Chapter 4: I Could Try To Run, But It Would Be Useless

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24th June 2021 8:30am 

After we left the conference room, Normani continued to take me on a tour of the penultimate floor of the building. We walked down the corridor, walking past the offices on either side until we reached one at the very end. The office was almost taking up the entirety of the back wall- bigger than any other office on that floor. 

Inside, the office was beautifully appointed: there was a smooth wooden desk in the left corner of the room and a small conference table and chairs in the other. Behind the desk, there was a small palm plant that contrasted beautifully with the black and white painting positioned carefully on the wall. Behind the table, the wall was decorated with minimalistic yet beautiful bookshelves and filing cabinets- although empty of any books and documents, they still enhanced the elegance of the office. 

"Wow..." was all I could say to Normani.

"This is...incredible..." I said, slowly making my way over to the desk and sitting in the chair neatly positioned behind it. 

"She must really like your work...she gave you the biggest office on the whole floor..." Normani chuckled, "Pens, pencils, notepads... everything you need will be in the top draw" she continued."We have equipment storage rooms all over the building so you won't need to buy anything- I recommend folders... lots and lots of folders..." she said as she gave me a sweet smile. 

I got up from behind the desk, making my way across the room- still taking in the elegance of the office and the beautiful view it provided me with. As I looked out of the window, my eyes were met with the incredible view of Miami Beach. The tranquil blue waters, the fine sands, the clear skies- it was enthralling. I pulled myself away- turning away to face Normani who, in return, looked up at me excitedly.  

" you've seen the office..." she began "Are you ready to meet Ally and Dinah?!" said the woman, quickly turning on her heels and practically dragging me out of the room... 

I followed Normani as she took me down through the corridors of the building. The office was very open planned: it had straight, wide corridors with offices on either side, the lifts were positioned at one end of the floor, and the conference rooms were scattered randomly throughout. The design was very similar to that of the lobby: the floor was covered by a flat, light grey carpet, the walls were painted white and the corridor was illuminated by a row of lights situated down the centre of the ceiling. Although the interior was extremely bright- Lauren had made sure to counterbalance the intensity by using small plants and dark paintings whenever possible. The interior and exterior design really was shockingly beautiful. When we made it back to the conference room, Normani turned to me and smiled,

"Stop looking so nervous, they're going to love you" she said, as she slowly opened the door. 

As I made my way further into the conference room the two women looked up, saw Normani and I standing in the doorway, and quickly got up from behind the desk they were sat at. The first woman was very tall, she had her long brown hair tied up into a low ponytail and she stared at me intently with her brown eyes. She was wearing dark green trousers, a smart black mesh shirt, a black blazer and flats... 

"Hi, I'm Dinah" she said, smiling at me and holding out her hand to shake mine. 

"Hi, I'm Camila" I said, returning the smile, shaking her hand gently and shifting my attention to the other woman. The second woman was very small- she had her long blonde hair in a middle parting and her brown eyes lit up as she smiled excitedly. She was wearing a white blouse, a long black skirt, a smart suit jacket and heels...

"Nice to meet you Camila, I'm Ally... " said the smaller woman- still smiling. She shook my hand before gesturing for me to sit down.  

"Lauren doesn't get out of her meeting for another hour" Ally began, "so until then, the rules are that Dinah, Normani and I are allowed to question you" she said, turning her attention to me. 

"The rules?" I laughed,

"Well, from now on it's going to be really hard to escape us... we will be with each other everyday for the foreseeable future so knowing everything about each other makes it a lot more fun" Ally laughed before winking at me: she sat forward in her seat- interlocking her fingers, resting her elbows on the desk and narrowing her eyes jokingly.

"So the interrogation begins..." I chuckled, smiling at the three girls sat in front of me, "What do you want to know?" 

24th June 2021 10:00am 

After nearly an hour of conversation we were interrupted by a knock at the door. A short woman entered, giving me and the three girls a nervous smile.

"Miss Jauregui has requested Miss Cabello's assistance in her office..." said the woman. "...She said it's important"  The women gave us a small nod before leaving the room promptly- I stood up, and slowly made my way towards the conference room door before tuning to face the girls:

"I'll see you guys later" I smiled waving goodbye to the girls before leaving the room and walking towards the lifts. I lent forwards, pressing the 'up' button before stepping into the steel box-letting it take me up to the top floor of the building. 

As I stepped out of the elevator- I saw the small woman from earlier sat at a desk to my left, the woman saw me and nodded, speaking into the intercom:

"Miss Cabello is here to speak with you Miss Jauregui..." before giving me a silent nod.

I walked towards her office, the door was shut and the blinds were down...

I knocked once, twice, three times. 

*knock knock knock*

"Come in" said a deep voice on the other side of the door. 

I twisted the door knob... Pushed open the door... And stepped inside... 

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