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Aimes Pov.

“Hey check it out, he knows Wayne Newton” Charlie pointed to a picture in a trophy case.

“Charlie, man, this is not a good way to start our year” Ken sighed as he walked up to us.

“Don’t worry Kenny. These prepsters aren’t gonna do anything to us” Charlie smiled.

God I hope not. We turned around and saw a large ant farm. 

“Check it out. Antsvill” Charlie smiled.

I cringed away.

“What up with you Bombay? Afraid of some little ants” Fulton smirked.

“You could learn a lot from ants” Dean Buckley smiled at us through the glass “These braziltion fire ants can teach you a lot about successful social structure”

I cringed behind Adam who rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

“See. There’s one Queen in there. The rest are dedicated worker ants“ Buckley told us.

“Sounds like us huh, Ice Queen” Guy smirked, nudging my shoulder.

“Everybody pulls their weight, nobody complains. There’s harmony and growth. Same here at Eden Hall”

“Not us” Guy and Averman chorused making us laugh.

“Only you are the workers. The back bone” Buckley finished.

“And you’re the Queen?” I smirked, making the guys chuckle.

Buckley just hummed before walking away. I smiled as the guys all laughed. 

“Hey Bombay. What’s with you and the ants?” Fulton asked.

“She’s allergic, remember,” Charlie said.

“Aimes Ice Queen Bombay is allergic to ants” Russ laughed.

“Shut up” Adam nudged him.

“Yeah I get all itchy and I can’t walk from nausea and I puke a lot, it really sucks” I sighed “Same with Seafood”

Adam smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple. I smiled back. Okay maybe I can make this school somewhat fun. 


Monday - Pop Quiz

Tuesday - Hockey practice

Wednesday - Real Quiz?

Thursday - Hockey game

Friday- Exam

Boy was I wrong!


“It’s best said. The future is to the past. Like a dwarf on the shoulders on a giant”

Dwayne seemed very confused.

“Just think about me on Fultons shoulders” I whispered

He nodded back. I snickered. Now it makes sense to him? I pretty much tuned the rest of the lesson out. Until a gnome was slammed on my desk.

“And forget his place”

Was all I heard before the giant book was slammed on the dwarf in front of me. I looked up and saw Charlie snickering at my surprised face. I glared at him before sort of listening again.


“Your place” i said in a low man voice “Your pace shall be on the streets of manhattan you low life forgotten tom boy nobody” I mocked our teachers voice as the guys all started laughing “Don’t worry teach I know my place” I smirked as we walked down the halls to lunch.

I was some preppy goons taking Kenny's lunch. I growled and went to go find them but Charlie stopped me.

“Aimes, please don't,” he pleaded.

“But!” I started. Charlie just gave me one of those brother looks and I stopped talking. Charlie and I raced down the stairs, trying to find the cafeteria. 

“Finally!“ I sighed with relief, but Charlie wasn’t listening “Charlie?” I questioned. I followed his gaze until I saw a girl. Oh! Yes! It’s about time Charlie was checking something out other than hockey sticks. The girl then came up to us. 

“Hi! Would you like to sign our petition?” She asked.

“Uh...” Charlie was in awe. Oh this is cute! 

I smacked him up the side of the head and we came back down to earth.

“Uh yeah sure what’s it for” he smiled.

“Brother?” she asked me.

“Twins” I smiled, and she nodded before turning back to Charlie.

“We’re demanding the board change the demeaning Warrior name” She smiled.

“I can get behind that” I chuckled before signing my name.

Charlie was staring at the girl again. I slowly backed away from him, luckily he was too far gone and I ran off to find Adam. I walked into the cafeteria and saw Adam sitting with the rest of the team, minus Charlie. I walked up behind him and put my hands over his eyes.

“Guess who” I smirked

“Hmmm. One of the twins?” he smiled.

“Yes” I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

“Charlie?” He smirked

I rolled my eyes and quickly turned his head around and smashed our lips together. I got a little more passionate before pulling away with a smirk.

“Still thinks it’s Charlie?“ I smirked

“If it was. Wow your brother’s a good kisser” he sighed, making everyone at the table laugh.

“Nice save” I smiled and sat down beside him and started to eat my lunch. 

“Everyone excited about the new coach,” Julie questioned.

“No” Fulton groaned.

I just shrugged. Adam pulled me into a comforting side hug.

“When’s the last time you talked to him?” Adam asked

“Before he left. I said goodbye at the airport” I sighed.

Suddenly Charlie came running into the kitchen.

“Guys! I just talked to this really cute girl!” he exclaimed.

“Hey!” Julie, Connie and I exclaimed.

“You guys don’t count” Charlie waved it off.

“You’re still cute though” Adam chuckled pulling me into his lap and kissing my cheek.

“Come on guys this is new for me!” Charlie exclaimed

“Yeah! I mean come on guys” I chuckled “Hey, here’s hoping he won’t marry his Ducks jersey” I smirked toasting with my juice box, before Charlie smacked me up the side of the head as we all laughed.

“Very funny” he sighed.

“Oh! Guys!” Julie exclaimed “We have hockey after lunch remember. We should probably go get ready” 

“Yeah” we all nodded.

This will be interesting.


I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now