Chapter 10: Well, You Look So Happy Walking Down The Street Don't You, Babe?

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Camila's POV:

As soon as we left the hotel lobby- Lauren took me through the winding streets of the city. New York was a vast, intricate labyrinth of noisy streets and alleys- despite the time, the hustle and bustle never came to a halt- it really was the city that never sleeps. Even well after sunset, I could still hear the incessant honking of the vehicles and smell the tantalising scents wafting through the gentle breeze. As we walked through the avenues, I was in awe of the marble buildings that encompassed the most distinctive architecture I had ever seen... 

New York was a jungle of steel and glass- the skyscrapers growing right out of the concrete. They were acres of glass strung together with shiny steel-  reflecting the light as well as any mirror could. As a result, the dense mass of skyscrapers glittered in the sky above- towering over the hordes of people in the swamped streets below. 

Lauren knew exactly where she was going, weaving through the crowds of people until we stopped in front of a large marble structure. The building rose up against the skyline- almost touching the clouds...

"Don't look so nervous." Lauren said- giving me a reassuring smile before opening the door to the building. She walked through the small lobby and over to the elevator situated against the back wall. She pressed the 'up' button and stepped back, waiting patiently as the numbers on the screen began to fall. The doors opened- and Lauren helped me inside- before pressing the button to the top floor. The doors slid closed, and the elevator began to rise...

The elevator had light wooden walls, a black tile floor and a polished silver handrail that encompassed the perimeter. The elevator slowly climbed the floors, whirring quietly until abruptly reaching a stop. 

The doors slid open, revealing a surprisingly busy yet elegant restaurant on the other side. The rectangular shaped room was covered by light brown hardwood floors, it had modern lamps aligning the white ceiling and oak tables allocated randomly around the room. There were flowers on every table and, as we walked further inside, delicate live piano music began to fill the room. Across three out of the four walls- the usual marble material had been replaced by floor-to-ceiling windows- revealing the perfect view of the Empire State building. 

"This is incredible." I said as we walked to our table. Lauren smiled as she pulled out my chair, motioning for me to sit.

"It's been my secret for a long time..." she began- walking around the table to sit in the chair opposite me, "When Jauregui Multinational first started expanding, we wanted our New York branch to be our first... We used to come to New York as a massive group- and it was always so loud and stressful, I needed somewhere where I could actually hear myself think... I could swear that I actually started going insane."

"That's understandable." I said,

"So... I'd run off in the middle of the night to come here- amongst other special places... and no one ever knew where to find me because it's so secluded... I'd eat dinner, look at the view, then make my way back to the hotel- and no one ever found out where I had gone off too..."

"... Until now..." I said, 

"You're the one exception." She smirked- "So if anyone finds out about this place I will be holding you personally responsible. Miss Cabello" Lauren laughed.

"My lips are sealed, Miss Jauregui" I giggled.

Lauren's POV:

After dinner, Camila and I made our way out of the building and onto the busy street below. We slowly began to make our way back to the hotel- but every bone in my body was telling me to take her somewhere else...

"Camila wait..." I said suddenly, grabbing her by the arm and spinning her around to face me, "I want to take you somewhere else before we go back to the hotel... It'll be quick I promise..."

"Ok." She said with a smile as we walked side by side to 8th Avenue... 

"You took me to Central Park?" She grinned as we made our way towards the gravel path. 

As we entered the park, a slight breeze rustled the leaves of the trees- making a few of them fall to the solid ground. On each side of the path, the flowers were vast- concealing the freshly cut green grass. Beside the path there were rectangular flower beds, rows of trees and benches for people to sit on in every corner. But no one was there. Central Park was absolutely still- as if it had been frozen in time. 

"Follow me." I smirked, 

"I know better than to follow someone into a secluded area of dark place .." Camila joked,

"I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're scared of..." I said, walking away from Camila and leaving her stood on the gravel path..."I really don't want to have to leave you here on your own... But I will!"  I called out, making my way across the grass...

"Always so stubborn!..." Camila teased, 

"Thats not necessarily a bad thing!" I exclaimed. 

"Ok wait up, I'm coming!" She said, running across the grass, "Where are you taking me may I ask?"

"It's a surprise..." I responded.

Camila and I navigated our way through the grass- finally finding our way to the lake. The lake was partially fenced off- surrounded by fairy lights that illuminated the area around us. The lights reflected beautifully off the surface of the water and mimicked the stars- burning like fireflies against the black canvas of the nights sky. 

"It's beautiful..." She gasped, slowly walking down to the lake side and turning to look at me. "How did you even find this place?" 

"I came across it by accident... but after that, I used to come here as often as I could...  It's a really special place to me..." 

"I love it..." She smiled, looking up at me contentedly.

She looked so beautiful... The way her eyes were sparkling in the light, her glowing skin, her delicate smile... Her eyes were deep brown pools that I found myself mesmerised by, falling into them as fast as I found myself falling for her... 

Before I knew it, I began slowly walking towards Camila...

"Lauren... What are you doing..." she asked, but I didn't stop... I completely closed the gap between us- cupping her face with my hands and leaning in- taking her lips in mine. I kissed her softly at first, but then a swift gradation of intensity made her cling on to me. My mouth was parting her shaking lips and my tongue was caressing her bottom lip- practically begging for entry. 

Camila's POV:

Before I knew it, I was kissing Lauren back. 

Her tongue pressed against my bottom lip and I parted my mouth slowly- giving her permission to enter... she was gentle but demanding- unlike anything I'd ever experienced before... I felt a sudden rush of helplessness as I fell further into Lauren... She ran her fingers through my hair... pulling me closer... I wasn't sure how long I spent caught up in the kiss... But soon, I found myself getting interrupted by the cold droplets tracing down my arms... 

The rain came rushing down- falling in crazy, chaotic drops- forming a thin layer of water over my body and soaking me through my clothes...

"We should probably get going..." Lauren said- avoiding my eyes as she turned away, slowly making her way back across the grass...   

Writers note: So after 10 long chapters I finally made it happen... I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter? 

Hopefully their first kiss wasn't too cringe- I tried to make it as romantic and realistic as possible... But anyway, I'm excited for the next couple of chapters- I have some good ideas lined up that I can't wait to experiment with... 


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