I'm Allergic To Seafood!

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Aimes Pov.
I was walking down the hallway to lunch. I’d been able to keep my wrist a secret, but it really hurt. I don’t think I broke it, but I definitely sprained it and wasn’t doing anything about it. But I couldn’t! Orion would kill me if I didn’t play, and I’d be letting the team down.

When I entered the cafeteria I instantly noticed the horde of new red varsity jackets. I stormed up ready to start a fight if needed.

“Hey congrats on the Blake game” Riley started.

“Riley” I stormed up and everyone noticed but Adam wrapped his arms around my waist stopping me from doing anything.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay Amethyst” Adam smiled.

“Hey hey hey. Chill out minni duck” Riley chuckled.

I would have jumped at him, but Adam had his face snuggled into my neck and I couldn’t really move “Look I know you guys tied, but a point’s a point. We’re all warriors now. You guys proved your guts” he was sounding actually genuine. What’s going on? “You all set for dinner friday?” he questioned.

“Diner?” Russ questioned.

“Well, it’s an Eden Hall tradition, Varsity’s gotta treat the freshman to dinner. So round up your posse and meet us at, 6:00, at the Minnesota club downtown. Anybody need a ride we can take you” Riley nodded “I mean you guys do like steak and seafood right?”

“Yeah we do!” Charlie exclaimed.

“Nu uh! No way” I shook my head

“Come on Aimes it’s one night” Fulton reasoned.

“I’m allergic to seafood!” I exclaimed.

“Well that’s alright minnie duck” Riley smiled and slapped a hand on my shoulder “They got lots of salads and other things. Don’t you worry”

“Look I don’t like you pukes alright?” Cole started “But this is a tradition. At Eden Hall I learned to care about tradition” Cole stated before walking away.

At least he was being honest.

“It’s cool,” Adam smiled.

“Babe I really don’t-

“Amethyst it’s okay” Adam encouraged me “I’ll be with you okay. Nothing’s gonna happen” he smiled.

Everyone accepted since Adam said it was okay. I sighed and nodded. Adam smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“Come sit with me?” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

“You're lucky l...like you so much” God I nearly said love!

Linda had put it in my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Adam chuckled as we walked over to the varsity table.

Adam sat down and I was about to but a voice stopped me.

“Whoa. Who are you, and what do you think you’re doing?” a prissy voice questioned with disgust.

Cheerleaders. Yuck!

“I’m sitting down,” I explained like she was 3. “I know it’s difficult to understand, so allow me to explain” I smirked. Adam was giving me a look saying “please don’t” but also “i think you're hot right now”. I had to fight to keep a straight face “Chair” I pulled the chair out. “Step” I stepped around the chair. “Ass” I finished, sitting in the chair. 

Adam nearly choked on his water at that one. At this point the whole table was looking at the weird stranger sitting with them.

“Yeah and a big ass at that” the cheerleader mumbled.

I saw Adam’s hands clench as the few girls giggled. I gave him a look telling him not to worry before turning back to the girls.

“Yeah and it’s almost as big as your fat head” I shrugged leaning back in the chair.

“Ugh!” the girl was appalled.

“Hey!” Cole yelled, pulling me up from my seat by the scruff of my shirt “That’s my girl you skank!” Cole yelled.

Whoa. That’s a new insult. Just play it off Aimes.

“Whoops. Wrong ditz to diss I guess” I sighed.

“Cole!” the girl exclaimed.

“You little-

“Hey! What’s going on!” I turned my head. Orion?

Cole saw him and instantly put me down making me fall and land on my wrist.

“Agh!” I didn’t mean to yell.

“Nothing Sir” Riley piped in.

Orion didn’t say anything, he just nodded and walked out. 

“Aimes are you okay!” Addy was instantly at my side.

“Yeah” I sighed “Yeah I’m fine Addy” I nodded.

“I’m sorry I should’ve stopped him or said something or-

“Addy!” I chuckled “It’s alright. I can handle myself”

I stood up but winced when I used my wrist.

“You sure you’re okay?” Adam questioned.

“Really. I’m fine Addy” I smiled.

I kissed him on the cheek and I was about to sit down again.

“Uh babe you wanna go sit with the guys?” Adam chuckled.

“Yes” I laughed.

Adam smiled and wrapped an arm around me before we walked over. Once we got over Charlie was in Adam’s face.

“What the hell was that!” Charlie exclaimed “Why didn’t you do anything!”

“What!” I yelled.

“Charlie I know man, and I’m sorry I was in like, some kind of shock and-

“No! Not when it comes to my sister” Charlie growled.

“Charlie calm down!” I held a hand to his chest “I’m alright. Really” I tried to calm him down.

“No Aimes I-

“Hey!” I yelled. “Look at me” I placed Charlie's hand on my cheek “I am alright” I smiled.

Charlie just rolled his eyes and walked out of the cafeteria. I sighed, Adam wrapped an arm around me. I felt bad, what was happening to me and Charlie?


I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now