Chapter 20: Stretch Marks All Around My Thighs, Kiss 'Em 'Till I Change My Mind

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Camila's POV:

It was as if we were finally sealing our relationship... The kiss was soft and gentle, her thumb caressing my cheek... her heart beating against my chest... my hands in hers...

She led me upstairs, slowly taking me up to her bedroom...

Inside the room, it was decorated similarly to the rest of the house... There was a large mirror positioned across the back wall- with triple glazed floor-to-ceiling windows circulating across the other three. In the centre of the back wall, there was a neatly made large grey bed with two bed side tables on either side...

In one corner of the room sat a grey straight-backed chair, and in the other, a large light grey lamp stood proudly- illuminating the room...

"You look nervous..." I smiled at Lauren,

"That, Miss Cabello, is because I am..." She responded,

"Don't be..." I said, cupping her face with my hands and pulling her close... "Just relax..."

"That's hard considering I have the most beautiful girlfriend stood in front of me..."

"Hmm I'm never going to get used to that..." I re-ignited the kiss- feeling her soft, full lips on mine...

I moved my hands down to Lauren's lower back- gently guiding her towards the bed... I ran my tongue against her bottom lip before sucking on it gently. I sat her down on her bed- trailing my fingertips up her body before positioning myself in front of her- fitting perfectly in between her legs... Her hands slid over the soft skin of my thighs- gripping them tightly- and slowly pulling up my skirt...

I straddled her- her arms moving around me and pulling me close... She eagerly moved her tongue into my mouth, moving it against mine... I pushed her backwards onto the bed- moving my lips across her cheek, down her jaw, and onto her neck- sucking eagerly on the base of her throat...

Her eyes closed with pleasure as she elicited a moan... I worked my way back up to her lips- gasping as she flipped me over- pinning my hands above my head... She kissed me again, forcing out a moan- and I felt her smile against my lips... Her hands caressed my body, moving down past my abdomen and down to my thighs...

"Are you sure?" She asked- locking her eyes with mine...

"Of course I'm sure Laur..." I responded, releasing a low moan as I felt her hands slowly sliding up the inside of my thigh...

Lauren's POV:

I woke up, intertwined with Camila beneath the light grey sheets... Her head resting on my chest and her arm snaked around my stomach...

I traced patterns on her back with my fingertips, feeling her heart beat against mine... Her eyes slowly opened, the brown orbs staring up at me

I brushed away the messy strands of hair out of her face,  "You're beautiful..." I smiled... bringing my lips down to hers for a closed-mouth kiss...

"No, you are..." She responded groggily, nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck and bringing her warm full lips to my neck...

"What do you want to do today?"

"Stay here... In bed with you, all day."


"I mean it... I want to stay here with you all day... I don't want to move, or think or work... I just want you..."

"But we need to eat... We used up a lot of energy last night..." I laughed.


"I'll cook you breakfast..." I smiled, kissing her on the forehead before getting out of bed and looking in the mirror- noticing all of the light pink and red marks all over my body..."Jesus... You really did a number on me..." I laughed,

"Hmm, I wouldn't complain, you were enjoying it quite a lot last night..." She smirked,

"Thats very true..." I giggled... walking over to the wardrobe and pulling out an oversized shirt... I put it on before leaning down to give her another closed mouth kiss... "I'll meet you downstairs in a minute ok?"

"Ok laur..." She mumbled, falling back to lean into the pillow below her...

Camila's POV:

I woke up... The perfect blend of aromas from bacon, coffee and pastries filling the room...

I turned over, sinking my face into the fabric of the pillow... breathing in Lauren's scent on the sheets- the memories of last night coming flooding back...

I got out of bed, walking over to Lauren's wardrobe, taking out a shirt and pulling it over my head...

The linen had soft crinkles in it- it was so much softer than the cotton I was used too... It was loose with a neat trimmed edge... sitting just above my mid-thigh. It smelled like Lauren's perfume... making me smile smugly as I slowly walked down the stairs into the kitchen...

Lauren was stood with her back to me, humming quietly to herself as she made breakfast...

"Good morning..." I whispered into her ear- snaking my arms around her waist and hugging her from behind...

"Good morning..." She said, turning around- smiling at me sweetly before gently placing a soft kiss on my lips. "How did you sleep?"

"Absolutely incredible..." I smirked, sitting down at one of the white bar stools situated behind the kitchen island...

I watched her intently as she gracefully moved around the kitchen- from the fridge, to the oven, to the countertop- she almost looked like a professional...

"Me too..." She smiled, "It was weird... I had a dream that I had this really beautiful woman in my arms all night, it was quite relaxing..."

"Huh..." I said- resting my finger on my chin as if I was deep in thought... "To make things even weirder, I had a dream that I was IN the arms of a beautiful woman last night..."

"What a coincidence..." She smirked, handing me a steaming cup of coffee...

"But on serious note Laur... It really was great... All of it..."

"All of it?" She chuckled.

"Yes... all of it. But I'm not saying it again... You don't need the ego boost..."

"Well... maybe I do..." She said, slowly walking towards me...






"Because what?" She said... moving closer and closing the gap between us... She cupped my face with her hands... leaning in for another kiss but stopping just in front of my face- so that there was only a few inches between our lips...

"Always so stubborn..." I laughed, giving in to the kiss- taking her soft lips in mine...

"You love it really..."

"If it means I get a breakfast like this every time I stay then sure... I can put up with it..." I smirked,

"Is that the only reason you'd come and stay?" She pouted, "Because I can think of so many more reasons why you should come here more often..." She grabbed me by the waist, pulling me in gently for another kiss before walking back over and picking up the array of breakfast foods... "Although I cant lie to you... I do make a very good breakfast... And that's always a positive in a relationship..."

"Always so humble Miss Jauregui..." I joked- jumping off of the barstool and following her over to the dining table...

"Always..." She smiled, winking at me playfully before taking a sip from her coffee...

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