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  • Dedicated to Fauzi Lorenzo

Chapter 7

I rose up my head still looking at the guy. It definitely was him. I was 100% sure on this.

"so I would like you all to accommodate Craig for the time being." Mr. Eugene said as he showed Craig to the class. "Craig you may attach yourself to anybody you choose. My students are all great." Mr. Eugene said praising us.

"thank you sir." Craig said as he stood around looking for someone to patch with.

"can I patch with you?" he said referring to me.

I looked up in amaze since I was expecting him to patch with his fellow guys.  "me? You want to patch with me?" I asked.

"sure. If you wouldn't mind." He said.

"well sure. I don't mind." I said as I dressed for him to sit.

"thank you." He said.

"not at all."

We continued to listen to Mr. Eugene speak. As I listen, I was feeling so happy inside me. I didn't really know what was happening to me. Just sitting beside him brought me so many happiness.  Though I didn't express it, I still hid it. Not wanting to show it.

"so after the test, I would announce the partners of each group. I didn't group you as partners to exhibit the flaws you have for each other. Even though you are dating, not in good terms, related I hope all that would be dropped. I want you all to participate in this project; not only for the benefit of those who got accepted but also for each and every one of you. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Eugene asked every one.

"yeah sir!" we responded.

"if so then please get your materials ready."

Just as I was getting ready for the test, I noticed Craig didn't have any  material for the test. I quickly got a book, pen, ruler, pencil and handed it over to him.

"use this." I said giving It to him. He looked at the materials for a while and responded.


"my pleasure." I responded as I faced my book.

I did a short prayer before I commenced my test. To my surprise, the test was all on the topic I read on my way to school. It wasn't hard at all.

At intervals, I glanced at Craig to check if he is able to answer any question; but to my surprise, he was able to answer all according to how I was able to see it. I smiled at him. Impressive. I thought.

After going through my works and answers, I corrected word for word, letter to letter. It only took me less than five minute before Mr. Eugene announced the test was over.

Some of the student murmured because the probably haven't finished their test. While some, like me smiled, because I was contented at what I wrote.

"did you finish up?" I turned and asked rosette who sat right behind me.

"of course. All. And you?" she asked

"yeah." I said smiling.

"now it's left for the announcement. I really hope he made us partners." Rosette said as she held my hand.

"of course he will. I want no other partner than you." I said in reply.

"me too."

I turned to face my sit when I noticed Mr. Eugene had collected all the test script. Now it left for the big news. I thought.

"how was your test?" I heard Craig ask me.

"okay. Easy and you?"

"what did you expect?" he asked.

"well you just came in today. It must have been tough for you right?" I asked him.

"didn't you hear what Mr. Eugene said."


"don't see me as a new student. Haven't you seen me before?"

I nodded my head in confirmation.

"so you shouldn't be worried about my result."

"sorry." I said.

"for what?" he asked me.

"well-" I said as I was cut short my Craig.

"what if I get an A on this test?" he asked me facing me completely.

"an A? how's that really possible?" I asked him.

"let's make a deal." He asked me bring forth his finger.


"hmm. Deal"

"on what?"

"if I do get an A,  both you and I will become close buds."

"close buds?" I asked him.

"yes. You and I will become very close from that day onwards. Agreed?" I asked him.

"well-" he quickly did the finger promise before I was able to say anything.

"agreed. I think that's all." He said as he faced front. Listening to what Mr. Eugene had to say.

Seeing that Mr. Eugene had successfully compiled the scripts, he came to face us all.

"well I think you all know what comes next right?" he said holding a paper on his right hand. "this contains the list of all the group partners." He paused again. "so on my list, I have grouped you all on five groups, though I had only compiled three."

This time my heart was beating speedily. At intervals I swallowed saliva and I bet Craig noticed I was tensed.

"you don' have to be tense. I'm right here." He whispered to me. Hearing his voice, I was fully assured.

"so for group c. I have three members as follows: Daniel, Sophia and Damien. You three will be on group C so do work hard." I turned back and saw them rejoicing since they were all friends.

Good luck guys. I thought in my mind.

"for group B I have: Rosette." I immediately felt rosette holding on to me. "rosette, Carson and Miranda."

The whole class was in silence on the names. How would he put a lion and a goat in a den. I was happy though. It suits her right.

"sir you can't put me with them." I heard Miranda say.

"and why?"

"because I have a boy friend. He is over there. Why don't you put us together?" Miranda said in an appealing tone. I laughed silently.

"sorry miss Miranda but I made it clear at the beginning. This project is not for a love affair. So please go take your seat. If you don't want to do the project, you don't have to. Besides I bet your name will not be among the list of winners. Okay? So please go take your seat."

"but sir-"

"your seat."

I felt pity for her though but more for rosette who was so angry at the outcome.

"so I was saying. For group A, I have my student: ciara." My heart skipped a bit as my name was mentioned. "Craig Newton." I turned to Craig and he looked at me smiling. "and lastly Darren."

And my world came crashing down. 'I, Craig and Darren?' are you kidding me? I thought.

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