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Clarice stood awkwardly in Chilton's office and looked around waiting for him to enter. After their last altercation, she wanted to avoid him at all costs but she couldn't— she needed to see Lecter and that was final.
   Chilton came in, both him and Clarice startled to see each other. She held the handle of her briefcase tightly as her green duffle coat was draped over her one arm.
"Well, well, well," Chilton smirked as he closed his office door. He walked over to his desk and sat on the edge of it and crossed his arms. "Look who we have here."
   He stared at Clarice smiling, his yellow teeth disgusted her as he widened his grin.
"Hello to you as well, Dr Chilton."
   Clarice wished Hannibal would have just eaten him, but of course Chilton got away.
  "What brings you here today?" Chilton asked as he eyed her up and down like she was a piece of meat.
   Clarice wanted to slap him for not only making her feel uncomfortable, but for not even offering her a seat.
"I need to see Dr Lecter."
  Her accent was thick and the tone in her voice was serious. She was already annoyed by him and pressed her tongue against her cheek as she adjusted the shoulder strap of her purse.
"You don't say," he chuckled as he tapped his pen on his teeth smiling. "Why else would you be here?"
"Then why ask?" she questioned with a bit of an attitude, her brows knitted.
   Chilton smiled as he leaned back and opened his desk drawer, grabbing his badge and a visitors badge for Clarice. He got up and handed her the badge.
"I do recall escorting you out of the courthouse a month ago. This will be the last time you see him, do you understand?"
  Clarice smirked at Chilton's stupid remark as she took the badge. She knew this wouldn't be the last.

      •        •       •       •       •       •       •       •       •      •

   Chilton silently walked with Clarice leaving her behind as she struggled to catch up. When they approached Barney, Chilton stopped suddenly which made Clarice gasp as she practically ran into him. He turned around quickly and looked at her.
      "How did you know he was here?" He looked at her, his eyes squinted a bit.
       "It took you all that time to realize and ask me that?" Clarice raised a brow at his stupidity. She got in her purse and handed him the envelope. "He sent me a letter."
   Chilton snatched the envelope from her and laughed in her face when he saw nothing was in it. She stared at him until he realized the hospital's phone number was scattered all over the paper.
  Chilton gave her a dirty look and walked away after shoving the envelope against Clarice's chest, making her stumble back a bit. Barney and Clarice chuckled softly and then greeted each other as Clarice hung up her coat and purse.
   She looked at Barney and let out a sigh. He knew she was annoyed with Chilton, but also nervous to see Hannibal.
  He gave her a reassuring look as he patted her back softly, opening the gate, the loud buzzing sound causing Clarice to jump a bit. 
  Clarice walked down the corridor slowly making her way to Hannibal's cell. She knew Lecter could smell her, but she also knew that he could hear the sound of her new heels clicking against the floor with each step she took.
    When Clarice arrived at his cell, she was stunned to see that he wasn't standing in the middle of his cell waiting for her, but he was sitting at his desk sketching. Her brows knitted when she saw it was a drawing of her and a lamb. She looked at him, her jaw clenched.
   "Hello, little Starling."
  He stopped sketching for a moment and looked at her shoes, then he looked at her. He smirked as he chose a different piece of lead.
   "Sit," he demanded.
   They sat in silence for a moment, Clarice situating herself in her seat as she began to get uncomfortable. He wasn't talking, but was humming a tune. Clarice's tongue slid over her teeth and she swallowed hard as she brushed her skirt off, her then breaking the silence.
      "Dr Lecter, we need your help," Clarice's voice was calm and firm. She wanted his attention but she knew how he felt about disrespect.
     "Oh I know you do, my dear."
   He stopped and looked at her as he carefully rolled up the large piece of paper, setting the box of lead aside with it. He leaned forward and examined her shoes a bit more.
  "I see you invested in some new shoes. Birthday present?" He winked at her.
     "I'm glad you noticed", Clarice chuckled softly as she sat up in her chair as she watched Hannibal get up. "I got them after I graduated."
     "Well, congratulations. I also never got to congratulate you on ending Jame Gumb's career," Lecter said as he sat down by the food carrier tray, his back against the wall with his left leg stretched out and his right leg propped up.
     "I couldn't have done it without you," she smiled softly. "I would congratulate you on your attempted escape, but that wouldn't be very professional of me."
   Clarice stared at him as he twirled a piece of thread between his fingers. She noticed he had a hole in his jumpsuit.
   "I can bring my sewing kit and fix that for you the next time I visit."
    Hannibal nodded and smiled.
    "Thank you, Agent Starling. Enough of me though, we have another Billy to catch. I've been reading the papers. Jackie boy's aging well," he winked. "How do you plan on catching this killer, Clarice?"
      "Quid pro quo, Doctor..."
   Clarice's heart pounded. She knew he was going to needle her until she gave in. The last thing she wanted to do was let him get inside her head again.
      "How have you been, Clarice?"
      "Decent. Yourself?"
      "I'm better now," his voice sent chills down her spine as he stared at her. "Tell me about this new victim, Clarice."
      "Her name was Victoria Thomas. She was twenty five and was thirty six weeks pregnant when she was attacked."
   Clarice watched as Hannibal stared at the wall in front of him soaking up all the information.
      "Did he give her a cesarean delivery?" he questioned as he continued to stare at the wall in front of him.
        "Yes. There was however only one girl who did give birth naturally. She was past her due date according to her doctor."
   Clarice paused when Hannibal looked at her and smirked. He could smell Barney and Chilton coming down the hall.
      Clarice looked over and saw both Barney and Chilton quickly walking to her, the other inmates hooting and hollering.
  Chilton was out of breath as if he were running and Barney leaned against the wall as he was trying to get his breathing back to normal.
   Chilton put his hands on his knees as he breathed heavily.
   "Starling," he said breathlessly.
   Chilton was gasping for air as he grabbed his inhaler. Hannibal and Clarice were amused by his stupidity and tried holding back their chuckles. Barney looked at Clarice.
       "Jack called. He needs you to meet him at the Quantico Police Department," Barney struggled to get out as his head was resting against the wall. He saw the confused look on her face. "A girl escaped from The Stork's place and she's with Jack right now."
   Clarice quickly got up and ran with Chilton and Barney back upstairs, Lecter getting up and smiling as he watched his determined girl run off.

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