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Clarice held Hannibal close to her as they laid in her bed. She looked down at him and smiled softly when she saw his eyes were closed.
"What are you smiling for?" Hannibal whispered. Clarice smiled even more and kissed his forehead.
"I'm just admiring you," she replied softly.
  She took her finger and ran it up and down the bridge of nose gently. Hannibal grinned as he moved his head and pretended to bite at Clarice's fingers. She gasped, and gasped even louder when he attacked her with kisses, laughter and giggles filled the room. He stopped and they stared at each other.
"You haven't been sleeping well lately."
   Hannibal seemed concerned. This alarmed Clarice as a month ago he was pressing her situation. He genuinely cared about her. She blushed from embarrassment and shook her head as the smile on her face disappeared.
"Yes, but it's nothing to worry about."
   Clarice laid her head on her pillow facing Hannibal as he propped himself up with his elbow and faced her, running his fingers through her hair as he looked down at her.
"Funny how that works, Clarice. You're able to worry about me and my safety for the past month, and somehow, I'm unable to worry about you." Hannibal watched as Clarice's body got a bit tense and she failed to make eye contact.
"I just wasn't sure if you were okay or not."  
   Clarice grabbed Hannibal's hand and examined it as she ran her finger tips across his palm and fingers. She put her hand on his, comparing the sizes before she laced her fingers with his. She was now quiet. Hannibal analyzed her before continuing as he knew she wasn't telling him the full truth.
"Is that why you haven't been sleeping at night?"
   Hannibal knew something was keeping her up. It wasn't just his safety. He grabbed her other hand when she began to bite at her nails. She sighed and rolled her eyes, looking at the ceiling as she bit her cheek. Tears filled her eyes as she began to think of the dreams. She turned back to him again.
"I keep having these awful dreams, and you and the lambs were in one of them." Clarice paused and swallowed softly. "I had a dream about the rancher tonight." Clarice's voice began to get shaky and tears fell down her cheeks as she tried to remain calm. "I feel so unsafe sometimes. The only time I feel remotely safe or even safe at all is when—" Hannibal stopped her.
"Is when I'm around."
   He looked down and smiled. Clarice looked at him holding her breath for a moment. She nodded and looked away, Hannibal pulling Clarice to his body which caused her to automatically look at him.
Hannibal grabbed her face gently and kissed her lips softly. He pulled away and smiled. He wanted to protect her at all costs and harm anyone who has ever harmed her. He knew from their third encounter that she had lied to him about the rancher forcing her to do things, however as a respectful man, he didn't want to discuss that level of trauma.
  He wanted to destroy the rancher and rip him to shreds. Clarice gasped loudly, Hannibal listening as they heard a car pull into the driveway. Clarice shot up from the bed and began getting dressed quickly as they heard pounding on the door while Hannibal took his timed unfazed.
   Not having enough time and knowing Hannibal would figure it out himself, Clarice quickly ran downstairs. She opened the door and saw Jack standing there. She yawned and rubbed her eyes as she stood in the doorway with her robe on, squinting and pretended as if she had just woken up. He stood in the pouring rain, Clarice automatically letting Jack walk inside.
        "Sorry, to wake you." Jack took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack. He took off his glasses and began cleaning them. "I got your call, but when I tried calling you and you didn't pick up and I got worried..."
   Clarice's her knees felt like jello as she watched Jack put his glasses back on. She prayed to God that he wouldn't find Hannibal in the house.

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