Chapter 15: Yeah, I Just Met Her Family, They're Just Like You And Mom

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Lauren's POV:

As I woke up- I was met by the LA sunlight forcing its way through the gap in the blinds- igniting the shadowy colours of the room back to vivid oranges and reds. It brought a warmth to the room- different to that of the thick blanket of darkness that had allowed my eyes to rest...

Instantly, I was met with the memories of last night... feeling the wide smile spread across my face... I turned over- sitting up in bed and checking my phone on the nightstand next to me:


Wiping my eyes, I got out of bed- making my way across the corridor into the bathroom. I squinted- trying to block out the bright lights that illuminated the house. I completed my morning hygiene- showering, brushing my teeth and putting on some light makeup- the cold tiles pressed up against my feet.

As I walked back to my room- voices and laughter erupted up the staircase...

I put on a black crop top and black ripped jeans- brushing my hair into a side parting. I walked back over to the side table- picking up my sunglasses and black leather jacket- opening the door and leaving the bedroom.

I made my way back out into the corridor- the voices growing louder as I slowly descended the marble staircase... Following the voices, I walked through the rooms of the house into the kitchen...

I leant against the door frame- watching my family longingly... Taylor and Camila were sat at the table- deep in conversation, picking at the assortment of fruit that was laid out in front of them... My mom and dad were stood behind the kitchen island- contentedly making breakfast...

"It's about time!" I heard Taylor say from across the room,

"No one woke me up..." I responded- walking over to my parents and hugging them good morning.

"Lauren... You're 25 years old... And I think you have enough money to be able to afford an alarm clock..." Clara responded,

"She has an alarm on her phone mom... I think she was just trying to avoid spending the day with us..." Taylor giggled,

"Actually, I'm excited to spend the day with you guys..." I said- sitting at the table next to Camila,

"Woah... Are you feeling ok?" Taylor giggled,

"I'm feeling absolutely perfect..."

I smiled at Camila, taking her hand underneath the table- interlocking our fingers. She reciprocated my smile- squeezing my hand tightly- caressing the side of my hand with her thumb...

"I don't know what you've done to my daughter, Camila, but whatever you're doing- just keep it up.." Mike joked,

"Its starting to feel like I'm with 18 year old Lauren again... she's actually fun" Taylor laughed,

"Hey! I didn't come here to get victimised by my own family!" I said,

"We know baby girl." Clara giggled- bringing an assortment of breakfast items over to the table...

"Well... I think it's cute..." Camila whispered quietly in my ear... I turned to respond but instead, Camila placed a strawberry into my mouth-

"What was that for?" I smiled, wiping the juice from my lip using my thumb...

"It was a nice way of me shutting you up..." Camila laughed,

"I mean there's always another way..." I whispered into her ear, so quietly that it was barely audible...

"Lauren..." Camila said sternly,



But she was was unable to hide her smile....

"Yes Miss Cabello..." I said, winking at her before turning to the array of fruit, pancakes, bacon and pastries laid out on the table in front of me...

I cleared my throat... "So...Tay... What do you have planned for today?"

"Well.... first I wanted to go shopping because Camila wants to see LA..." She began,"And then I wanted to take you and Camila to the beach- you can watch the sunset together while I go home and get ready..."

I grinned, "Tay, I said a nice day, not a nice date..."

"Leave her alone Laur, she just has to watch you pine over me all day... she's trying to do you a favour..." She laughed- Taylor soon joining in.

"Camz... Don't be mean, I know you love it"

"...I do..." She smirked,

"Ok... You two are very cute but please go and get a room..." Taylor said,

"I mean... I wouldn't complain..." I joked...

Camila hit me on the arm, "Lauren! Not appropriate!" she blushed. 

"I don't care." I said- mocking Camila's tone- smiling at her playfully.


"You're just jealous-"

"-Girls!" Clara said from the other side of the kitchen "Behave... please?"

Taylor sighed, rolling her eyes,"Anyway..." Taylor continued, "Then the two of you can meet us back here by 8- because I have dinner reservations for the five of us downtown..."

"Sounds great Tay" I said, smiling- Camila's hand still interlocked with mine as we continued to eat breakfast...

Camila's POV:

After breakfast, Taylor had taken me to almost every single store in LA. From clothes, to food, to music- Taylor knew all of the best spots to go to and she was adamant to take me to every single one before the day was over. Lauren tagged along behind us- quiet but constantly smiling. Even though she mostly kept to herself, she was clearly happy at how well me and Taylor were getting on...

The day had gone by fairly quickly, but even so, Taylor and I couldn't get rid of the massive grins that had been plastered all over our faces since leaving the house this morning.

Even after we reached Santa Monica, I couldn't stop myself from smiling...

The beach stretched out alongside the water... The sand was gentle hue of gold- only matched by the sunshine filled sky... The waves rolled in- white tipped- spreading themselves like fine lace over the beach. They crashed in their soft way against the shore- moving over sand and stone- the breaking waves the filling small rock pools that aligned the shore...

The closer we got to the sea- the more I could taste the salty air- feeling it chill my face. The cold onshore breeze blew right through my clothes... I shivered as I ran my hand down my forearms- but I didn't care...

"Well then... I'll see you back at the house..." Taylor said, hugging Lauren and I goodbye and leaving us alone...

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