Chapter 5: I Knew It Was You From The Very First Night

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24th June 2021 10:05am

"Good morning Miss Cabello, please take a seat" Lauren said- looking up from her desk and smiling at me.

"Good morning Miss Jauregui" I responded, taking a seat in the chair opposite her, crossing my left leg over the right and waiting for her to begin. 

"As you already know, I want you to work on a new project with me..." she hesitated "We have been given the opportunity to sign a new contract deal. If we close it, Jauregui Multinational will receive a large sum of money that will have profound impacts on the company. In two weeks, I have a meeting with the director, but before then I need you and the girls to help me brainstorm- we need to come up with ideas to promote upcoming NPF events- it's softball season..." she smiled."I presume you have already met Normani, Ally and Dinah... you'll be working together as a team and I'll be overseeing the whole project... everything you complete will be brought to me- and I will decide what will be pitched to the director..."

She spoke slowly but confidently, filling the room with her assertive yet comforting nature. It was becoming increasingly difficult to listen to what was coming out of Laurens mouth, her beauty was undeniable. She was looking at me intently as she spoke, her emerald eyes completely taking me under her control: no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pull away. The expertly done winged eyeliner made her eyes pop even more, if that was even possible, making them fuller and brighter- intriguing me even more. Her lips were full, captivating me as she spoke, and she wore her long brown hair in a middle parted low ponytail- perfectly framing her face and accentuating her beautiful features. She was wearing a white jumpsuit, the plunging neckline acting as a perfect distraction- showing off her neck and chest, distracting me as she continued to speak...

"That will be all." she said, "You are free to go and I'll send someone down with all the information." She gave me a small smile before looking down at her desk once again- writing on the documents spread out in front of her. I stood up from the chair, making my way across the room to the office door,

"Thank you Miss Jauregui" I said, giving her a small smile before closing the door behind me. 

24th June 2021 10:20am

"That didn't last very long" I heard Dinah joke as I walked through the door into the conference room. 

"Is she always that reserved and straight to the point?" I said, sitting down next to Normani and sinking into the chair, staring at my fingernails.

"you have no idea..." Dinah laughed. 

"I mean the fact she didn't say arrogant and rude is good right?" Normani said to the others.

"I guess you can say that..." Dinah said.

"Was it anything important?" Ally turned her attention to me.

"She just said we have two weeks to come up with a way of promoting all upcoming NPF events..."  I began "She said we have to check everything by her, and that she was going to send all of the information down to us... she didn't really say anything else, it was kind of like she wanted to get me out of her office as soon as she possibly could..."  I finished, looking up at the girls who just sat there- smirking at me.

"What?" I said harshly, narrowing my eyes at Dinah who started to laugh.

"You seem annoyed..." Dinah said, "Does Camila have a crush?" she teased, making the others laugh.

"Of course not!"  I said, pretending to be disgusted at the thought of ever getting with Lauren. 

"I don't blame you, we've all been there at some point" Dinah said.

"Well I haven't..." Ally responded, earning a small giggle from Normani. 

"I don't have a crush" I reiterated, a little too defensively.

"Of course Camilaaaaa..." Dinah said sarcastically, dragging out the 'a' as much as she possibly could before I lent across the table and punched her in the arm. That didn't stop her though, instead she walked as far away from me as she possibly could and started making kissing noises with her mouth- teasing me from a position where I couldn't reach her, making the other girls laugh.

"Dinah..." I said firmly "I do not. Have a crush. On Lauren. Ok?"

"I hear you... Loud and clear" Dinah smirked "Loud. and. Clear"

4 days later:

"I HATE her!" I exclaimed, slamming the massive folder onto the desk in front of me and disappearing into my seat. 

"She turned it down AGAIN?!" Normani groaned, slamming her head onto the conference room desk in frustration."She hasn't been down here to help AT ALL, the four of us can't do everything!" Normani continued to mumble various things into the table, Dinah got up to pace the room and Ally looked up- waiting for me to continue. 

"...And now we have to work over the weekend..." I said, breaking the bad news"She said it needs to be done before Monday- her meeting with the director was brought forward to Wednesday and she 'needs time to prepare'..." I said, mocking Lauren's authoritative and demanding tone. All three girls groaned in perfect harmony, but all I could do was nod in response.

Saturday 28th June 2021 9:05pm

"You guys can go home now if you would like to?"  I offered, gathering up the graphs, spreadsheets and documents sprawled across the desk and carefully placing them into the folder in front of me,"I can finish up here and leave it on Lauren's desk, there's no need for the four of us to stay, go and enjoy your weekend... and get some sleep" I said, looking up at the three girls practically falling asleep in their chairs opposite me. 

"Thank you so much Mila!" Dinah said, jumping up from her chair, coming over and kissing me on the forehead.

"Are you sure?" Normani said, slowly standing up from her chair. 

"You know we can stay..." Ally said, "You don't have to stay here by yourself..." 

"It's fine, I'll probably get more done without Dinah snoring anyway" I giggled. 

"Hey!" Dinah said "I wasn't snoring... I was...uhh..."

"...snoring" Normani said, causing all 4 girls burst into a fit of laughter.

"I mean it, I'll be ok" I reassured them, hugging them all goodbye and sitting back down into my chair.

I picked up my pen, began looking at the spreadsheets again, and got back to work. 

Saturday 28th June 2021 11:15pm 

After spending hours finishing up on Lauren's pitch, I moved away from the desk, sitting in the chair by the window and staring attentively at the sky outside. The air was clear, leaving the stars exposed- like white marks on a black canvas. The moon was full- like an orb illuminating the street below- it's beams floating upon the waves and reflecting off of the busy Miami nightlife. The street was still full of cars and people- yet I was stuck on the other side of the glass, trapped inside the same office building for the 4th night in a row. 

I had always felt a connection to the moon and stars that I couldn't quite explain... but still, they accompanied me during my break... 

I was suddenly interrupted by a deep voice behind me...

"You're not going to get much work done sat over there..." 

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