Chapter 18

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A week had passed and I was getting ready for my graduation a bold step in getting into the medical world. There was a lot of preparation to be done. Daddy was also busy taking care of our moving to Spain. Morena promised to stay a bit longer, and I was very grateful since I really needed someone.

Aunt Ann stayed at arms length. I understood her. She knew it could sound awkward if she continually dropped over. The secret had been blown. Though I felt sorry for both her and dad, I respected their both decision and didn't want to interfere.

I once asked dad if he had lost all affection for aunt Ann, he told me she would be the only woman he could sincerely love though he suggest it's better to allow the sleeping dogs lie.

I got prepared for the graduation that faithful morning. I wasn't happy about it. I didn't feel excited and expectant of anything. It wasn't fun.

I could recall the time when I and Darren dreamt of how our graduation could be like. We had so many plans. We told ourselves that when we are about to receive our certificate, we will kiss before everybody and then tell everybody about our news. That we were getting married.

It was just part of the fun so that everybody could laugh and smile and we too could. I smiled as I remembered our silly moments.

We also planned that during our celebration party, we will declare the news of me being pregnant. It was also part of the fun, just so that people will not bore to death. I liked the idea. Anything that was fun, I liked it. Darren knew various ways to make smile, which was the reason I loved him so much.

"look who's happy and ready for her party." I smiled as morena approached me and wrapped her hands around me in a back tight hug. "I've been meaning to do this to you." She said from behind.


"it's just a way of saying congrats. After today you will become a big girl. Congrats love." Tears rolled down my eyes as morena said it. I knew who she was imitating. She was speaking like my mum. "I just wanted to do this for you. I knew how much you miss her." She hugged me tight so that I wouldn't feel too bad anymore.

"do you think she will be proud of me?" I was now speaking as a young baby. Morena smiled and took my hand.

"I may not have been ever sure of anything in my life but this I'm sure. Your mum wherever she is will always be proud of you." Morena smiled. I was happy.

"hey you girls are cheating!" we turned and saw flora right behind us.


"didn't you hear that no hugging of the celebrant before the celebrant sister which is me? Huh? Now you both will pay a fine." She said. I and morena exchanged looks.

"what fine?"

"you both will have-" before she was able to finish speaking, I and morena rushed towards her and hugged her tightly as she gasped. "that's not the fine." She said but we didn't care. All we both cared was that we loved our sister. We loved flora.

The graduation ceremony started. There was a lot of speech and comment. To me it was boring. I missed Darren. If he was here, then he would make this a memorable day. I sat beside rosette. Though at interval we talked, but I wasn't interested. I needed Darren. He was the one I wanted to sit beside.

Miranda as I thought didn't show up. I wasn't expecting her to come. I was more thrilled she didn't show up. I sat down quietly and though pretended to concentrate, didn't.

My phone buzzed inside my purse. Checking it, it was a message. I clicked it and it read


AT first, I thought it was just a prank, but then it wasn't. the same message came again. I told rosette I would be stepping out for some time. So I left.

I came outside and saw no one for me to meet. I hated myself for having came. As I turned to go back inside, I felt someone at my back. When I turned, I felt dizzy. I saw someone use a handkerchief and covered my nose so tight. I couldn't fight back. I gave in to the person grip.

Right there, I felt helpless, scared but determined.

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