Chapter 1: I Got A situation, I Can Tell You Wanna Know

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22nd June 2021 7:30am:

*beep beep beep*

"ahhhhhhhhh!" I groaned, throwing my phone across the room.

*beep beep beep* it continued as I got up, turned off the alarm and looked down at the screen staring up at me.

(47 unread messages)

"What's happened now?" I whispered to myself. 

The last time I checked my phone was 5 hours ago- I had just got back from celebrating my graduation with my friends and family and I was exhausted. Me and my family were never on the same page about my education, I graduated top of my class in sports marketing but my parents always made sure to remind me that I will never have a future in it. It was always my dream to move into the sports sector, but life always seemed to get in the way. Finding a job was my priority- I needed to prove them wrong.

(4 new messages)

"Cabello answer your phone NOW! this is really important and trust me... you don't want to miss this..."

"Cabello, mean it- ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE!!!"

"Cabello, for the last time, pick up the damn phone!"

"What in gods name is happening???" I said to myself as I dialled Tom's number and listened to the phone ring, waiting for him to pick up on the other end.

"ABOUT FUCKING TIME!" Tom said impatiently, "I've been trying to get hold of you for 5 HOURS! what were you doing?"

"...sleeping..." I responded "...until I woke up to hundreds of messages- what on earth is going on?" I said.

"ok ok... so I was just sat in my office, when I got a call... I know I promised you I'd ask around to see if anybody wanted to hire you so I assumed it was someone offering to give you an interview. It wasn't until I answered the phone that I realised someone had got hold of your portfolio... loved your work... and has offered you a job..."

"What? Already?!" I said, shocked "...But I've only just graduated, who would have had access to my portfolio this quickly?"

"That's the thing..." Tom said "...It's Jauregui Multinational... Lauren Jauregui herself called offering you a can't turn this down Cabello- this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, you can finally prove your parents wrong!"

I hung up the phone. Was this really happening? This is too good to be true... Lauren Jauregui was the most successful business woman in the sports sector. She managed events for the most successful sports leagues all across America- from the NFL to the NBA- Lauren Jauregui was the brains behind the operation.

(new unread email from Tom Moore)

"Call with Jauregui Multinational in 10- good luck"

I walked over to the chest of draws opposite my bed, pulled on a clean pair of shorts and a shirt, and sat at my desk- helplessly staring at my phone...

*Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz* The phone vibrated against the wooden desk...

"Hello?" I said,

"Good morning, is this Camila Cabello speaking?" said the woman on the other end,

"This is her..." I responded nervously,

"I'm Lauren Jauregui, CEO of Jauregui Multinational. I have been in contact with your manager, but I decided that now was the best time to speak with you directly. I have seen your portfolio and I am very interested in working with you. I believe there are many new ideas you could bring to the company- and I would like to give you the opportunity to visit our HQ. You will have the opportunity to work alongside me and my team- it doesn't have to be permanent and you are free leave if you feel the need, but I really would like the opportunity to see- with the right equipment and your own marketing team- what you would bring to the table..."

"That would be amazing... thank you so much for this incredible opportunity..." I began,

"Perfect" she said, scribbling information down on the page infant of her.

"...When do I start?" I said a little too eagerly.

Lauren chuckled "I can send a plane for you as early as tomorrow, I'll book you a hotel and send you the address to the office... you start on Monday."

"Again, thank you so much" I said "this really means a lot..."

"No problem" Lauren chuckled again, "I'll see you on Monday"

I hung up the phone. This was definitely going to be difficult to explain to my parents...

Writers note: I'm soooooo sorry for the awful writing in chapter 1: I promise It will get better. The more into this fanfic I get the better and the longer it will be (I have a lot of chapters drafted out and I have a lot more planned after that). So please just stick with it :)

At the moment we are in quarantine and so I am writing a Camren fanfic to pass the time- I'm not doing it to start things up again or invade their privacy, I'm just trying to have fun. But yeah like I said, the writing will get better and so will the story :) 

 I'm hoping to keep this going for quite some time and I have a lot planned... 

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