By myself?

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Aimes Pov.
The practice absolutely kicked our asses. Coach Orian was super tough on me particularly. I missed a single shot in a scrimmage and I had to run 20 laps! I’d grown a certain amount of respect for him, because he was our coach and I didn’t have a choice, but I definitely like dad better. God I wish he was here. 

“Somebody grab a shovel and bury me right here” Goldberg sighed as he collapsed on a bench.

“I’ll teach you to play like that!” Charlie mimicked coach Orian.

“Starts with a W!” I did the same.

“Wussies!” Averman said

“That’s right! Wussies on offence and defence!” Charlie continued.

They all shouted defence over and over.

“Hey guys cut it out! He’s not wrong ya know, our defence has never been great” I reasoned.

“I feel bad for you Aimes. I can’t believe he made you run laps for missing a shot” Connie sighed.

“At least it wasn’t for the whole practice” Charlie groaned.

Suddenly Coach Orian entered and we all stopped.

“Eden Hall academy requires you to maintain a C average to compete” he strutted down the benches. I sighed, okay I can do that “I believe that’s a bad rule” everyone smiled happily. Wait for it “I don’t want any C players on my team. I want B’s or better or you’re gonna be riding the pine pony” Called it!

I groaned, collapsing my head on Adam's shoulder. Sure I did hate school, but it’s not like I didn’t try, I’m just really bad at remembering information. I do actually try.

“Now. You got 15 minutes after each practise to clear this locker room. You got homework to do” he walked towards the door “Oh and one more thing. Stay clear of Varsity until we play then in the JV- Varsity showdown. You got that?”

We all nodded. Great! This will be difficult. With that Orion left the locker room. Alright let the complaining begin.

“Fifteen minutes? Man I cannot move” Russ started it off.

“Hey you guys look, he posted out positions!” Connie exclaimed.

A bunch of guys ran up, I took off my pads first.

“I don’t believe this! I play left side not right” Fulton exclaimed.

“Third line! Man that’s a major diss” Russ sighed.

“I’m not even posted!” Adam exclaimed.

“What!” I yelled running up to the board.

“Oh yeah you are! Adam Banks. Third line center” Connie exclaimed “Varsity?”

“I made Varsity?” Adam sighed.

“What?” I sighed.

Adam went to sit down. I didn’t see my name either.

“Wait where’s my name?” I asked.

“Right there” Guy pointed “Beside first line center, and… captain”

“By myself?” I exclaimed.

“What!” Charlie yelled running up to us.

Boy did he look mad. Sure the fact that Orian wanted me to be captain felt nice, but it still didn’t. Not if Charlie wasn’t captain with me. I’d rather him be captain then me anyways, he deserved it. I sighed and sat down with Adam and he got out of his pads.

“See that’s the good thing about being goalie ya know?” Goldberg smiled “You always know where ya stand. I just mind my business, take my place between the pipes”

“You’re riding the pine pony pal” Averman chuckled.

“Haha very funny” Goldberg chuckled.

“Julie’s one, you’re two” Averman pointed out.

“I’m back up?” Goldberg exclaimed.

I groaned and started hitting my head against the lockers. Everything was changing. Suddenly a pair of hands stopped my head from moving.

“Don’t do that, you’ll get marks on your head” Julie chuckled.

I groaned and kicked the locker.

“Woah Aimes chill. What do you have to be mad about?” Connie asked.

“Yeah you’re first line center and captain” Luis smiled.

“We’re all proud of you girl” Ken added.

“Thanks Ken. But I’m not happy!” I exclaimed “I mean of course I’m grateful and I feel glad that Orian thinks I’m good enough. But I still don’t like the change. Adam’s always first line center and I’m left side, and Charlie and I are both captains. Now Adam’s in varsity and Charlie’s not a captain. I don’t like it” I sighed.

The guys all nodded, understanding what I meant. I heard a scoff and I turned my head. It was Charlie? He just rolled his eyes and stormed out of the change room. I walked out following him.

“Charlie wait!” I yelled but he didn’t stop “Charlie!” He turned the corner and left.

What is going on? I just sighed and walked back in grabbing my stuff. I was nervous, was Charlie mad at me? 


Hey guys sorry for going MIA for a bit

I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now