chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Getting home at around 9pm that day was so stressful. I had a lot to do. First, to prepare for the international quiz, class project, club presentation, school exam and test and also to prepare for morena arrival since it's just in a few days.

"uph!" I shouted in irritation when I recalled I had lot to do before the semester ends and I'm not even half in completing any. And to top it all, Darren's words have become my conscience since it has continually been repeating in my head. "uph!" I shouted again. Why should somebody have to attend school? Can't they be created with knowing everything? I murmured.

Just lying down I heard my phone buzz. I checked it, it was a text form morena.

Morena: what's up girl?

Me: okay and you?

Morena: excited. Missed you guys a lot.

Me: more than you do. When are coming. Do make it quick.

Morena: do you miss me that much?

Me: more. So much.

Morena: it's looks as though you have a lot of stories to tell. Right?

Me: yes. I really need you. Come quick.

Morena: of course by next week.

Me: can't you make it any faster?

Morena: I'm still having difficulty saying good bye to my cutie pie.

I knew for sure she met boyfriend. I really needed to change to topic since I knew she might ask me of Darren.

Me: okay I will wait for you. I must go now. still have a lot to read for.

Morena: too bad. I'm on vacation.

Me: so I heard. Good for you. Okay then see you in the next few days.

Morena: do take care.

I shut my phone after chatting with morena and made way to the bathroom. After freshening up, I changed to my night gown and was about to at least revise when my phone buzzed. I checked it. It was Miranda.

Miranda: what are you up to?

Me: be precise.

Miranda: I saw you chatting with Darren  today at  the garden. What you up to?

Me: I still don't get you.

Miranda: I and Darren are now a couple so back off.

Me: you really have the nerve.

Miranda: come outside.

Me: where?

Miranda: your house of course.

I looked outside my window and saw her standing beside her car.

Me: what do you want?  Just go home.

Miranda: I won't so you better come out know.

I looked out again and saw how determined she was. I quickly wore a jacket and sneaked out making no noise so not to wake up every one. I shut the gate silently and went out to meet her.

"what you doing here?" I asked her as soon as I came out. "leave!"

"and what makes you think I would obey your commands. Gone are the days when I did so." She replied.

"gone? What do you mean?" I asked.

"any way I didn't come here to talk about that. What's with you and my boyfriend? He's been acting strange after you both talked. What did you talk about?"

Darren have been acting strange? Those that mean he was affected by our conversation? Those that mean he still loves me? I thought.

"hey! I talking to you. What did you both talk about." She asked.

I looked at her and saw how desperate she wanted to know.

"why are you so desperate? Are you feeling insecure?" I asked her.

She looked at me for a bit and I could read her eyes that she was scared. "you say he is yours right? Then you don't have to waver when we both talk because if he is really yours, no matter what we talk about, he will always come back to you right? Only thieves waver because they know what they took is not rightly theirs. Why? Are you a thief?" I looked at her and saw the anger in her. "if that is all I have to get back. I have to also study okay?" I said turning back.

"don't you dare turn your back on me! What did you both talk about?!" she screamed. Seeing how she wanted so badly to know, I thought it could be the perfect way to repay her for what she did.

"I have always thought of the best revenge on you. I thought, if I killed you then I would end up in jail for the rest of my life and you won't even be befitting. I thought of so many revenge on you but all was disruptive but now you have given me a reason to revenge on you."

"what do you mean?" she asked me.

"read my lips I would never ever tell you what I discussed with Darren so you better just leave. Your sight disgusts me." I said as I walked in.

"you bitch! You are a bitch! I hate you!" I heard her shout across just as I shut the door. Hearing those words from someone I once called a friend hurts so much. I rested at the door knob shedding hurtful tears. That was when I really needed the embrace of my mum.

After I had cried to my content, I made way to my room and landed on the bed. I didn't have enough strength left to read. I thought it could be very easy to forget them but it wasn't at all close to been easy. I slept off immediately because I knew if I still stayed awake, I might end up thinking deep and probably not sleeping at all.

Just as I slept, my mind drifted to so many things at the same time. Though I was sleeping, I was still awake. Just then I remembered mum.

My mum was always a caring person though sometimes she acts harsh. Just like the way she forced me to study medicine and also   made me promise to her on dying bed to do so.

 I had no other option but to obey since that was a her last dying wish. Mum's cold face, cold hands, cold voice. Everything about her at that point was so cold. What child would not obey her mum in that cold state? I thought as I slowly now drifted to sleep.

"ciara. Ciara." I heard a voice call out to me.

"uh. uh" I replied still sleepy.

This time the person tapped me. "ciara. Wake up. You are already late."

Late? What late? Late! Late! FOR SCHOOL! I quickly rose up and saw my aunty by my side.

"good morning aunt." I said as I checked my bedside clock, it was already 7:30am. "aunty. Why didn't you wake me up any sooner?" I said as I quickly rush to my ward rope to get my shaving equipment.

"I thought you have long awoken. I didn't know you were still on bed. You don't sleep in too late. What happen? Are you that stressed out?" aunt asked me as I entered the bathroom.

"of course not. Aunt could you excuse me. I need to bathe now okay?" I said.

"alright. Bathe quick. You're already late." Aunt said as she shut the door.

I didn't waste time in bathing since I had a bathe last night. I got out almost immediately. I didn't have time to go through my wardrobe. I chose any clothe that came in to my reach.

I didn't like heavy make ups, I just put in light moreover I don't have a boyfriend to look beautiful for anymore. That was a good advantage.

I couldn't have breakfast since I was dead late. I quickly left for school with a taxi since I couldn't really drive at this state and also I had to do my review.

I was very anxious, not because of the test but because I would have to face Darren and Miranda together again.

As I stopped by the school gate and paid off the cab I was hoping I wasn't late for the test. If so I might not ever forgive Miranda and Darren for making me feel so stressed out yesterday.

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