Chapter 17: Oh My God, Where Did The Time Go? I Wish The Hours Would Go Slow

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Camila's POV:

Los Angeles:

I took Laurens arm, letting her lead me down the staircase towards the entryway of the house below...

"You're nervous..." Lauren said,

"No... I'm not..." I denied,

"Camz..." she said, locking her eyes with mine-

"Lauren..." I mocked, matching her tone.

"I know you, and I know you're not ok... Talk to me..."

"I'm just a little scared for dinner, that's all..."

"Camz..." She said, stopping- "You don't need to be... My family loves you so much already... They see all of the things that you bring out in me that they haven't seen in years... They know how much you mean to me so they just want to spend time with you..."

"I know... I don't know what's gotten into me..." I admitted,

"If it makes you feel better... I'll be sat right there next to you..." She said, taking my hand in hers...

"I know Laur-"

"-And if at any time you're not comfortable we can just leave- and I'll take you somewhere else ok?" She smiled at me reassuringly,

"Thank you Laur..."

"I mean it... Any time you want... Just say the word..."  she said, smiling sweetly.

And it was at that moment I realised that I was falling for Lauren... The way she looked past every single flaw to find the real person that was truly inside of me... Her kind deeds, her thoughtful actions, her truthfulness, her trustworthiness and her self-sacrifice... Bit by bit, I found myself drowning in the thoughts of her... she was beautiful, mysterious and magical- yet charming, passionate and elegant... 

A loud voice brought me back to reality...

"Everyone ready?" Taylor said excitedly,

"As ready as we'll ever be!" Clara said,

"You'll be fine" Lauren whispered into my ear- giving me a reassuring smile as we walked out of the door...Still hand in hand...

The restaurant that Taylor had chosen was beautiful... 

The building was open planned- coated in dark hardwood floors. Half of the room was undercover with the ceiling painted white, a large proportion of it enclosed in vines that cascaded down the walls and onto the floor below...

The other half of the room was situated in the lower half of the building- it was open-topped, the walls replaced by large floor-to-ceiling windows that exposed the LA scenery on the other side of the glass...

In the middle of the room- a small tree stood proudly in the centre- encompassed by three eating areas. There were three booths of soft black and white striped chairs on one side, and a set of three wooden chairs opposite... all sat between three semi-circular white marble tables...

In between the seating, there were small marble stairs separating the areas- candles and small plants descending down them...

Around the perimeter of the room, square marble tables with wooden chairs were allocated randomly... And above the tables, there were rows of lightbulbs suspended from the ceiling- illuminating the area below...

We followed the waitress through the restaurant, weaving in and out of the tables before stopping at one in the centre of the room... Lauren and I took the booth- sliding onto the seat in front of the table- lined neatly with table mats, cutlery, wine glasses and candles...

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