckys to pay for the bill” Cole laughed, not realizing he probably shouldn’t have told me.

They did what! I was pissed, I charged away from Adam before he could stop me. I walked straight up to Cole and socked him right in the jaw, effectively making him fall to the pavement. I used my good wrist for that.

“Hey watch it bitch” Riley shoved me back.

I didn’t know what I was doing, all I saw was red. Fuse broke. 

I punched Riley as well, making him stagger back. Two other Varsity boys came up to me, I kicked on in the groin and the other in the shins and they fell over. Adam tried to stop me but two more Varsity boys held him back as Riley stood in front of me.

“You must think you’re pretty brave huh princess” Riley sneered.

Honestly it’s been so long since I've gotten in an actual fight. I used to all the time, but then I got so involved with hockey, the boys became more of my outlet.

“Don’t call me princess” I growled and charged at him.

I kicked him in the stomach and when he doubled over I kneed him in the face. He staggered back again “You obviously don’t know who I am” I chuckled, dryly.

“Nah I know” he shook his head, his nose was now bleeding “Amethyst Ryans” What? How’d he? He must’ve seen the shock on my face cause he chuckled “You used to live on Francis drive in St. Paul, number 25” he sneered.

“How do you know that?” I gritted through my teeth. I was terrified.

“Your older brother, Freddy,” he started.

“Shut up” I gritted through my teeth.

“He died from cancer when you were, what, 10?” he questioned

“Shut up!” I yelled.

“Riley leave her alone!” I heard Adam yell.

I looked back at him, being held back by the two Varsity goons, and I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my face. I fell to the ground and was kicked in the stomach almost instantly.

“Your mom left a few months later, cause she couldn’t stand losing her favorite child. She had to be stuck with just you!” Riley taunted.

“Shut up!” I yelled, but was met with another punch to my face, making my nose bleed.

“You dad started drinking when she left, right?” Riley chuckled.

“How do you know this!” I yelled.

Riley chuckled before kneeling down to me.

“Your brother was captain on my old team,” he smiled.

Suddenly I recognized him. It was this Riley! The Riley who used to be friends with my brother?

I was in shock. My body went on auto pilot and I jumped onto him, punching him in the face over and over. I was so angry. How could my brother be friends with a guy like this? I accidentally punched him with the wrong fist, making me yell out in pain. Riley shoved me off of him before standing up.

“Come on guys let’s get out of here” he ordered the rest of his goons, and they took off to get their cars.

“Amethyst!” Adam was quick to run to my side.

I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now