Chapter 23: Lately All I Think About Is You, And I'm Never Sick About It

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Lauren's POV:

Sofi and I ran hand in hand across the beach, making our way over to the edge of the water...

We stood on the tide line, preparing to jump in- looking out onto the horizon ahead of us... The wind caressed our faces- the air carrying the familiar salty, seaweed smell of Miami... The cool water was lapping at our feet, fizzing and bubbling like brine...

Without hesitation, I plunged into the blue-green water- Sofi jumping in eagerly after me and swimming into my arms...A chill surged through my whole body- but eventually, the constant succession of waves warmed me up as i slowly adjusted to the ocean temperature...

My fingers wiggled in the water as I slowly waded away from the shore into deeper water...

All I could see was Sofi's white gap-toothed grin as we splashed around in the water... I picked her up in my arms, throwing her in with a loud splash... She screamed every time- not in fear but in elation...

Every time she would swim back to me- jumping, clapping and giggling frantically...

"Again Lolo!" She screamed excitedly, jumping into my arms and wrapping her hands around my neck...

"Again? How much energy do you think I have Mini Cabello?" I laughed- throwing her in again and waiting for her head to bob up from the surface of the waves...

She resurfaced, laughing at me as I pretended to run away from her... I turned around quickly- wading through the water towards the shore...

She jumped on my back to stop me, wrapping her legs around me and holding on tightly... I stood up, lifting us both out of the water...

I carried her on my back- taking her up the beach and over to Camila- who was sat on the beach quietly reading a book...

"You look like you had fun." She smiled- handing a towel to me and Sofi,

"We had so much fun! Lolo threw me around in the water..."

"Lolo?" Camila looked down at Sofi intrigued...

"Yeah... You're Mila and Lauren's Lolo..."

"I like it..." I smiled at Sofi reassuringly,

"It was so good... But the water was freezing..." I began, "See..." I said, pulling Camila in for a hug and pressing my body against hers...

"Ew... You're so wet and cold..." Camila whined, but reciprocated the hug anyway...

"I told you..." I smiled,

Sofi giggled, looking up at Camila and I cheerfully, "So, what are we doing now?"

"Well... When we dry off do you want to go rollerblading?" I asked,

"Yes!" She said excitedly, "Are you any good?"

"Of course, I'm good at EVERYTHING" I said,

"Always so humble Laur" Camila laughed- taking my hand in hers as we walked back up the beach to the path above...

Camila's POV:

We put on our roller blades- made carefully out of red and white leather...

Our laces were tied in a double knot on top of the blades- and there were four plastic wheels on the bottom. The wheels aligned the centre of the skates- allowing us to glide over the concrete paths that surrounded the beach...

As we skated we were confronted by the beautiful image of the waves- gently rising and falling over the wet sands...

With the view came the sound of the water, the song of the sky-borne birds and the laughter of the beach goers- coming in bursts- rolling like the ocean...

The beach was a blaze of parasols of hot colours to match the burning sand underfoot... People were lying and sitting on their towels- all of them a crazy array of colours with no thought of coordination...

Lauren and Sofi skated hand in hand- supporting each other as they tried not to fall over...

"Thank god we finally found something that Lauren can't do..." I laughed,"For once I think I'm outdoing you Laur..." I said- smirking at her playfully.

"It's a lot harder than it looks..." She laughed- almost falling over...

Sofi and I giggled as we watched Lauren struggle to keep her balance...

"I think I'm doing perfectly... I'm just not sure we can say the same for you..." I laughed- taking her hand in mine to stop her from falling down onto the concrete path below...

"You're always perfect" Lauren said with a grin,

"You're always so smooth..." I said- reciprocating the smile and squeezing her hand tightly... Sofi skated ahead of us... leaving Lauren and I trailing behind...

"I want to thank you for all of this..." I said- looking up at Lauren... She looked down at me confused... her emerald green eyes glinting in the Miami sun...

"For planning today... for getting on with Sofi so well and for making such a big effort with her... I can tell she already loves you and she's having so much fun..."

"I'm having fun too..." Lauren smiled sweetly,

"Me too... After all of the days I've spent with you- it's becoming more and more clear that you are really good at planning days out..."

"Before today... I would have come back with a comment about there being nothing I can't do... But it's becoming pretty obvious that rollerblading isn't one of my strong suits..."

"Yeah I agree, I think you should just stick with running Jauregui Multinational..." I joked,

"Hey! You're not supposed to agree with me- you're supposed to be a supportive girlfriend and tell me how good I am..." She pouted,

"I can't tell that big of a lie Laur... you know I only say these things when they're true..." I laughed...

"That's very true..."

"But on a serious note, I mean every word... I haven't seen her this happy in a long time... And it makes me really happy seeing you two get on as well as you are..."

"I'm happy too..." She smiled- kissing me on the cheek gently...

Lauren's POV:

After rollerblading- Camila, Sofi and I slowly walked back down the beach... We walked past the array of beach front restaurants- people piling in and out as if they were on a conveyor belt...

We stopped in front of a beautifully decorated all white marble building- with a large sign situated on the centre... Outside it, there were multiple white rounded tables- all surrounded by brown wicker chairs...

The tables were covered in white tablecloths, cutlery and candles- surrounded on all sides by plants and palm trees... It grew like a rich forest- the leaves growing up and out of the ground... they were as translucent as the finest paper- their stems waving in the warm summer air...

We took a seat- picking up the menus and opening them up...
As we sat patiently, the rich aroma of the multitude of dishes wafted through the air... filling the atmosphere with delightful sensations...

The people around us happily consumed their food... chattering quietly amongst themselves...

"So Sofi..." I began, "Is there anything on here that looks like it'll be any good?" I finished- smiling at her politely...

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