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     Clarice got home, tears still streaming down her face as she slammed her car door shut. She walked in the house and tried her best not to wake Hannibal.
    She walked out back and sat on the porch swing as she cried a bit harder. She sniffled softly as she wiped her tears away, walking back inside for some tea and breakfast.

      •        •       •       •       •       •       •       •       •      •

    Clarice sat at the kitchen table as she poked at her waffles, not wanting to eat. She couldn't stop crying. She forced herself to eat, still thinking about what she saw. She wanted to ask Jack and Saylor how Chilton's lungs tasted, but she couldn't. She put her plate in the sink, along with her mug and headed upstairs. She heard the shower running and let out a sigh. At least she had Hannibal.
   He was her person. Her sanctuary. She got undressed, changing into one of his shirts, and climbed back into bed.
   Hannibal could smell Clarice and felt the tension in the air. He quickly dried off, putting his briefs on. He walked over to the sink, immediately slicking his hair back and exited the bathroom.
   He walked over to her, climbing on top of her as he covered her face with kisses and started nibbling at her skin gently trying to make her smile. He smirked when he heard her giggle softly. He stopped when she looked at him.
      "What happened?" Hannibal moved a strain of her hair out of her face. Clarice felt tears form and smiled.
      "I don't want to talk about it right now," Clarice's voice cracked, Hannibal kissing her nose softly.
      "You know talking about it will help." Hannibal ran his fingers through her hair gently, Clarice letting out a small sigh. She took a moment before speaking.
     "I walked in on Saylor giving Jack a blow job." Clarice was quiet for a moment. "Then I ran out and he tried giving me a shitty ass apology, so I tossed my badge out the window and left...And on top of that, these nightmares just keep getting worse."
   Clarice stared at Hannibal as tears fell down her face. She grabbed Hannibal and held him close to her, crying into his shoulder.
     Hannibal was fuming as he held Clarice tight, trying to sooth her the best he could. He pulled away and grabbed a tissue from her side table, putting it on her nose.
   "Blow," he said softly as he held the tissue.
   She blew, Hannibal wiping her nose gently. He set the tissue aside and kissed her softly. They stared at each other for a moment, Hannibal smiling.
   "Well, since you quit your job and it seems to me as if you need a new change of scenery... Let's start a life together somewhere else," Hannibal whispered. Clarice looked at him, her eyes wide.
        "Are you crazy? I can't just up and leave! They'll suspect something!" Clarice panicked a bit.
       "It'll all be okay, darling. I'll take good care of you, you know that." He rubbed her cheek with his hand, kissing her. Clarice thought for a moment.
      "And where exactly do you plan on starting this "life" with me?" Clarice smiled softly as Hannibal stared at her.
   He was quiet for a moment, Clarice looking at him waiting for an answer. Hannibal got up, grabbing Clarice's hands as he guided her to his lap. She smiled as she was now straddling him, her arms wrapped around his neck. Hannibal held her waist, kissing her a few times before answering.

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