Chapter 9: Maybe I Just Wanna Be, Be The Person That You Just Can't Lose

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Lauren's POV:


As we boarded the plane, Camila turned to me and smiled,

"You look nervous..." she said,

"That's because I am... I hate flying..." I responded,

"You're scared of planes?" She laughed,

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, it's your job to hold my hand when we take off..." I winked at her playfully.

She laughed, walking over to the right side of the plane cabin and sitting down. She crossed her right leg over her left- looking over at me intrigued. She was wearing a black blazer with a black blouse, with matching flared suit pants and black heels. She was wearing her long wavy hair in a side parting- her brown hair bringing a unique warmth to her features- acting as a simple frame for her beautiful eyes and smile. The hue altered as the strands curled and moved, as free as the autumn leaves playing in the sunlight.

On her eyes, she wore light brown eyeshadow- accentuating the golden-brown orbs that scintillated with a mischievous glint. Her eyes were circumscribed by eye-lined lashes, making her eyes appear bigger and brighter. They lustered happiness in soft twinkles- reflecting the light radiating from the plane window that made her eyes change from copper to caramel.

"I've never seen you this nervous..." She giggled,

"You're enjoying this way too much..." I said.

"Maybe just a tiny bit..." She laughed, bringing her index finger and thumb as close together as she possibly could without them touching...

"I'm happy my vulnerability makes you so overjoyed." I joked, rising an eyebrow playfully.

"That's not why I'm happy... but I have to admit it is fun being the egotistical one for once..." She smiled, "You're so confident at work...but then the minute you have to go on a plane it all goes away... It's adorable." She mocked- laughing at the shock plastered all over my face.

"Adorable?" I laughed, "That is the last thing I want to be..."

"Don't worry I won't tell anybody- It'll be our secret." She laughed.

"I appreciate it..." I said- looking over at Camila playfully before turning to the window- watching the emerging landscape below.

New York:

Camila's POV:

We slowly made our way through the glass revolving doors into the hotel lobby, walking over to the front desk situated against the back wall.

"Good evening ma'am" The receptionist said- looking up from the computer in front of him.

He was wearing a crisp grey suit, the perfect tailoring making him look like a fully grown man- although on the inside, he couldn't have been far out of high-school. Against his smooth brown skin his black hair stayed stuck in place- held by the mass of hair products that had evidently been used. He was broad-shouldered and tanned, looking up at us with his deep hazel eyes- the smooth green on the edge contrasting with the amber colour in the middle...

"I have a booking under the name Jauregui..." Lauren said, waiting patiently as the receptionist hastily typed on the computer in front of him...

"You're on the top floor, rooms 799 and 780, enjoy your stay..." The man said, smiling at Lauren before extending his arm and holding out two room keys. Lauren took the keys swiftly, giving him a small smile before walking over to the elevators.

The lobby of the hotel was almost as grand as that of Jauregui Multinational- the white hardwood floors extended throughout the room, contrasting beautifully with the sandstone coloured walls. The ceiling was painted white- with multiple chandeliers running down the centre of the room, illuminating the hotel lobby. Along the back wall there were multiple wooden desks, situated next to small groups of white chairs and small oak wooden tables. 

On the left wall, there were a group of elevators. Lauren lent over to press the 'up' button, standing patiently waiting for the doors to open...

As we made our way inside, I noticed that the walls were made up of glass- allowing us to look down into the elevator shaft below as we slowly climbed the floors of the hotel... I stood in silence, looking down at the disappearing lobby floor below...

The doors of the elevator opened- allowing us to step out into the corridor of the top floor.

Lauren and I slowly walked down the corridor- surrounded on all sides by white walls. The hallway was intricately designed- illuminated by small, circular lights along the centre of the ceiling. There were doors on either side- metal plaques on every one- showcasing the different room numbers.

Lauren stopped outside room 799 and turned around, pulling a hotel key card out of her coat pocket and extending her arm, motioning for me to take it.

"Here..." she said,"The conference is at 8 tomorrow... So I'll knock for you before then ok?"  She said, drumming her fingers against the side of her leg nervously.

I took the key card from her hand, giving Lauren a small smile.

"Goodnight Miss Cabello..." She said, returning the smile.

"Goodnight Miss Jauregui..." I reciprocated, watching Lauren turn away from me before turning to face the hotel door.

I turned again to look at Lauren- gracefully walking to her room. She put the key card in the door, pulling on the handle and disappearing inside... As soon as she did, I did the same...

Inside, the bed was king-sized with pure white, Egyptian cotton sheets. The room had it's own desk, a thirty-six-inch TV and a sprawling leather sofa. In the bathroom, everything was coated in marble and handcrafted tiles. The room was full of all unnecessary comforts: from the walnut framed mirrors, to the walk in shower to the jacuzzi... It was luxury. Walking over to the gleaming granite counter tops I could feel the cold of the light grey tiled floor pressing against my feet...  

On the far side of the room, the back wall was covered in floor-to-ceiling windows- leading out onto a private terrace overlooking New York City... I sat on the edge of the bed... exhaling heavily and laying down. 

I hadn't even taken off my heels before I was interrupted by a knock at the door...

Lauren's POV:

Before I knew it, I found myself in front of Camila's room- knocking on the door and stepping back out into the corridor patiently. She opened the door- smiling at me nervously. 

"Hi..." I said, giving her a small smile.

"Hey..." She said. "I know you said you would knock for me before the conference... But this seems a little bit excessive" Camila laughed, 

"Well... I was actually wondering if you wanted to come and get food with me? But... if you wanted to leave for the conference 12 hours in advance, I'm good with that too..." I joked. 

Camila smiled at me sweetly,"The food sounds great...Let me just grab my coat..."

Writers note: I feel like we're finally getting somewhere with this story- I'm sorry for the really slow build up- but I guess we'll find out what happens between Lauren and Camila in next chapter... 

I should also probably apologise for how rushed the chapters are sounding... I'm still really swamped with school so I'm struggling to find the time to properly sit down and write the story- but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway...

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