Chapter 22: I Know You'll Stay Up Late, Just Waiting For Me

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Lauren's POV:

For the second time this week I woke up next to Camila... I held her in my arms- pulling her close as we laid tangled underneath my sheets... She was resting her head on my chest as we sat deep in conversation for most of the morning...

"Are you excited for today?" I said, tracing random shapes on her arm.

"Yeah of course... I'm just nervous..." She began,"I'm excited to see my sister... We haven't spent time together in a long time and I can't wait for you two to meet... But I just can't seem to push my parents to the back of my mind..."

"Camz, that's understandable..."

"...I'm putting it off for as long as I possibly can... I'm just still not ready to see them after everything..."

"I understand... And that is exactly why we're going to have fun today... To get your mind off things and let you bond with your sister."

"Ok Laur." She smiled,

"Today is going to be amazing- no matter what ok? If your sister is as amazing as you are- then I can guarantee that we're all going to get on perfectly..." I said reassuringly, kissing her on the forehead...

"She's going to love you... I already know it..."

"Hmm? Why's that?"

"Because you're incredible..." She smiled as she took my lips in hers..."She sent me her address... so we just need to pick her up when we're ready..."

"Ok Camz."

"Which means we actually need to get out of bed soon..."

"How soon?" I groaned,

"Hmm..." She pretended to be deep in thought... "Now..." She said- as she quickly jumped out of bed, depriving me of all of the heat she had been providing...

"Camilaaa!" I groaned- as I pulled the covers up over my head and fell back into my pillow...

Camila's POV:

Lauren and I got ready- both of us wearing her clothes since I hadn't packed any for the weekend...  I was wearing a black bikini- covered up by blue denim shorts and one of Laurens black graphic t-shirts...

Lauren was dressed up in a black and white bikini, blue denim shorts and sunglasses. She wasn't wearing any makeup, and her hair was straightened into a middle parting- covered by a large black beach hat...

"You look beautiful..." She smiled as we left the apartment...

"So do you Miss Jauregui..." I said, reciprocating the smile and taking her hand in mine...

She closed the door behind us- taking us into the lift and down to the underground car park complex below... She opened the passenger side door, helping me inside before walking around to the drivers side. She got in, turning on the engine and exiting the complex...

We drove to the address, slowly winding through the streets of Miami...

The road lay before us like a tarmac ribbon- one that had been worn over time and baked under the brutal, relentless Miami sun... The roads were wide enough for several lanes of cars in each direction, with white lines running down the centre of each individual lane...

As we made our way into the city centre, there was a procession of headlights on the highway- tail lights snaking their way down the road, cars bumper to bumper, their exhaust fumes belching out...

Eventually, we pulled up to the house... It stood on its own, built out of tanned brick. It had four windows plastered on the front of the house- all of the same size and proportion.
A large chimney poked out of one side of the grey slate roof, and a smaller one poked out of the other...

Around the house there were grey polished concrete paths, patios and planters- contrasting against the green of the overgrown bushes and untamed grasses that covered the front garden...

The car came to a stop- and Lauren and I got out...

She lent against the car bonnet- watching me as I walked up the path, knocked on the door, stepped back and waited patiently for an answer...

"Mila!" Sofi squealed- running from the house into my arms,

"Hey Sofi... How are you?"

"I'm good"

"Are you ready for today?"

"Of course!"

She took my hand in hers, closing the door behind her and pulling me down the path...

"You must be Lauren..." She said with a smile as we got to the car...

"And you must be Sofi..." Lauren responded, reciprocating the smile and holding out a hand. Sofi took it in hers, shaking it eagerly.

"Well then, now that we have our special guest... Should we get going?" Lauren said enthusiastically- getting up from the car and opening the driver side door...

"Yes!" Sofi said excitedly- opening the back door of the car and getting inside...

"So... I have lots of things planned for today..." Lauren began, "It's going to be really fun..."

"What are we doing?" Sofi giggled

"It's a surprise... Even Camila doesn't know what we're doing today... And she normally knows EVERYTHING..."

I smiled at Lauren- resting my hand on her thigh as she drove... "I truly have no idea Sofi... so me and you are in the same boat..."

"It makes it all the more fun, right Sofi?" Lauren laughed- it was clear that she was making an effort with Sofi- and they were already getting on so well...

"So much more fun!" Sofi said excitedly,

"Hey!" I began, turning around to face my sister, "You're supposed to stick up for your sister... not team up on me with Lauren..."

"She just knows I'm right..." Lauren teased,

"You're always right Laur..." I said sarcastically- giving her a small side glare...

Eventually, we pulled up to Miami Beach- getting out of the car and taking in the scenery around us...

The waves ahead rolled down onto the beach- crashing onto the shore with a soft hiss. The waves were peeling away at the deep bronze sand- glistening in the sun with a gentle hue... The blue-green water slowly refilled the rock pools- coating the array of pebbles that lined the shore... As time passed, the driftwood and seaweed had began to come upon the buoyant waves- floating alongside the euphoric beach goers...

I breathed in deeply- inhaling the ocean carried air... And I stood silently, listening to the percussion of the waves and the constant chatter of friends...

As I took off my shirt, I felt the sun beating on my back- the beams shining in my eyes and the warmth of the grains underneath my feet...

The more we looked at the beach, the more the memories of the time Lauren and I had spent in Los Angeles came flooding back...

"Well... Do you want to go and swim?" Lauren said excitedly, taking Sofi by the hand and running towards the sea...

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