The Whole Story

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Aimes Pov.
I was woken up suddenly by the alarm clock. I groaned and took the pillow out from underneath mine and Charlie's head slamming it on top of my head.

“6:00 am. Charlie, why'd you set the alarm?” I groaned.

“I didn't,” he groaned, shutting it off.

“I did” I know that voice.

I took my head out from the pillow and saw my dad.

“Morning Twins” he smiled “Thought we could spend the day together, get an early start, come on”

“Unbelievable” I sighed, going back under the pillow.

“Go away,” Charlie groaned, pulling the blanket over his head “Hans in gone”

“We wanna be alone” we chorused.

My dad chuckled. Not funny.

“Look Twins I know you’re going through a tough time. I understand” he sighed “Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and the Ducks”

“There are no Ducks” we chorused again as we came out from our hiding places.

“Orian split us apart,” Charlie added. He wasn’t wrong. That’s basically how this all started “you know you left us with a real jerk” Charlie kept going. 

I sighed, he’s still being stubborn

“Orian?” My dad questioned “Well maybe you don’t know the whole story” my dad sighed “Come on get dressed let’s go”

“Go away” we chorused, trying to get the message through his head.

“Can’t do that. Come on!” he sighed standing up.

Charlie and I groaned, shoving our faces back into the mattress. Suddenly we were tipped sideways.


And Charlie fell on top of me.

“For the love of God Charlie!” I groaned “Quit falling on me!”

“Sorry” Charlie chuckled as he sat up.

“Get dressed twins” my dad ordered before leaving the room.

“He’s not gonna go away Charlie” I sighed.

“I know” he groaned standing up. Charlie pulled me to my feet and we both got dressed. I wore a black t-shirt, black ripped jeans, a blue flannel and a blue beanie with my black leather jacket. It looked funny because my wrist is still wrapped up, but I didn’t care.

Dad took us to school, and to the rink. We saw a man ice skating to the waltz of the flowers with a little girl. But she was in a wheelchair. I noticed the man was Orian. The three of us walked out to the stands.

“What’s this all about?” Charlie groaned.

“Sit down” he pointed to the bleachers. Charlie and I sat “That’s his daughter” my dad started “She was injured in a car accident about five years ago. He was driving and they got side swiped” dad explained.

I watched the little girl with her father, she was so happy. It just made me more annoyed with my fathers. One hit me and yelled at me, the other loved me, but never had time for me.

“So that’s why he gave up playing pros” Charlie realized.

“When the North Stars left Minnespta he stayed. He didn’t want to disrupt her recovery. Her doctors and her friends were here”

“And he stayed,” I mumbled.

My dad sighed. I didn’t mean to say that outloud. 

“We all just thought he was some washed up bully who couldn’t hack it” Charlie sighed.

“Oh he can hack it Charlie” dad chuckled “He just… simply… made a choice...” my dad trailed off “I don’t think he’s ever regretted it for a minute” dad looked straight at me “Un like me” he sighed.

I looked at the ground. I felt angry, but also felt bad for being angry. My dad came over to me.

“Aimes I’m sorry I keep leaving. I really am. I can't guarantee I’ll be around more the older you get, cause it’s simply not true. But I promise I will always love you, and I will always be there when you need me” he smiled.

I smiled too. I pulled my dad into a hug.

“It’s okay dad” I sighed “I’m sorry I was selfish”

“It’s alright munchkin” he smiled, making me chuckle.

“Daddy! Daddy is that her! Is that the Ice Queen!” the little girl squealed from the ice.

I looked down, she was staring at me. I was confused. Was she talking about me?

“Yeah that’s her sweet heart” Orian chuckled.

“Hello! My dad talks about you a lot, he says you’re a really good hockey player” she waved.

I waved back and looked over at dad and Charlie. They were both smiling at me.

“Thank you” I smiled.

“Can she skate with us daddy? Please?” she begged as we walked down the bleachers. 

I smirked and leaned against the boards. Orian looked up at me.

“What do you say Coach? My skates are in the change room” I smirked “Can I have an exception from my ice ban?” I chuckled.

“Go get your skates kid” he chuckled and I ran off.

When I got back Dad and Charlie weren’t there, but I didn’t mind. Charlie needed some father advice. He got it from Dad, I knew that. I went out onto the ice and skated around with the small girl.

“How did you hurt your hands?” she questioned.

“Well, I fell and cut one hand by accident, and the other one I didn’t let heal when it should have” I smiled.

“How come?” she asked.

“I wasn’t very smart” I sighed “I wanted to do something really badly, that I didn’t think about my hand being hurt even more, so I didn’t tell anybody” I bent down to her eye level “But you know who helped me get better?” I smiled

“Who?” she asked intrigued.

“Your daddy” I turned to look at Orian. “He helped in a lot of ways,” I smiled back at the girl.

“Daddy can you 1 v1 each other!” she pleaded.

Oh she is definatly his daughter alright. I chuckled, and looked over at Orian who also chuckled.

“What do you say Coach?” I chuckled “First to 5 no check” I smiled.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, but Aimes has to let her hand heel so she can play hockey next week” he smiled at me. I smiled wide, he was gonna let me play the Varsity game! “But you can come watch the game” he smiled.

“Yes! Then i get to see the Ice Queen and the Ice King” she smiled.

I looked at the clock, I should probably go find dad and Charlie.

“Hey. I should probably get going” I told the girl “But I look forward to seeing you at the next game, Ice Princess” I smiled.

“Yes!” she giggled.

“See ya tuesday coach” I smiled.

He nodded and I skated off. Once I put my skated back I walked out to the hallway and saw dad and Charlie talking.


I love this chapter!

I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now