Chapter 19: Midnight, I'm Not Leavin' No, For Once, I Think I'll Stay

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Camila's POV:

After work, Jenkins drove me back to my hotel...

I entered my room- dropping off all of my files, papers and folders before completing all of my evening hygiene: showering, brushing my teeth and doing my makeup...

I got changed: putting on a short sleeved black crop top, a mid thigh red skirt and black boots... before brushing my wavy hair into a middle parting, putting on my golden necklace, letting it hang loosely around my neck- and slipping on my infamous silver rings- placing them randomly on alternating fingers...

Soon, he was driving me to Laurens penthouse apartment... and as we came to a stop, Lauren was stood outside to meet me- wearing a large smile on her face... She was wearing long white flared trousers with a thin strapped white crop top- showing off her perfectly toned stomach... she was wearing white heels- and her nails were painted black- contrasting beautifully against the 'blank' colour scheme of her outfit...

Her hair was straightened- brushed into a side parting- forcing her long brown hair to cascade down her neck and shoulders... partially hiding the large hoop earrings that were suspended from her ears... She took me up to her apartment, taking my hand in hers...

She opened the door to the penthouse, taking me inside... The building was beautifully appointed... It was an open plan multiple story apartment covered by high-end light hardwood floors, contrasting beautifully against the white walls and ceiling...

Throughout the apartment, the ceiling was aligned with sleek minimalistic lights, illuminating the room and bringing it to life... The walls were coated by abstract black and white paintings- adding texture and shape to the walls and increasing the elegance of the monotoned colour scheme that matched Lauren's style so perfectly...

There was a stairwell tucked away in the back corner of the room- made up of grey slab stairs- presumably leading up to the bedroom...

In the centre of the room there were three grey sofas positioned neatly around a coffee table- with small plant pots and books placed neatly on the tabletop... They were all sat on a light grey carpet- facing the large plasma flatscreen TV that was suspended from the ceiling. The whole back wall was made up of floor-to-ceiling windows- with white marble pillars stood proudly just in front- alternating between them.

In the centre of the left side of the room sat a set of five small glass stairs leading down to the kitchen... The room had 'cracked' white marble tile floors- contrasting with the smooth black shelves and counters. In the middle of the kitchen there was a white marble kitchen island- sat just in front of the light grey dining room table and chairs. There was a large extractor fan hanging from the white ceiling, a large wine rack across the back wall, and white bar stools appointed randomly throughout...

"Do you want a drink?" She smiled,

"By now I think you already know the answer..." I giggled- watching her as she walked over to the wine rack...

She pulled out the customary green bottle- the deep red liquid moving about inside...

"I've attempted to cook us dinner..." She began, popping the cork out of the bottle, "But we might end up having to ordering pizza... I haven't cooked in a while..." she laughed.

She poured the deep red liquid into two glasses, passing one to me... Before making her way over the the oven- pulling out the Fricassee de Pollo and taking it over to the table... She lit the candles... topping up the glasses of wine before looking up at me...

"Why are you looking at me like that..." She smirked,

"I'm not looking at you like anything..." I said,

"Yes you are..."

"I think it's seeing you like this... I might as well get on one knee now..." I joked, 

"I wouldn't complain..." She smiled...

"I'll bear that in mind."  I said smirking- sitting down in front of the table opposite Lauren...

We sat at dinner, talking about anything and everything... We got lost deep in conversation for what felt like hours... Dinner had been finished long ago, but still- we sat enjoying each others company...

Once we finished, Lauren stood up from the table, taking my hand and leading me towards the balcony outside...

"I have a surprise for you..." Lauren smirked...

"Ok..." I giggled.

The balcony was rounded around the exterior of the apartment- with multiple long grey seats and small grey tables around the outside. Along the edge- a glass wall encompassed the concrete- with polished metal handrails protruding from the side. In the corner of the balcony sat a grey sofa, surrounded by large plants- the green contrasting beautifully against the monotoned colour scheme...

"What are you doing..." I smiled,

"I'm taking you out here to show you this..." she said... taking me over to the large telescope sat in the corner...

She stood behind me- placing her hands on my waist... whispering in my ear as I looked into the scope...

"Every time I look up at the stars... I'm reminded of you..." She began, "Do you remember the night shift where we first properly spoke? You were sat at the window looking at the stars... And you said that you thought that they were the most beautiful thing- You talked about how they reminded you of everything you loved- especially your sister... and you said you felt a connection to them..."

"I remember..."

"And then that night in LA... as we kissed as they magically appeared around us- like a comfort blanket for me... as if they were there to catch me as I found myself falling for you... harder and harder as every day passed..."


"-The stars were always something special for you..." she interrupted "But now... they've become something really special to me too... You've become one of the most important people in my life... I would do anything to protect you, make you feel loved and ensure that you're happy... Everyday I realise more and more that I'm ready... I'm ready for that commitment with you because I haven't felt this way for anyone before..."

"Lauren..." I said, turning around and locking my eyes with hers...

"And it's because of that... That I want you to be my..."

"...Your what Laur..."

"I want you to be my girlfriend...I want to spend every day knowing you're mine, I want you to be happy... and I want you to be happy with me..." she said, taking my hand in hers... "So... Miss Camila Cabello... Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes... of course I'll be your girlfriend Laur..."

"Good..." She smiled,

"You make me so happy... the happiest I've been in a long time... you've become such an important part of my life and I couldn't imagine not having you to support me... you've been here for me when no one else was, and you gave me a life changing opportunity when no one else would... you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met... and I want to make you as happy as you make me..."

"Thanks Camz..."

"But there's one condition..." I smirked...

"Whats that?"

"... That you'll be my girlfriend too Miss Jauregui..."

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Miss Cabello..." She smiled, pulling me in gently for a kiss...

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