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Clarice looked at her watch and sighed— it was almost four. The thought of having Chilton over for dinner made her skin crawl, but she needed to give the badge back without any suspicion.
   She got out of her car and headed towards the door, unlocking it. Clarice saw Hannibal on the couch, the both of them making eye contact and not saying a word. She took her things and went upstairs, Hannibal following her as he knew something was wrong. He sat on the edge of the bed as he watched her get undressed.
"We caught Catherine and Tommy," Clarice said softly, Hannibal staring at her waiting for her to proceed. "I shouldn't even say 'we', I was just there on the sidelines, even though I found the woman. Jack kicked Ardelia and I off the case, he has Will and someone else. He had me wait outside while they raided the fucking warehouse."
   Clarice walked over to the corner of the room and put her dirty clothes in the hamper, rushing around like a mad man.
"Well, by the looks of it, it seems like that 'someone' knows what they're doing," Hannibal muttered under his breath. Clarice shot Hannibal a look which caused him to put his hands up. He pulled his face and chuckled a bit. "Sorry," he whispered with a soft grin.
"Then being sexist as always, Crawford wants me to have dinner with Chilton tonight. He's a piece of shit if you ask me."
   Clarice clenched her jaw, regret filling her body as she walked over to her wardrobe.
"Is that so?" The tone in Hannibal's voice was low.
   Clarice heart began to beat a bit faster. She laid her outfit out on the bed and walked back over to the closet.
"Yeah, because someone wanted to put his badge on my boss's porch."
   She gave him a slight bit of attitude as she glared at him, walking to the bathroom with her robe. Hannibal let out a sigh and went back downstairs.

      •        •       •       •       •       •       •       •       •      •

Clarice applied some makeup and slipped on a tight red dress with some black heels. She straightened her hair and applied some perfume before walking down the stairs to make a phone call. She felt Hannibal's eyes on her as she approached the phone typing in Chilton's office number. She jumped a bit gasping softly when Hannibal grabbed her hips.
"Why don't you get this dressed up for me?" he whispered against her neck. She held her finger to his mouth.
"Shush," she said quickly, Hannibal's brow raised and be gripped her wrist. He felt her pulse when Chilton picked up.
"Hello, Dr Frederick Chilton speaking."
   Clarice licked her teeth when she felt Hannibal begin to bend her over.
"Chilton, it's Starling." She stared at the ID as it laid on the counter. "I have your badge here, Jack found it and because he didn't have time to give it you himself, he asked me to." Clarice let out a quiet breath as Hannibal crouched behind her, moving her panties to the side.
"Ah! I've been looking for that damn thing. I would have assumed that bastard would have dropped it off at your house," Chilton chuckled.
   Clarice gripped the edge of the counter, her brows knitted and her mouth opened slightly as Hannibal ate her from the back. She was quiet for a moment as she struggled not to moan, a finger suddenly probing her... then another. She turned around and gave Hannibal a look, him staring at her as he was licking away.
      "Agent Starling?"
"Yes, I'm here," Clarice faked a chuckle. "I was in the middle of making dinner and was just wondering if you wanted to come over, so I could give this back to you."
   Clarice closed her eyes as she began to savor the feeling that was brewing deep inside her.
"Oh, I would love to come over!" Chilton had no hesitation in his voice. Clarice's heart began to beat as she felt Hannibal get up and unzip his pants.
"Alright, sounds good."
    She struggled to give Chilton her address as Hannibal teased her slick entrance with his tip, eventually hanging up. She whipped her head around and moaned loudly as Hannibal fucked her against the counter.
   "I hate you so much!" A series of moans escaping her throat.
"If he touches you," Hannibal grunted. "Flirts with you," another grunt. He gripped her throat as he continued to thrust harder and harder, his mouth near her ear. "I will slit his throat," he whispered. He squeezed her throat a bit tighter as the both of them began to climax. He pulled out, tapping her ass. "Now, go get cleaned up."
   Clarice stood there breathless as she watched Hannibal go into the kitchen preparing dinner for her and Chilton.

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