Chapter 8: It's Gonna Take Me A Minute, But I Can Get Used To This

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Camila's POV

2 weeks later:

The last couple of weeks had gone by really quickly... Lauren was bringing me into all of her meetings, I was invited on all of her business trips and we were working on more and more projects together... I had met the directors, was getting more involved in the company and I had been offered a permanent position at Jauregui Multinational... 

I stepped out of the high rise building into the busy street outside. I walked quickly through the streets, buildings towering over me on each side. The people around me flowed like rivers- not stopping for obstacles but instead, gracefully swirling around them. Everyone was moving in different directions- gaunt and serious- walking with importance through the business district. I gradually made my way downtown- walking to the restaurant. 

The exterior of the building was large and grand- a wall of windows extending around the perimeter. The structure was made up of smooth marble- vines and lanterns cascading down the outside. Outside, the patio was covered in oak wooden tables and chairs- the red tablecloths contrasting beautifully against the white marble. 

The boundary of the tables were outlined by rectangular plant pots- full of flowers, herbs and plants. The flowers were a delicate work of art- their petals spread widely all over the marble canvass. As I passed them and stepped into the entrance of the building- I noticed that the restaurant was full. I looked around at the busy tables: an old couple eating side by side, a group of young women in their thirties and businessmen in their suits... 

The interior of the building was luxurious. The walls of the room were coated by a thick layer of white paint- covered by the black and white paintings allocated randomly across the restaurant. The floor was made from high quality polished wood- completely free of dust and scratches- covered by the dark walnut tables aligning the perimeter of the room. In the centre of the room there was a rectangular bar- alcoholic drinks hanging precariously above it- holding every hue of amber liquid in their inverted bottles. 

The back wall of the restaurant was covered in a wine rack. The wine bottles were their customary green- yet the deep crimson was still visible where the red wine sat within. I walked towards the back doors of the restaurant- immediately met by the captivating ocean view. 

I slowly made my way out onto the balcony, confronted by the cool breeze- stealing all of the warmth from my body. The ocean shore was jagged, the rocky outcrops like a torn piece of paper- meeting the rushing waves of every shade of blue, white and grey. The shore was a graceful arc of sand, glittering elegantly under the summer sun. 

"Hey Mila." Dinah said, smiling up at me from the table. She was sat with Ally and Normani- a glass of water in her hand. 

"Sorry, that took longer than expected..." I said apologetically, sitting down and picking up the menu. "That meeting went on forever- the directors would not stop talking." 

"Are you sure that's what took so long?" Dinah chuckled,

"Don't start..." I said- "Mine and Lauren's relationship is purely business, nothing else..." 

"You're blushing pretty hard talking about someone that's 'purely business'" Dinah mocked, smirking at me. 

"If she wants to be in denial let her... she's just delaying the inevitable." Normani joked, rubbing my arm sympathetically.

"I am not in denial..." I began, "She's my mentor, we have to spend lots of time together... it's normal..."

"Having a crush on your boss is also normal..." Dinah said "But you're still choosing to be in denial about that..."  

"Please can we change the subject... to something that doesn't involve Lauren..." I said, feeling the heat growing in my cheeks- and burying my head in the menu to hide the embarrassment spreading across my face.

The buzzer of my phone went off- Laurens name popping up across the screen. 

"Sorry guys I need to get this..." I said, picking up the phone and walking away from the table- swiping to answer the call and leaning against the fence of the balcony. 

"Good afternoon Miss Cabello..." Lauren said on the other end.

"Good afternoon Miss Jauregui... What can I help you with?" 

"Well, I just received a call from Carol..." she began, "And I have an impromptu conference at our New York branch... I fly out tomorrow and I'd like you to come with me..." she finished. 

"New York... You want to take me to New York?" I said.

"Well... Now you're my business partner... I want to bring you with me..."

"Business partner?" I chuckled "You better stop, you sound like you're beginning to appreciate all of the hard work I put into your company..." 

Lauren laughed,"As much as I love all of your hard work- that's not actually the reason I want you there...  But anyway, I already booked you a ticket, so you can't really turn me down..." 

"I'll be there- but you're going to have to talk to my boss..."

"Why's that?" Lauren said, lowering her voice. 

"Well, she likes turning down my work and she especially loves it when I have to work nights... So she won't be very happy with you." I chuckled. 

"I'll make sure to talk to her... Thank you so much Miss Cabello..." She began, "I'll see you back at the office..." 

I hung up the phone making my way back over to the table and sitting down.

"What's with that smile Miss Cabello" Dinah said,

"There's no smile..." I began, "Lauren is taking me to New York for a conference tomorrow-

"-Lauren's taking you to New York?!" Normani interrupted,

"Yes..." I said, "Why do you guys look so shocked?"

"Mila... She wouldn't even help anyone with their work before you... let alone take them on a trip to New York..." 

"It's not a trip... It's business..." 

"Ok Mila... Have fun ok?" Normani said,

"Fun?" Dinah giggled,

"Business Dinah!" I laughed "Grow up and eat your food!" 

Dinah laughed, winking at me playfully. 

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