Slip Away

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Aimes Pov.
“Thanks for the ride, Scooter” I smiled.

“No problem Aimes” he nodded.

I smiled and closed the door before heading in. As always Hans was listening to the game on the radio, the one I wasn’t allowed to play in. I hadn’t talked to the team since this morning, so I didn’t want to go and bother them. From the sounds of it, we weren’t doing great.

“Hey Hans” I smiled.

“Ah, Aimes my dear. I wondered why I hadn’t heard of the Ice Queen yet” he smiled. I sighed holding up my hands. He chuckled “Will you ever play a game you don’t get injured in?”

“I doubt it Hans” I smiled.

“So what happened?” he asked.

“The boys played a prank on Varsity, and we ended up in a game with them this morning. They played dirty, and Charlie and Adam got in a fight, I fell over from a PTSD attack, then a Varsity boy fell and cut my other hand with his skate accidently. Then Orian came in and stopped everything, and he walked me to the nurse himself this time”

“And that’s why you’re not playing,” Hans nodded.

“From threat of being taken off the team” I sighed.

“Is that all?” Hans questioned.

I chuckled.

“You always know don’t you” Hans just winked and I started again “Charlie got mad at Orian, now he’s not on the team anymore, neither is Fulton. He hates me, and he won’t talk to me. He didn’t even apologise from the prank” I mumbled.

“I thought you pranked the Varsity boys,” Hans questioned.

Whoops. Didn’t mean to say that.

“Well uh, they kinda got mad at me that night… so I stayed with Adam, and his room’s in the Varsity hallway, so we got pranked as well. They sent ants on us” I chuckled “I would’ve been amused by the prank if I wasn’t allergic” I chuckled.

Hans nodded. We continued to talk and it was getting dark outside. The game was now in second period, we were being creamed. Casey had called a couple times, she was looking for Charlie, I was worried about him, but still mad. Suddenly the door opened and I saw Charlie, speak of the devil. 

I quickly hid around the corner, not wanting him to see me.

“Your mother’s been calling” Hans said “She’s been looking for you”

Charlie sat down on the couch

“I’m right here” Charlie sighed.

 Hans looked at me. I silently pleaded for him not to say I was here. The game was still going through the radio, Hans turned it off.

“Sounds like the team needs you huh?” Hans questioned

“They don’t need me. What they need is a new Coach” Charlie scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. 

“You’re not a little boy anymore Charlie” Hans almost scolded “Please stop acting this way”

“I just don’t know what this guy wants from me” Charlie sighed.

That I understood. I thought the same way until I talked to him today.

“He won’t let you just skate by” Hans said “He demands more. He wants it because he knows that it is there inside of you” Hans explained “Like Gordon did. He needs you to lead”

I quietly sighed. The old man was always right wasn’t he. He looked back at me telling me this was meant for me too. I nodded, I knew it was.

“How can he expect me to lead when he takes away my C!” Charlie exclaimed “I was the captain Hans”

Hans sighed. 

“Alongside your sister?” he sighed.

“Yeah” Charlie sighed, like the mention of me was hard to hear.

“It’s only a letter Charlie,” Hans shook his head.

He opened up a small drawer, and pulled out a lot of captain C’s.

“Here. I have hundreds!” he chuckled.

“These are not the same,” Charlie sassed “Don’t make fun of me Hans” 

Wow, Charlie was really pissed.

“He took away the C Charlie. Not what was under it” Hans reminded. Charlie sighed, knowing Hans was right “Go, be with your friends Charlie. You and your sister have always been the heart of the team. Don’t let it slip away”

“I already let her slip away” Charlie mumbled, but then scoffed “And they’re the ones that are slipping away from me”

He got up and walked toward the door.

“Your sister loves you Charlie” Hans called him “She always will”

I smiled. Yeah… Ugh I do, he’s just getting on my freaking nerves.

“Yeah well I doubt she’ll forgive me anytime soon” Charlie sighed.

You know what you have to do Charlie, just do it.

“Just apologize for whatever you think she’s angry about. She will forgive you” Hans finished, but his breathing sounded harsh.

“You okay Hans?” Charlie asked.

Hans held up a finger, showing he’d finally got us to think something was wrong. I silently chuckled.

“I gotta walk. I’ll see ya” Charlie scoffed as he walked out of the shop, slamming the door.

I walked out from around the corner.

“I got you as well didn’t I?” Hans chuckled.

“You’re morbid Hans” I chuckled. 

I sat down beside him on the couch and gave him a nice hug.

“You should go after him,” Hans said.

“No way! He knows what he has to do. He’s just being stubborn” I sighed.

“Forgive him Amethyst. Deep down your brother loves you more than he could ever explain”

“I know” I sighed “Can I couch surf tonight Hans?” I asked, not wanting to walk back to school in the dark.

“Of course child” Hans nodded.

He went to walk into his own bedroom in the shop, but he stopped and leaned against the door post, coughing.

“Nice try Hans” I chuckled.

He turned around with a smile.

“Goodbye Amethyst” He smiled.

“Night Hans” I chuckled rolling my eyes.

I quickly called Adam at school, telling him I was staying before heading to sleep. Not knowing the terrible moment I was about to live the next morning.


I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now