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      Clarice made her way to Jack's office with two coffees in her hands. She knocked on the door, putting a cup in the crease of her arm and walked into the room slowly to see Jack sitting at his desk on the phone. She closed the door behind her, walking to his desk and placing his coffee in front of him before sitting. Jack looked at her as he talked to the other person on the line, he smiled as he rolled his eyes and hung up.
"Sorry about that," he said as he breathed out, he shook his head. "It was Chilton."
   Clarice chuckled as she crossed her leg over the other and sipped her coffee.
      "Still calling nonstop?" Clarice opened the file and looked at the photos.
       "Unfortunately," Jack chuckled as he looked at his computer screen. He began typing, Clarice staring at him. He looked at her and smiled. "Guess who got ahold of me this morning?" Jack smirked as he went through his drawer and pulled out a file.
      "Who!"Clarice smiled as she sipped her coffee again.
        "Miss Saylor Starling."
  He handed her the file, Clarice nearly spitting out her coffee. Jack chuckled as she opened it and saw Saylor had sent over her psychology diploma along with some other information. She looked at Jack.
    "She says she wants to work for me."
"This is unbelievable!" Clarice was in shock, she couldn't believe it. Jack smiled and watched as she went through the file. "She's such a smart girl. This is a really good job for her, Jack." Clarice closed the file and handed it to him.
  "From how she talks, she seems intelligent," he smiled. He put the file away and grabbed the phone as it began to ring. "The hospital," he mouthed.
   Clarice watched as he picked up the phone laughing and smiling, his smile eventually fading after a few seconds. Crawford hung the phone up and inhaled deeply, he leaned forward and folded his hands together.
"What's wrong?" Starling asked softly, her brows were knitted as Crawford was twiddling his thumbs.
"Due to stress from both pregnancy and trauma, Lily killed herself with her pillow case last night," Jack mumbled quietly as he sipped his coffee, Clarice's shoulders dropping as she sat back in her chair. He cleared his throat and looked back at his screen.
  "Now what are we gonna do?" Clarice asked gently as she began to pick at the skin around her nails.
"We continue the search. They have to be in the area, they just have to be,0 Jack said as he got up, putting his hands in his pockets, walking over to the photo board. He turned around quickly. "I want you to make a phone call sometime next week when things calm down and ask the restaurant Lily ran to some questions, and along with her mother as well. See what you can find out then, but for now, I want you to go back home until I figure out what to do next."
  Clarice continued to stay seated.
"Sir, I don't think waiting around for answers is a good idea. Do I have to remind you pregnant women are getting kidnapped and murdered?" Jack spun around quickly, he noticed the bite mark on her neck had bruised.
       "Starling," his voice was harsh. "Please, go." He sat back down in his chair and Clarice getting up angrily and threw her cup before slamming his door shut as she left.
     Jack looked at the door and opened his desk drawer, he pulled out an ID card and sighed as he looked down at Chilton's photo.

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