Chapter 11: Always You Shaped Thoughts Inside My Head

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Camila's POV:

The rest of the trip had been fairly awkward...

Lauren didn't say a word to me on the walk back after Central Park. She walked swiftly ahead of me, weaving through the crowds, not even looking back to see if I was still with her. She seemed upset- and I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to get through to her until she had calmed down...

I couldn't stop picturing her face after we broke the kiss... the usual sparkle in her emerald green eyes had disappeared, and instead, they were glazed over with both lust and regret. It was almost as if she couldn't believe what she had done- breaking down the walls between her business and personal life that she had spent so long building up...

It felt as if it she was running away from me- walking through the streets at such a fast pace I was struggling to catch up with her...

Even when we made it to the hotel, she didn't say anything... She just took the lift in silence- avoiding any and all eye contact with me.

Even after we reached the top floor- she locked herself up in her room- making it very clear that she did not want to be around me... let alone talk to me.

Lauren was always a closed off character- but the more I got to know her the more I realised that before me, she hadn't shared anything about her personal life with anyone for a long time. She had tried to detach her personal life from business and, as a result, was forced to put up this arrogant and hardened facade to hide her genuine, kind hearted personality.

Everyone had made it pretty clear that before me, Lauren didn't like getting close to people. She put every measure in place to stop herself from getting hurt- and, as a result, she had refused to let anyone in for a long time... And it was because of her confined nature that I never knew she reciprocated the feelings that I had felt for her for so long... Until now...

2 weeks later:


I was sat at my desk- still thinking about the incident in New York... Ever since the kiss- working at Jauregui Multinational was starting to feel like it did in the first couple of weeks... I felt isolated and alone- and I was starting to miss having Lauren by my side...

Even when I tried to work, Lauren occupied my thoughts... My mind was clouded and I just couldn't get her off my mind...

The gentle knock at the door brought me back to reality.

"Come in!" I said- pushing all thoughts of  Lauren to the back of my mind and looking up-

"Camila... can we talk?" Lauren was stood leaning awkwardly against the door frame of my office- looking at me with genuine sincerity. Even though she had been ignoring me for two weeks, speaking to her still came so naturally- as if nothing had changed... and as much as I hated to admit it- I had missed it...

"I'm really sorry for what happened in New York..." she said, slowly making her way into the centre of the room. "I wanted to apologise for... the kiss... and the way I behaved afterwards... I was the one who stepped out of line- not you..." she looked up at me, guilt ridden."I shouldn't have punished you- because it truly wasn't your fault..." She hesitated...

"I was angry at myself- and I was frustrated because, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get over my feelings for you. I thought I could, but New York proved to me that they really were there... and that they weren't going to go away any time soon..." She looked down at the floor apprehensively.

"But... I understand that the feelings aren't mutual- I let myself get overwhelmed and completely consumed by my own emotions and it won't happen again, I truly am sorry... I promise my intentions were never to hurt you or make you uncomfortable- because that is the last thing I would ever want to do, and I mean that with all of my heart Camila..."

After Lauren finished talking, the room was silent... It wasn't an awkward silence- the quiet was somehow comforting as Lauren stood there patiently awaiting my response...

"For someone who hates showing emotion... you're surprisingly good at apologies..." I smiled.

"Well, I try my best..." She said, giving me a shy smile before shifting on her feet.

"Well..." I began, "I accept your apology... and, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm so happy that we can be friends again..."

Lauren shifted again... looking at me nervously with those eyes- bright and soft all at once...

"Lauren... Why are you still so nervous..." I laughed, "You've barely been able to stand still since you walked in here-"

"-I want to ask you something..." she interrupted, "But I don't want it to be too soon after... you know..." she began,


"Ok..." she sighed, "I have an event this weekend in LA... It's kind of special to me- and it would really mean a lot if you could be there with me..." she said, "But I don't want to pressure you, or make you do something you don't want to do or-"

"Lauren...' I giggled, "I still work for the company... and for you... it's not going to be weird if we go to an event together..."

"See that's the thing..." She began, "The event is at my house... in LA. My family kind of, hosts it I guess? It's kind of a charity thing they do... Taylor will want to finally meet you in person and my dad will be there with some of the directors and-"

"-And I'll be there..." I interrupted, giving her a reassuring smile, "Stop rambling and breathe." I laughed.

Lauren was normally so calm and composed, it was weird seeing her so flustered and nervous...

"Thank you so much Camila..." She said, "I'll see you this weekend..." Lauren smiled, turning around on her heels and making her way across the office to the door-

"Anytime Miss Jauregui." I teased- giving her one last smile before she disappeared into the corridor outside.

Los Angeles:

"Lauren... are you sure you want to do this?" I said, resting my hand on hers reassuringly and giving her a small smile.

"I'm sure..." she said, reciprocating the smile"...I'm just nervous... I haven't seen any of them in person since I took over the company... and it's been so long, I honestly don't know what I'm going to say..."

"Lauren... trust me, they're going to be so proud of you no matter what... I know I would be..."

Lauren was sat in the car seat next to me- focussed on the emerging Los Angeles scenery on the other side of the glass. She was playing close attention to the slender palm trees aligning the side of the road, the cars speeding down the street, the Hollywood hills emerging behind the buildings in erratic strokes of yellows and oranges...

This was the most nervous I had ever seen her...

"You'll be ok... I promise..."  I said again, not letting go of her hand.

"Here we are Miss Jauregui... it was good to see you again." The deep voice said from the drivers seat...

He pulled up to the front of the Jauregui mansion, turning off the car engine...

"Enjoy your visit."

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