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       Clarice was sitting at her kitchen table with Jack, the two of them sipping their hot chocolate as they talked about Catherine and Hannibal.
     "We talked to Senator Martin... She has no clue where Catherine is. She said after the Buffalo Bill incident, Catherine's depression and PTSD spiked after she found out she was infertile. She tried to adopt a baby, but the system failed her. Ruth said Catherine just snapped and left with no explanation." Jack stared at his cocoa as he stirred in some more marshmallows with a spoon. Clarice's heart ached for Catherine.
"That explains a lot," Clarice scoffed as she got up and grabbed a plate of cookies. "All there is to do now is find out where Catherine and Tommy are."
     "I'll get ahold of the hospital Lily's at and ask if you're able to go in and see her." Jack paused for a moment. "Speaking of hospitals, the asylum is a mess too. Barney called and said Chilton's going ballistic."
   Jack and Clarice chuckled.
     "He's probably worried Hannibal would come after him again." Clarice picked up a cookie and broke it in half, Jack watching her with his one eyebrow raised.  She looked at him as she ate her cookie. "What?" Clarice brows knitted.
   He took his pointer finger and pointed to his own neck, indicating that he saw the bite mark on her neck. Her heart sank to her stomach. She wanted to slap Hannibal in the face for leaving a mark. She let out a nervous giggle and rubbed her neck as she placed down the other half of the cookie.
   "I had someone over tonight..." Clarice saw Jack's face twitch slightly from jealousy, her biting her cheek from the awkward vibes.
  The two jumped as Jack looked at the staircase when they heard a loud thud above them. Clarice seriously wanted to slap Hannibal this time.
      "Stay here."
  Jack got up, putting his arm in front of Clarice to keep her seated and pulled out his gun. Clarice ignored Jack and got up, following him quickly up the stairs.
  Clarice's palms started to sweat as she watched Jack kick open the doors with his foot, his arms extended outward with his gun in his hands. She bit the side of her thumb as they approached her door. She braced herself as Jack slowly turned the knob.
   Jack walked in, Clarice casually walking to the chest and sitting on it. Jack checked behind her curtains, under her bed, and in her closet.
   "Clarice, I need you to get up and let me check the chest."
   Clarice thought her heart would explode out of her body. She had no idea where Lecter was hiding but she hoped it was in there. She swallowed hard and stood up, crossing her arms as Jack opened the chest up. He closed it and looked at her, smiling as he walked over to her.
"You might have a ghost."
   Jack and Clarice chuckled, Jack patting her arm. They walked out of the room, closing the door and headed down stairs. He sighed and picked up his mug, Clarice's arms still crossed against her body. She ran her fingers through her hair as Jack finished the rest of his cocoa, him looking at his watch as Clarice grabbed his mug. He looked at Clarice as she walked to the sink.
   "I think I'm gonna head out." he put his hands in his pockets, Clarice turning around.
      "Could you let me know as soon as possible about tomorrow?" Clarice walked Jack to the door, Jack smiling as he grabbed his coat and put it on.
      "I most certainly will."
   Clarice smiled as she opened the door for him, Jack walking out. He turned around and kissed her on the cheek softly, her heart dropping to her feet. He smiled and jogged to his car.
Clarice closed the door and locked it, holding the door knob for a moment as she proceeded what the hell just happened. She turned around and headed into the kitchen to turn off the lights, she couldn't believe Jack kissed her cheek.
    Clarice let out a sigh as she walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She walked into her room, closing the door behind her and walked straight over to the chest. She crouched down and opened it. He wasn't there. She knitted her brows and stood up, letting out a yelp when she was him standing in the darkness. They stared at each other for a moment before Clarice walked over to him and grabbed his face kissing him softly.

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