Chapter 21: In And Exhale One Time Aligning Your Breath With Mine

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Camila's POV:

Lauren and I had spent the whole day together... From watching movies and ordering pizza, to cuddling and playing around- we felt like a normal couple...

Her arm was snaked around my waist, pulling me in closer to her as we laid on her bed- tangled in between the sheets...

My neck was resting in the crook of her neck, and my fingers were tracing random patterns on her toned stomach... We were laying deep in conversation- peacefully enjoying each others company...

The small break from Jauregui Multinational had given us the opportunity to open up and bond. We had taken the weekend off and had spent every last minute of that time with each other...
It was strengthening our relationship more than I thought it ever could...

*bzzz bzzz bzzz*

My phone vibrated against the wooden bed side table,

"Hmm, do you have to get that?" Lauren groaned- pouting at me as I leant over to pick up the phone... She kissed my back seductively and insistently pulled on my waist- trying to pull me back into bed...

"Yes I do... It's my sister..."


"Yeah... I'll be right back..." I said- giving her a soft kiss on the lips before separating our bodies and jumping out of bed... I picked up my shirt off of the floor, quickly pulling it over my head...

I left the room- hearing Lauren groan loudly as her body was now deprived of the warmth I had been providing her all afternoon...

I answered the phone, holding it up to my ear...

"Hey... Sofi.." I said nervously,

"Hey Mila!" She said excitedly,

"Why are you calling me... Is everything ok? Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm good... don't sound so worried..." She laughed, "I was actually wondering If I can see you soon... I was thinking that maybe we can spend the day together at some point this week?"

"Sofi... you know I can't... I'm in Miami..."

"Well... so are we..."

"What?!" Was all I could say...

My parents had moved away with my sister a year before I went to university... We were constantly arguing about my friends, my education, my sexuality... We had clashed my whole life and, as my sister grew up, it became unhealthy for my her to be constantly surrounded by the negativity that stemmed from mine and my parents relationship...

We never got on... And the older I got, the worse the arguments got... And eventually the environment became too toxic for her to grow up in...

Instead of trying to fix it- my parents' only response was to run away... They left me alone to fight for myself... And refused to support me...

I had to work multiple jobs, I had to pay for my own college tuition, and I had to work through everything on my own... I had no help and I almost lost my sister in the process...

"Mum and dad moved back... I thought you already knew..."

"No... I didn't..."

"Oh... I'm sorry I thought they would have said something..."

For the whole time my parents and I were separated- me and my sister had been meeting in secret without them knowing... We kept our strong bond by seeing each other every spare moment we got...

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