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       Two hours had passed since Clarice left and Lecter was sitting on his cot smiling at Clarice's mistake—she had accidentally left a hemming pin in his jumpsuit.
    He placed the jumpsuit under his nose and inhaled deeply; Evian skin cream. He got out of the jumpsuit he was wearing, slipping on his white uniform as he called for Barney, slipping the pin inside his pocket.
       "Dr Lecter?" Barney questioned as he walked down the corridor. He approached Lecter and looked at him confused.
       "I'm not feeling rather well," Lecter said quietly.
       Barney nodded giving Lecter a soft smile as he grabbed a pair of cuffs from the closet across the hall. Frank, one of the guards, was holding a tranquilizer gun near by as Barney placed Hannibal in the cuffs, all three men shortly heading to the infirmary.
    The nurse stood in front of Hannibal as Barney and Frank hovered over him like hawks. The nurse smiled at Hannibal when she saw his temperature was fine.
       "Alrighty, Dr Lecter. You're temperature is normal. But since you're not feeling too hot, you can either stay here, or I can send you back with some medicine." She smiled as she filled out his papers.
       "Here is fine, my dear."
     Barney nodded as he and Frank escorted Lecter to a nearby room, Barney placing some medicine and a cup of water on the stand beside Hannibal before leaving. Hannibal listened as Barney locked the door, Frank staying as Barney left.
   Hannibal smirked as he laid on the bed, smirking even more when Frank ran after an escapee. He grabbed the pin out of his pocket and began picking at the cuffs. He rubbed his wrists and waited half an hour before proceeding, Frank still hadn't returned.
     Lecter peeked out of the door window and saw the nurse was sitting at her computer, her back towards the room. It was a secluded area which gave Hannibal another opportunity for escape.
   He broke the mirror in the room, grabbing a sharp piece of glass and began picking the door's lock. As the nurse pulled out her compact mirror to fix her makeup, she gasped loudly when she saw Hannibal behind her. She let out a blood curdling scream as Lecter spun the chair around, slitting her throat, then gutting her.
   He licked the blood of the glass, throwing it onto the floor and quickly grabbed her car keys as he sneaked out of the infirmary.
      Lecter noticed no one else was in the infirmary wing, so he took the chance and made his way to Chilton's office. He closed the door and locked it, shortly making his way to Chilton's desk.
   He started smiling at all the photos Chilton had of himself; a self absorbed asshole.
   Lecter grabbed his file from the top desk drawer and began shredding every piece of paper about him he could find. He logged onto Chilton's computer, erasing and deleting every file on there as well. Lecter let out a sigh and then laughed devilishly as he wiped off all his finger prints. He smirked as he saw Chilton's badging— his only token out without getting caught.

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