Chapter 14: So Good, That You Can't Explain It, What Can I Say, It's Complicated

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Camila's POV:

There was no doubt that this woman was absolutely beautiful...

She was wearing a long, high necked white dress that cascaded down her slim body and onto the lawn below. Her brown hair was up lose- similar to mine, with strands falling out at the front to frame her face. Her makeup was flawless: light brown eyeshadow, winged eyeliner... it all did an amazing job at defining her bright brown eyes. She wore a gold necklace with matching golden earrings- as well as a large smile for Lauren as she made her way over to us...

"You've got to be kidding me..." was all Lauren could say.

It was obvious that Lauren was uncomfortable... Her eyes had changed. The normal emerald green colour had glazed over into a deep green: angry and upset. She shifted on her feet, unable to make eye contact with anyone. She started to tap on the side of her leg uncontrollably- her breathing becoming erratic...

"What are you doing here?" Lauren said bitterly,

"I came to see you... I missed you." said the woman,

"The thing is Lucy, I haven't missed you..."

"Ouch! You always used to be so nice Lauren, what happened?"

"You happened Lucy... But luckily for me, I'm not as naive and stupid as I was then- so save your manipulation for someone else... I left LA for a reason and I'm not planning on coming back."

"Always so dramatic..."

"Lucy... I'm not here to argue with you so please leave..."

"What- so you can carry on dancing with your girlfriend? I want to talk with you."

"She's not my girlfriend..."

"No? So she's just another slut that you're using because you're broken and alone? Lauren it's been so long and you're still not over me?" she laughed.

"I suggest you don't talk about Camila like that or-"

"Or what Lauren? What could you possibly do?" She smiled, "I see straight through you... You could never do anything to hurt anyone."

Lauren inched closer to Lucy, lowering her voice. "Please do us all a favour, and get the fuck out of my house."

I'd never seen Lauren like this before- she was hurt, angry and confused... It was becoming clear that Lucy had hurt Lauren, and badly. Lauren was always so closed off- she kept her private life private and it took a lot for her to open up to people... I couldn't ever imagine her opening up to someone like Lucy- let alone being 'naive' or 'stupid'. I had only ever seen the strong side of Lauren- but Lucy seemed to bring things out in her that I don't think I would have seen any other way- pure hatred...

"Fine... But if you're not going leave, then I am." Lauren said, turning around and storming up the lawn- leaving me and Lucy alone...

"I wouldn't get involved with're only going get hurt" Lucy said.

"I'm not sure you're in the position to be telling me what I can and can't do... especially when it comes to Lauren." I said, turning on my heels and walking away from Lucy- leaving her alone on the lawn...

I found myself following Lauren. With every step, I sped up, trying to close the distance that had formed between us...

Lauren's POV:

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