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Clarice quickly walked to Chilton's office as she clutched the tape in her hand, the workers in the building trying to tell her he was busy.
   Clarice ignored them as she knocked on the door and opened it. Chilton had one of his employees in his office, the man looking over at Clarice when he noticed Chilton was looking past him.
   Clarice slammed the door behind her and walked to Chilton behind his desk as he watched at her approach him with his pen between his teeth.
"I need to see—"
   Chilton stopped her by holding a hand up by her crotch, Clarice rolling her eyes as she slid her tongue over her teeth.
"Clarice, I told you. Yesterday was the last time you'd visit. Also, I'm quite busy at the moment."
   He looked at the man then turned his chair a bit and looked up at her.
"Dr Chilton, I really need to Dr Lecter!"
   The man looked at Chilton and gave his boss a slight nod as he got up exiting the room. Clarice watched the man leave and looked back down at Chilton.
"The answer is no, Clarice," Chilton said as he got up and pushed her aside to file papers, Clarice growling as she began to get frustrated.
"Dr Chilton, I'm begging you!" She began to get desperate and walked over to him.
"Clarice, no." Chilton slammed the one drawer shut and opened another.
"I need to see him right fucking now!" Clarice raised her voice causing Chilton to spin around, his eyes were wide. She held the tape to him. "Please." Chilton looked at the tape then back at her.

      •        •       •       •       •       •       •       •       •      •

Chilton let out a loud sigh as he leaned forward, folding his hands together as he thought for a moment. He fixed the cuffs to his shirt before getting up to grab the tape.
   As much as he didn't want Clarice to see Hannibal, Chilton knew he had to. He rubbed the back of his neck as he waited for the VCR to eject the tape, Clarice standing up when she saw him grab his badge.
   "I'll give you twenty minutes," he said sharply.
   He felt powerless.

      •        •       •       •       •       •       •       •       •      •

     Lecter watched the tape at his desk as he simultaneously sketched, his eyes not leaving the drawing he was working on as he soaked up every bit of information Lily managed to spill.
   The tape stopped and he looked over at Clarice. He didn't say a word. He cocked his head to the side as a smirk appeared on his face as he rolled up the drawings.
     "Is this your way of getting information out of me, Agent Starling?" He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth three times, sliding his lead pieces to the side.
       "Perhaps." Clarice lowered into her seat after removing the tape. "I only have fifteen more minutes with you, please no riddles."
      "Perhaps all the information you need to know is in your hands," Hannibal nodded to the tape as the corners of his mouth turned up.
       "Women are in danger, Doctor," she exclaimed as she placed the tape in her purse and then began rummaging through it.
   She pulled out her sewing kit, Hannibal placing the jumpsuit in the carrier tray. She grabbed it and began to fix the hole. She hoped doing him a favor would make the process easier of getting information from him, but he wasn't stupid.
   Clarice checked by the gate to see if anyone saw her, she was also grateful that the security system was shut down or else she'd be in serious trouble.
      Considering that Tommy and Cate use the same moth our Billy boy used, what does that indicate Agent Starling?"
    Hannibal watched as she continued to sew the hole shut. He could tell Clarice began to get frustrated as time was passing by. He knew she was getting anxious as she didn't want Chilton to catch her sewing Lecter's uniform.
   "Rewatch the tape Clarice, I assure you everything you need is right there."
      Clarice stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. She trusted him and she knew he could sense that.
   They stared at each other for a few seconds, Hannibal noticing her pupils dilating. Clarice clenched her jaw as Jack crossed her mind, placing the jumpsuit back into the food carrier tray. Clarice jumped to the sound of the gate.
   She looked at Hannibal, her heart pounded and a knot formed in her stomach as she knew this would probably be the last she saw him. She gave Hannibal a half smile as she stood up, Hannibal standing with her.
   Both of them walked towards each other, so close that their noses were practically on the glass. They stared at each other for a moment before Hannibal broke the silence.
   "Goodbye, Clarice."
   Clarice's breath hitched at his words and she slowly walked away.

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