chapter 2

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Returning home, I noticed a car parked right in front of our house. It belonged to my aunt Ann. I loved it when my aunt stops by more often.

I know I shouldn't lean too much on her since she suffers a great deal of losing a sister and dumped by her husband, leaving her with two children to look after.

I packed my car in the garage after which I took my handbag and books heading inside.

I decided to pass through our backward since I heard noises and I bet it was that of my little sister; flora and my two adorable cousins; Mary and Gabriel.

"Ciara!" my sister called as she quickly ran and hugged me. I loved it when she called my name. It felt as though I was called by my mum. My deceased mum.

"Angel!" I called back as I carried her on my body. She had dirt all over her but I didn't mind at all. "How was your day angel?" I asked her since she doesn't attend school due to the fact of losing mum. Our family doctor advised that it's better she stops all activities that might remind her of mum.

"It was great ciara. I made a castle. Mary and Gabriel also helped me to make the castle." She said as she demonstrated how big the castle is. No wonder she had dirt all over her.

"Really? So would I join you in your castle?" I asked her.

"Of course ciara. You, I, dad, Mary, gab, and Aunt Ann will join me."
The facts that mum wasn't mentioned hurt me so much but I was happy because it was a good sign she is beginning  to move on.

"really? That's so sweet." I said giving her a kiss.

I noticed Mary and gab had already approached me so I could carry them as I carried flora.

"Okay babies. I will carry you all."  I dropped down flora and my hand bag and carried both Mary and gab at the same time. "Flora told me you all made a castle. Is that true?" I asked Mary and gab.

"Yes. We made a very big castle." Gab replied.

"Really? So how many rooms?" I asked as my hand hurt.

"There are hundred rooms." Mary answered. I laughed. "Hundred? Really but that's so big for only me, flora, you, gab, aunt and my daddy. Are you thinking of inviting any one?"I asked as I looked at them.

"Yes. I want to invite my dad and also Darren with Miranda." Those last two names made me fell a quick hurt in my heart.

During those times when Aunt Ann dropped by when mum died and Darren and Miranda were around, they always played with Mary and gab and flora and now they all have been acquitted to them.

"Oh really." I said dropping them both since my hands hurt. "That will be so nice. But since it our castle, could we not invite them to come." I asked them all.

"Why?" flora asked.

"But they are our friends." Gab responded.

"Did you guys have a fight?" Mary added.

I looked at these three angels and I know any wrong answer could result to me becoming a devil.

"Of course not." I said putting on a smile to look calm. "You could invite them if you so wish." I said picking up my handbag with my books and heading inside.

"Could you play with us later?" I heard flora say across to me.

"Sorry angel but I have to study for my test." I replied as I went inside hurriedly because I know flora might run after me to beg me so desperately which I know I might not resist.

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