Detention Miss Bombay"

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Aimes Pov.
The end of the week came soon, and I wasn’t allowed to play this game, but I came for support. Orian took a head count as Charlie and I ran to the bus, we were late.

“Mendoza, Fulton, Aimes” he paused when he saw Charlie “Conway?”

“I wanna be on the team Coach” Charlie nodded “I wanna play two way hockey” he smiled. I sighed with relief “Can I come back?”

I looked up at Orian.

“Take a seat, we’re running late,” he smiled.

“Yes!” I punched the sky, making the guys chuckle.

“Let’s go, we have a game to catch,” Orian ordered.

“It’s about time Twins” Russ smiled as the others cheered. I sat down beside Charlie in front of Russ after we high fived a bunch of the guys.

“Crack it up Mr. Bus man!” I yelled to the front.

“Aw man you should've seen your face” Russ then faked sadness, imitating Charlie “Oh Coach I wanna play two way hockey. Can I come back” Russ fakes tears with his fingers.

We all laughed as Charlie smacked Russ and they started smacking each other as we laughed. Suddenly Dean Buckley came on the bus.

“I almost missed you,” he said “Coach you mind if I have a few words with your boys?”

“And girls,” Julie said standing up.

“Yes of course, and girls” Buckely corrected himself.

“If you can make it quick Dean. We’re running late as it is” Orian nodded.

“I’m afraid this is important” Buckley sighed “We have a board meeting scheduled tomorrow and well… you all are on the agenda”

What was he talking about?

“We have to think long term here. What’s in your best interest. Hard as it is for me to say personally, because you kids have been a breath of fresh air around here”

No way, everything he’s saying is bull.

“The board is going to approve the withdrawal of your scholarships” We all sighed. I knew it. “Now you’ll be welcome to stay through to the end of the semester. But after that it will be necessary for you to enjoy other educational opportunities”

I opened my mouth to say something I definitely shouldn’t say, but both Charlies and Guys hands flew over my mouth.

“Dean I need a word with you” Orian mumbled.

“I think I’ve said all I need to say” Dean nodded.

“No, now” Orina said, and led Buckley out of the bus.

We watched from the door and the windows.

“Other educational opportunities?” Dwayne was confused “What’s he saying twins?”

“I’ll put it in terms you can understand. Adios Amigos” I sighed.

Charlie wrapped an arm around me as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“Oh. I see” Dwayne sighed.

We listened to Buckley and Orian talking.

“So that’s it? You’re dumping them just like that?” Orion exclaimed.

“Coach I’m sorry. Your team isn’t performing and I’ve under enormous pressure” 

“From whom? The alumni group? A bunch of aging pep clubbers?” Orian exclaimed.

“Ted, I’m trying to do you a favor” Buckley reasoned “With those kids gone you’ll get to pick your own team. Let’s face it, the Ducks are drowning”

I gritted my teeth. Charlie rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

“I got my team, either they stay, or I go,” Orian concluded.

We all smiled at each other. Orian really was a great guy.

“We’ll miss ya Ted” Buckley shrugged.

“What!” I yelled as I ran from Charlie’s grip.

“Oh no” Charlie mumbled when I ran off.

“Just let her blabber for once” Guy stopped him, chuckling.

“Are you so damn cold hearted you would fire a man over a bunch of kids, just because they lost a few freaking games!“ I yelled “Well guess what Dean, that’s sport! Ya win some ya lose some! But you also learn about loyalty and respect. Ya don’t flake out when things get difficult! I cannot believe a man would throw away a bunch of kids scholarships for such a damn stupid reason!” I kept going “And you know what! Screw you and your-

I was stopped by a hand over my mouth.

“Alright, that’s enough” Guy chuckled.

“Detention Miss Bombay” Buckley appointed  before walking away.

Once I calmed down Guy let go of my mouth.

“You are one stupid kid” Orian chuckled looking at me.

“You bet” I chuckled with a smirk.

Orian smiled, scruffing up my hair.

“This is ridiculous,” Fultom sighed.

“We’re just pawns” Averman sighed “Puppets for a stage show, jesters to entertain the king, barnacles on the bottom of-

“Shut up!” I yelled, cutting off his panicking.

“Coach is this legal?” Goldberg asked “I mean, don’t we have contracts or something?”

“I don’t know what it is” Orion sighed “All I know is we’re gonna fight it”

We all looked up at him and nodded. Yeah we were, and I know just the right person to help us… I’m gonna make a call.


I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now